Poems from Makaveli's Offspring

I love /all/ types of music like a source of oxygen. I'm a female Gemini with an addictive personality and bipolar emotions. My current obsession is Tupac Shakur.
Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. I repeat in a unison of three, specifically. I'm tired of this life and all that it has become. I'm so numb and...
Have you ever lay silently still and listened to the sound of an orchestrated piano solo play peacefully in your ears and wonder how...
What do I feel when I think of you?
I feel like a caged bird. Afraid to fly because the weather is too stormy or the sun is too hot. I...
I loved you and I lost you. I only got myself to blame too. They say niggas ain't supposed to feel. Like you soft or weak and you gotta be...
The demon of loneliness sits on my chest as I lay down in bed, thinking of a life where I'd be able to say I'm happy and mean it. The...