Poems from Lucian A. Sperta

Lucian A. Sperta's picture
Published Author and Poet over 25 books in paper back and digital books Selected American Library Association 2015 Model Citizen 2013 Writer of the Month Meridan 1989 American Society of Authors Composers and Publishers since 1994 #8 Hot Top 100 Hot New Release in Poetry #1 Best in Photo Essay Amazon.com Some people think I expose myself too much in what I say in my poems, I don't consider myself a poet as much as I feel I am a story teller, how can one write subjected to other peoples point of view on how I write, what I write, and how I express myself. This is my journey and self expression is how I choose to deal with it; words, writing has been the outlet where I control without fear, without shame, the pen and paper will never betray you. A poet is one, I believe, can take a surgical scalpel to the soul and let it bleed what it truly feels.....
Can I be whole? Can I be new? Can I be the caterpillar as it renews Can I fly away? On tattered wings Or remained trapped in this misery...
It burns the skin These tears of sin Like acid rain, the years the pain The hands that touched the naked thigh Holding my breath until I...
Me aging Slowly fading No masquerades Skin so thin Hair around the ear This is funny this is weird What will become of these bones? When I...
You look at me and see that I am free No longer polluted by your chaos and disease- In remaining pure I feel secure These eyes that speak a...
The News They said There is this dread growing in my head A fifty percent chance of being dead No remedy but to cut it out Squirming in my...
