Poems from darkness of the valley

I'm a dreamer, a student, a teacher, a friend, an enemy, anything you make me to be :) it's either adore me or don't. I questions everything and use sarcasm freely. I know kind words but am harsh when I need to be... I have ADHD, so my ideas bounce from place to place I love stars so I love space. my skin is coffee with a lot of cream and a dash of cinnamon I'm a lot of things, race wise. I aspire to go to college preferably NYU!! When I grow up I want to be poet laureate of America one day and by then I want to have a book or two... or 7 (one can dream) I love words like fish love water like Mickey loves Minnie. I can speak English, a little Spanish, and a bit more French than Spanish, I can say Bananna in German.... so does that mean I can speak it? My top 3 comic book characters are Deadpool, Wolverine, and Robin Although I'm a huge fan of the Batman series, I personally feel that Robin carries the whole series. (and he's super cute!) I have a boyfriend, and We're complete opposites. But I love him anyways. I also have a little sister... I was born in Harlem, raised on an Island and this is my bio.
When I was little the mirror would tell me I was pretty despite the smudges of chocolate on my slightly pudgy cheeks, or wild frizzy hair I...
Its been said the craziest things happen when the sun shuts his eyes, when the moon lifts her head is when the freaks rise the jade carpets...
