Poems from hades.rat

hades.rat's picture
I am a non-binary pan-sexual who goes by they/them pronouns. I love anying that has to do with art like drawing, writing, reading, music, and painting. I want to make a difference through my words even if it is just a small one. I want to change how this world is , change how it thinks. I speak for women rights , gay rights , trans rights , and everyone's rights. I speak up for the people who can't do it for their selves. I have a voice bigger than Mount Everest and I show that I do where ever i go. I speak for suicide prevention and try and help the people who self harm. I am me.
my feelings are a complicated subject. they are the things id rather not show unless words get crowded in my head or the butterflies in my...
Lights out. Music on. The smell of Whiskey in read cups and cigarette smoke blinds my other senses. I feel sick, so I slowly start walking...
Of the stars shining so quiet and bright. Hanging in the sky by strings in rapid arrangements by people too busy to hang them neatly. The...
when the air comes in and out of my lungs. this is how i know i am alive, how i know that i am still human, and how i know my mistakes are...
you didnt break me. because it was never your job to break me. your job was to fix me, well at least i thought tt was. you made me realize...
