Poems from Aired-out
Hello my name is Ariell. Im a 21 year old young lady from Riverside california who has an intense longing to be heard to be apart of something much bigger then me. I want to help make a difference in this world through poetry! Im not sure why spoken word and poetry appeal to me, maybe its the stories behind each one, maybe its the subliminal messages....either way i have a love for it and can only hope to meet others with the same passion and dreams!
I cant find love, it seems hidden behind kisses that take your breath away
behind hand holding and sweet smiles
I cant find love, it only...
Color Me Red
For every drop of blood shed,
for every soldier standing at attention, for all the others i forgot to mention,
for every...
Because im just not pretty enough, I stand here in the nude
trying to love each handle, Each roll that i created
i count the marks in hopes...