Poems from vspence

vspence's picture
I never realized how much poetry could inspire someone. I found myself through writing the poetry that I have written. Poetry and music is the key to everything in my opinion. It's the key to who I am.
Dark power won't ever stand a chance. I feel the evil shadows and see them in a glance. I'll never let them reach my heart; Dark power...
You remember the night we met? I wasn't 18 yet. You said felt like you knew me And how next to me you felt so groovy.   The second I saw...
When you go to sleep and wake up with im on your mind, When you want him with you all of the time, When you can't stop seeing his face,...
Baby, when we first met I never felt something so strong. I knew there was something I needed. I don't know why I feel the way I do, I...
What did we do? Why is it always us? Everytime we turn around It's another balck person down on the ground. Why do people hate us so bad?...
