Poems from Jenny

Jenny's picture
Most of the poems I write are based on my life. But I love to write when I'm bored or regardless.
Over and over they raped her Made her feel as if she wasn't there Touched her innocent body Left her in despair The night would bring for...
You can see them, Sittng there staring at the same at the sun, Growing old together, as if the days won't run They enjoy each others...
Inside my heart are a pile of needles, they stick me often, making me bleed internally This pain is caused by an unknown man A man that...
She's like a rose that grew out of the concrete. My light in a world of confusion. When she opens her mouth to share her knowledge, Its...
Teacher these days are just ignorant They like to teach us stuff we already know. When you correct them, you suffer a consequence, Or you...
