Poems from Daovan

Daovan's picture
ive been writing since i could comprehend sentences. my passion is o become someone i could one day admire. i only hope people enjoy my poems and my poems can one day change something.
It's 5:56 in the afternoon  I just came home from school Most of my teachers were really on my ass today Cause I "Didn't seem excited...
They say you make your best masterpieces when you ya self are in piecesScrambling to try to put together something that may seem...
They said" well maybe you're just, broken."Can't be welded and mendedMaybeThe one reason you like Coldplay so much is because they have...
They say birds of a feather spose to stick together but it's almost as if my flock den flew off and  I'm on my own.  See I was like a...
  I seem to have this strange obsession with Fire It burns It melts things It destroys It creates It is The Epitome of My mother My mother...
