Poems from savannah1340

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I am a snarky, sarcastic 19 year old girl from a town where only the people who live there know where it is. I love wildlife and reading and Ron Paul. I love Jesus and my cats and dogs. My brother might be my mother's favorite, but I'm Nana's girl. Currently thanking Jesus for providing me with the money for school without having to go in debt in Jesus' name amen.
Of all the prayers I've prayed for you And all the prayers to come This one means most dear to me The one where all the others branch from...
What is one thing That I cannot live without? At that my brain smiled And my heart laughed out loud There is no one thing That has control...
Why Me? Why was I cursed? Having a huge chest Is definitely the worst Nothing fits right I can't ever find a bra They're always too tight...