Poems from supermlm

Iḿ M, I like reading, writing, cooking, acting, and helping others. Good luck to other poets out there, and never give up on your dreams. No matter how hard it seems.
Covid-19 takes a toll,  everyone wearing a mask-doing their role, walking apon the ground of America´s soil, People socially distancing is...
waited and waited for you, all this time and nothing to do, soo much to gain in life and soo much too lose, you always wanted me to pick...
God, what's the plan? help me understand, I need to know that i'll always have some place to go,   is it straight and narrow, round and...
Feelings oh feelings come and go, Hold them in don’t let them show, Black lives matter too, Anger in the crowd of protestors grew, Who knew...
i'm on the sidelines trying to be free, needing sprout my own wings, can't seem to fly away on my own, left all alone,   it's all a life...
