Poems from Gabu Curtis

Umaskini kizungumkuti Linifanya npigwe buti Sababu sina suti Nliitamani mauti Tatizo sina mali Ufukara yangu hali Kazi yangu uhemali...
Am thinking while writing, Aint silent cause my mind is shouting, My heart is screaming, And my fingers screaching on these pages, Faces of...
As time passes, My hopes raises, Ma faith increases, Ma worries fades, I wake up and pray for all people, I look up for God to take my...
Its through shame that i rose to fame, Its through blame that i won the game, I had to fast to be the first, I had nothing like ash, See me...
I write this for you mum, Hope it reaches you in time, I know its gonna be a suprise, That will leave you in suspense, For sure you the...
