“What is the meaning of life?”
Some say life is a punishment we are paying for our sins.
But how can we finish paying for something that’s without an end.
Some say life is predetermined, from the day you are born till the day you are worn.
But what is free will if our lives have been outlined and determined.
What is freedom if what we are doing was already planned for us?
Was I born to be who I am today? Or was there more to me than, living and dying?
Some say one must live life in order to know its true meaning.
But how can one live without purpose or guidance?
I say life has no meaning.
It is what you make of it that gives it meaning, a great man once said,
“It is not who you were at birth that matters, but what you do with the time you are given, the moment of your death is fixed, and life is nothing but a journey to its completion”.
So, what is really the meaning of life?
It is the amount of work we put into life in order to harvest the most out of it.
Everyone’s life has a different meaning, it all depends on how much we want it to have one.