Poems from Raenarock

Raenarock's picture
I mostly write depressing stuff, because that's my mood more times than not. I fall in love way too easily, and struggle so very hard when it doesn't work out. I don't really think my poetry is all that good, That's why I'm putting my stuff on here. I strongly welcome criticism, even if you don't want to be nice about it. I hope to make a few friends on here, in all honesty. I recently lost everyone that meant anything to me... Again. So I mean, I could use a few friends.
Cut Cut Cut, Visions of bloody wrists flash in my head. Cut Cut Cut, I start to puncture and soon I will be dead. Cut Cut Cut, I sit in...
Memories of laughter rush throughout my mind, While flashes of what we used to be appear. From role playing at the part, To lying in the...
You say you care about me, But where are you when needed? You take away my happy thoughts, Replacing them with sadness and pain. With knife...
As I sit and stare at my awaiting canvas, Thoughts race throughout my mind. I wince as I start designing. And the pain slowly fades away....
