Poems from Dmcculley

You are one in a million. That means there are 320 of you in the U.S. Find yourself. Create an army. Overthrow the government of a small midwestern town.
I am a spoken word poet and that is the format the majority of my work will be. Some of these are work from the heart and some I did for school. I am a actor, a horseback rider, a sister, a member of the LGBT+ community, and an extreme introvert. I love kids, Netflix, video games, my pets, and I suck at every language I try other than Latin. (weird I know) I'm a Pisces on the Aires cusp. I act a whole lot like it too.
Women aren't property
Until they are.
Paraded down the street
Beautiful and silent
Forced to produce
Without any question
Stroke the male...
Ink on a page
Filled with color
Lines of stories never told
Sequences of secrets
Never unfold
People never breathed into creation
What makes us human
Some say love
Some may say soul
I say 3 bottles of beer
An engine, spare parts
And a bucket of stupidity...
You see the holes carved into my skin
You say what happened
“Itchy bug bites”
no no that’s not what it is
You see the lines etched deep in...
There once was a girl A girl with music In her heart Cracks in her headScars on her skin A girl who hates her own birthday Because of...