Poems from Ronstoppable98
I don't know
how to surrender,
So I'll go to
God, weep at
his feet, and
beg for Him
to kick His
evil, lazy servant
down, and take
the bag...
The world, the
Movie I watch
I see before my
Eyes is too
Horrific to watch,
So in fear, I
Look away
And I am
Transported into
A room,...
I have a question
And do answer this
With the truth,
The whole truth,
And nothing but the
How big are
The tassles you
The Pharisees
Whisked her by
Her feet
The Pharisees
Placed her at
The scaffold
The Pharisees
Made her stand
For her shame
You knew what
Was coming
You heard the
Smoke signals
Shooting from
Your heard their
Voices yell for
You to turn around