Poems from delia.fawn4856

delia.fawn4856's picture
I love cats. Just sayin. They are amazin and their fur it be crazin and tho they be lazin these words that I statin, be true. But in all seriousness (just kidding, who would want to be serious) I love writing poetry and singing and the best thing about those two things is that any poem can become a song and any song, a poem. So go ahead and look at my work :) it's pretty legit :P
What is the price we have paid We have all thrown away Our lives Trying to impress people we despise   But its not worth it in the end We...
When I think of you, I try to imagine only the good But the memories are fading fast, a flash to the past Reminding me of crying Of lying...
I look at everything around me  And I realize It wasn't a dream All these things the real and unseen  Are a part of me You can't erase,...
Are you listening? Of course you're not Because you're on the phone talking  to her   You think I don't see  You looking at me  When her...
