Poems from Lizaf Asifan

Lizaf Asifan's picture
Hey, I'm seventeen, and many of those years have been spent devouring Italian mint chocolate chip ice-cream. I love Italian mint chocolate-chip ice-cream. You should really know that: that I LOVE ITALIAN MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP ICE-CREAM (okay, I think you get the picture now, huh?).
Life of Year 11s. Exams in July. Just remember: coursework's due, deadline is July. We're going abroad -  your cousin's wedding in July!...
Late for the bus in the morning. Late for dinner, oh, well, we'll have to skip that. Late for that show, dammit, watch online, again. Late...
Now, I'm not talking about "opression" nor about regression, of the Middle Eastern civilisations.   I just want to adress, how I wish to...
The words come out of my mouth, They pull at my guts, and feel like sandpaper on my tongue: but i still say them, I bark them into the wind...
