Poems from Brynja1012

I began my love for poetry so long ago I can't even begin to put a date on it.
* WARNING Many of the topics I write about have to do with my life, so sometimes my poems can get a bit personal. But, most of the time they can just be a form of conceptional art.
Forgive me if the poems are too vague, I taught myself how to write poems based symbolism techniques, so a lot of the nouns in my poems stand for other things. (which is in almost every case)
Thank you in advance for reading. =D
They kmow not of why they give.
Their reason for giving has disappeared behind their lids of wax paper.
Their feigned love has seeped away...
Gentle rolling was heard past the paper thin walls.
What had caused that rolling sound?
A rolling chair?
A fallen can rolling across the...
You slap me, hit me, and rape me like a hound.
Do you think I am your toy? Am I your pet you can treat in any manner you wish?
You put me...
Sheets- warm and cozy- ocean waves of blue
Arms- long and frail- bones of the ancients
Walls- brick and iron- let no one escape
The day rose so gently that it was almost unnoticeable.
How lithe did the sun creep up my pale skin.
The softness,
The niftiness of the...