Poems from Raenarock

Raenarock's picture
I mostly write depressing stuff, because that's my mood more times than not. I fall in love way too easily, and struggle so very hard when it doesn't work out. I don't really think my poetry is all that good, That's why I'm putting my stuff on here. I strongly welcome criticism, even if you don't want to be nice about it. I hope to make a few friends on here, in all honesty. I recently lost everyone that meant anything to me... Again. So I mean, I could use a few friends.
I grow more depressed, As her voice grow more feint. I wait for the inevitable, As I fall deeper into darkness. She said for all eternity,...
You've taken something close to me, It's like a part of me is missing. The pain is getting worse, And the voices grow louder. Nothing seems...
The slow and steady beat of one's heart, So relaxing that I could listen all day and night. The very thing that could help drift into...
Alone and afriad, I stumbled in and out of relationships. I started to lose hope, In what I believed to be love. Then we started talking, I...
I sat and waited for the end, Slowly fading from existence. I've been used for the last time, It's time to gives this foolish life up. That...
