Poems from venuschild

venuschild's picture
There are many writings that remind us of home. Some are on books,others in songs and some in poetry.
8/19/14 How can I not have doubts that our love will end abruptly. How can you tolerate my feelings towards you?  I think it’s too much...
8/18/2014 . If you only knew how warm my heart has been for the past days that we have been together. Your smile brings such happiness to...
So silently she curls and falls asleep, yet her heart tells her otherwise. The pounding pain no one can see or understand vibrates through...
Finding such sweetness in strawberries Fill my cheeks with their red hue They gush in my mouth right to my heart.
Your hands came up empty Your heart became dry When everything was set to be done. Everything that was once love became fear Now here I...
