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My Sayge
you opened my mind
to find something new
within my heart
to find a spark of joy
when I looked into your eyes
Times never change, Sappho//You could not weave and I could not write tonight//She asked me to write her essay for her (she hates English class) and I said yes—like a fool to the stockades//I turned my essay in late because of her but it
Even the smallest of her affections is your undoing
Wet footprints on the white sand that you won’t tread upon
Only the sea could ever erase the memory of her there
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“so, when should we have sex?”
her lips were cherry pink and quivering with insecure verve.
(did she have braces yet?)
At age twelve,
I was afraid of myself.
I could not explain my soul,
or even recognize it,
because I was convinced it was evil.
A childhood bathed in fear and anxiety,
all in the name of holiness,
She walks with confidence,
Her heels clicking with each step,
She blows a bubble as pink as her lips,
Her petticoat swishing side to side,