Wed, 01/08/2014 - 14:19 -- Quetta1

From the time you were born you have always been told to be the best you can be, but how can you do such a thing when living the way of the world is all you can see, you want to be like everyone on tv you want to fit in, not knowing who you are you know that person you're hiding within, From the new generation music everyone is a gangster, your school work is a burden, no ones getting paid we all want the same thing, no matter what it takes, We blame our bad mistakes on our mothers who never taught us about our fathers, all she can say is he left without us, wondering all your life is it something she did, or does my father just have the mind frame of a 12 year old kid, get rich or die trying is the motto, oh wait thats yolo or in our case #YOWO, I pick up my pen and paper and let the words flow out, you see me I'm all about writing and my words are real, I've been through the worldly pains played the same "I give up" games, now I'm living my own way and I'm in first place


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