Poems from Oksana_Sol

Oksana_Sol's picture
Read my words, they're pieces of my story of what I've seen and know.
The system is ridiculous to the ridonculous! It is the biggest scam that we know, yet we zip up our vocal cords and shush. Have we let...
He has been slit with the razors of their tongues His lips were too afraid to speak his pride His heart became shallow and afraid, his...
They've traumatized my skin with their envious ways  I used to glitter a nice fair color, proud to be light and brave to show my body type...
He has been slit with the razors of their tongues His lips were too afraid to speak his pride His heart became shallow and afraid, his...
The buzzing of my cell phone blurs your number into view My heart stutters. My anger dwells itself into confused tears. And yet, there's a...
