Jephthah, Judge of Israel
Bore from the
Womb of a
Branded cow,
The calves who
Had no blemish
Minus the pin from
Refused him the
Grass that rotted
Their branded teeth.
So he escaped from
That ranch, with
A searing brand
On his chest
And it was the
Stray desert snakes
Who welcomed, with
Slithering arms
And they fed him
Juice from the
Prickly cacti,
And when the cattle
Saw the incoming
A cowboy with
A suffocating lasso,
They remembered,
The shining red brand
Their brother was adorned
And they went
To Shur,
Searching for water
But finding none
Then, grazing in
The cacti, they
Saw him, that
Branded cow
And Jephthah
Saw how red
Their asses were
And saw that
They were red,
Dull, asses
And they pleaded
For him,
The bitter taste
In their mouths
Although he had
Found the cacti's
Juice much more
He knew that
His bull-red physique
Would win over the ranch
So the lasso
Came, trying to
Round up the cattle,
But Jephthah,
With his blazing
Red chest,
Grew horns of
Fire, and the cowboy
Saw the red flag in
His hand
Jephthah charged
Mighty as a lion,
Pinning the cowboy
Down to the swallowing,
Hungry ground
And 250 of the cowboy's
Herd, turned into burnt offerings
From Jephthah's shallow cup
And his iron brand
Was all over the gates
Of the ranch,
As the cattle were rounded up
By Jephthah, to journey
Four days a year
For the sake of his calf,
Who had died a brave warrior
In the battle,
A Joan of Arc his daughter was,
As her ashes turned into a
Dove, watching over the cattle.
And his loyal herd
Would scatter, the minute
He would become a dove
And the Phoenixes, with their
Fiery flames, the two would
Fly from the cinders they
Were once forced to lay in,
The ashes they were once
Grieving in,
Had become wedding flowers
Of honor,
As the cattle would dance
In the ashes they once
Threw the Phoenixes in.