Poems from Danoe509

Danoe509's picture
I am not a natural born citizen; I was born and raised in my homeland, Haiti. I was brought to the United States when I was 8 years old with high hopes of starting a bigger and better life in America. I went to school, did extracurricular activities, community service, anything and everything I could do to stand out and improve my life. As my senior year of high school approached and ended there was little to any chance that I would be able to attend college. College was what I wanted and needed to be recognized as someone of intellect. I had no family support here in America. The immediate family I have here were fine with just getting by, working pay check to pay check. That did not sit well in my stomach because I knew I was brought to America to achieve the American dream so many other immigrants are in search of. As time passed, I knew I had to be brave for my family and make a name for myself. At the age of 20, I applied and have been accepted to Florida International University. I am a first generation college student but I am more determined than ever to build a future for myself. I have no immediate support but I will not give up on my dreams. As I enter into the university my only mindset is success. With this scholarship and others similar I hope to excel and achieve all.
“What is the meaning of life?” Some say life is a punishment we are paying for our sins. But how can we finish paying for something that’s...