Poems from Lorem Corpus

Oh, am I ugly. But hey, what're you gonna do?
Female, teen, actually incredibly stupid, human. That's essentially it.
How to Be Liked
Do not do as you're told.
Challenge authority - politely.
Respect others' boundaries.
Break all of your own.
I am Terrified.
Not all the time, no. Only when I look in the mirror
and see
a girl who doesn't know where she fits
and a girl who doesn't...
Let's take a guy - hey, let's call him Joel.
Joel's a jock. You know Joel; big guy, beefcake, brawny. Brainless? Maybe. More like...
People ask me why I don't date in the same way they'd ask a sick man what's wrong with him.
They say it as if choosing to be single is a...