Poems from Maddyfmab
Like a colony of trees,
Resources we share for all to bare
Twist and swerve; curl and duck
Drawing in and in, each winding root
To say you don't matter, the words
Pour from the mouth, lips frozen in a
Cold front of all things unkind.
Each syllable slides like ice,...
Here we flutter, soar, and fly
Abuzz, for all to see, an iridescent sky
Our pride, with which we manage,
Asserting our presence, flags...
Are they the enemy?
I've always asked myself, just where do their priorities lie? Who is on my side?
Young, weak, trembling,
I stand...
To feel you were meant to be more,
It is a feeling I know well
And with grief, my heart does swell
No hubris, to that which may quell