Your End

Tue, 04/21/2015 - 00:39 -- azsxw1

I wanna cry

but the tears won't show

I wanna try

but this life won't flow


you know


It's one more life

 living on your own

 you think you got it all down

then you're stuck with a loan

not knowing, where you're going

what you're showing or who's left

when the wind starts blowing


your life's a vapor in the sea

and all that is or is not to be

the question is answered

only with you


because you make your paths

you make your life

you choose what right

even when the cash is tight

you make the darkest hour

you make them bright again

and you have the right to choose

it's your end


when it's his father that taught him how

12 years he left his son

just because he held a shop with a gun

and now this boy looks for his dad

looks though the drugs that he had

hoping one more ticket will be his ticket home

the boy still does see


your life's a vapor in the sea

and all that is or is not to be

the question is answered

only with you


because you make your paths

you make your life

you choose what right

even when the cash is tight

you make the darkest hour

you make them bright again

and you have the right to choose

it's your end


It's a young little girl

who want her hair to curl

in front of the toilet she hurls

hoping some day she'll be right

her mother never noticed

she was busy with a man

so she begged her to notice

with a mouth and a hand


can you blame kids these days

for the image sent to them

life is tough

but don't turn this into a lion's den

just state was is true

and always be you

if life is had right now

then just change your view

because life will be hard

for more than just too

the world is in trouble

we never will be few

so for now

lets state what's true

and always be you


because you make your paths

you make your life

you choose what right

even when the cash is tight

you make the darkest hour

you make them bright again

and you have the right to choose

it's your end


because you make your paths

you make your life

you choose what right

even when the cash is tight

you make the darkest hour

you make them bright again

and you have the right to choose

it's your end

This poem is about: 
My family
My community
My country
Our world


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