Poems from xXxTurtlezmexXx

xXxTurtlezmexXx's picture
I lost the one person i really cared about when i was 7. Now i am ok with it.. Well as ok as you can be. I lost others but he was the worst one. I became emo and suicidal. I am getting better now but to me, Suicide is extreme. It effects everyone around. I want to help others battling depression and suicide because i know how bad you need someone. One day, my cutting was really bad and i was really upset that day and i started cutting on the bus and not realizing it. I was struggling and crying but they stood by me and helped me through it, as they still are. I write to let the pen and paper take the place of a blade. I have scince i was little, it was my escape. wanna know more? My poetry tells my story. But not all of it. Im open about it but i have to be asked. Im random, spontaneous in actions, and crazy, but I am me and that wont ever change.
They take away our freedoms and expect us to be okay with it They make the rules now And leave us asking, "What happened to our rights?" We...
They give you strange looks They talk behind your back They are the bullies in your life You can’t seem to escape them You can’t seem to...
To cry out in anger To shed tears of hate Why are these caused by love? Can it be love tisnt good? Who, then, should not be a fool when...
blackness, the darkness of night, and the sorrows of day, storms and death, and everything along the way, gothic and emo, not bright and...
At night my worst fears come alive. As I lay in my bed, unable to find rest, I hear and see things I know are not so in the present. I see...
