Poems from Portercap7

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My name is Christian Porter. I struggle with anxiety and depression and writing seems to help a lot.I have always been interested in many forms of writing. My dream is to be able to write and direct films. I also enjoy poems, I feel that you express so much just in a few words.
I am swimming as hard as I can  I am way past the point of tired  no matter how hard I swim I am still drowning  I have no sense of hope...
Days and days pass by and nothing is changing I’m trying my hardest to beat this, the pills , the exercises, the breathing. And nothing....
Some people think it’s the location  Some think it’s your relationships Some think it’s the weather  Some think it’s how much sleep your...
I’m so scared  Scared to love again I’ve been alone for so long I’ve built a wall that keeps me safe I’m to worried to let the wall down ...
I fell in love with the sky because  no matter when i would look up no matter what the weather was the sky would always bring me to a...