I am...Scholarship Slam 2015
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I'm not who I always thought I'd be
Dressed in pink instead of black
Pierced ears instead of nose
But I am who I am, I suppose.
I'm smart and driven
But also worrysome and distant
You ask who I am
And believe me I wish I knew
The journey to find who I really am was quite a task
Maybe I’m just someone else in disguise
Who uses a mask to hide their true identity?
I am...
I am the student who spends all of her time studying in an effort to achieve an unachievable perfection.
I am an avid reader who attempts to escape the harsh realities of life.
"Mommy mommy look at me!
Watch me twirl, watch me dance,
Mommy mommy, don't you agree!?!
Maybe I am a ballerina, I have a great chance!!!"
"Mommy mommy, I'm so pretty,
As a child I dreamt of my future self
A perfect combination of everything I wanted to be
But now, old and still growing, I’ve realized something
I care,
because I know there are distressed people everywhere.
Life gives everyone some pain,
and in it they continue to remain.
I want to give them that smile
that hasn’t come to them in a long while.
If someone were to tell me to describe myself, I wouldn’t be able to tell them in just a few words, it would be...
Car trips, laughter, sunshine, and hiking
I’m from milk with every meal
And Mom’s famous chili.
I’m from long games of Monopoly
with The Beatles playing the background.
I’m from leftovers,
Disney movies,
One fateful day,
in the heat of May,
A child was brought into the world.
But something was wrong,
and ended the song
as doctors announced her troubles.
Her eye was not right,