Poems from queerette

I'm a nineteen yer old from Colorado who is just trying to make it through life in one piece. I'm a queer feminist and a proud dog mum and hopefully a future cosmetologist. My tumblr is queerette.tumblr.com if you'd like to chat more (:
I am a daughter of divorced parents; one deadI am a sister to a half brother and half sisterI also have two step sisters and a step...
I never wanted you to fix mesew my ripped seamsbandage my woundsglue my chips and cracksduct-tape my limbsscare away my monstersfight my...
every morningI wakefor tea,but I'd ratherwaketo findyoulying nextto me
I fell in love with your laurel green eyes and how they turned the colour of staw when the sun would kiss your pale cream skinHow your...
On the first daymy eyes metyou,I wasfascinated.I dreamedof my fingertipstracingyour body; trembling over each curveI wanted totasteyour...