You Me and Him
You say I'm gorgeous.
You hold me tight and tell me it's okay,
You wiped away all the tears from him.
You showed me love
You actually met my family.
You will never understand me,
My disease,
My voices,
My pain.
You don't mind my silence,
My violence,
My clingy ness
My ever loyal heart.
You are the most beatiful person,
You have a heart of gold,
You have an amazing soul,
You fix me from all his damage,
You let me be me.
He wanted something different,
He wanted me to talk,
He wouln't listen when I did,
He didn't tell me I was pretty to him,
He didn't like my music,
He didn't like my style,
He didn't like my coffee addiction,
He didn't like my friends,
My heart,
My love,
My mistakes made him upset,
I often wonder why he wanted me,
If he didn't like me for me.