Poems from jd.maddox

Momma used to say, Robins only come when the rain goes away.   I used to look out the dust ice carved windows, Holding close to me the...
I told myself I could not love, My capability hands diminished after you.   My prayers could not be sent to god, so the sky still stays...
You’re not one to smile with praise, So I settle for your melancholy gaze.   It’s through your ocean eyes I wade, but as the years go on...
I say I paint to relieve the pain, Well I guess thats true, But it still doesnt take away, The memory of you.   You see, I could paint for...
Guns, Bombs, Air raids.   I watch in awe as the laughtr fades. One dead body, Three more on their way.   I wonder what their parents will...
