Poems from marisajshepard

My name is Marisa, which is what I typically respond to-- however, if you are reading this and wish to embark on an endeavor of confusion, you may try to call me something else! Labels, right?
I am a Kent State University undergraduate, double-majoring in applied conflict management and political science with a sub-major international relations and comparative politics. As if that load (and mouthful) weren't enough, a writing minor may await in my future. I am thoroughly passionate about about writing and poetry. and I seek to to further incorporate those passions into my education. I love Star Trek, Shakespeare, postcards, jars, learning languages (I am in the midst of studying Mandarin Chinese), and dreaming of travelling the world. I also love coffee for a myriad of purposes, including-- but absolutely not limited to-- consumption, smelling, and the emotional bond formed between myself and its hot, bean-y goodness.
Over time, “human” became a synonym for “flawed,”a synonym for “weak,”and a synonym for “cruel.”Over time, humanity became an excuse to...
Deafness or blindness:
"Choose one," they say.
I would choose deafness
on any given day.
Goodbye to melodies,
goodbye to glass crashing...