You Lucky Double
I know you are sad
I have never said hello
We see each other all the time
Never wave
Always smile
You have laughed at my jokes
Not looking back to compliment me
But I know you are sad
You put on a show
Laughing and smiling
I know
I do it too
I know you
I hate how others ask how I'm feeling
When I am visibly crying
I say I am fine
But am I?
Are you?
We are simalar, you and I
We create different identities
So nobody knows what is inside
You are a better actor
You are popular
I am not
I'm just middle class
I write my words
You speak them
I tell the truth
Do you?
I have never said hello
But I complemented your hair
You thought I was someone else
Until you saw me
You smiled
I smiled back
We laugh at the same things
But are we really laughing?
I am now
Are you?
I suround myself with those who are my friends
You do too
You lucky double
I wish we could be friends
I am going to see you again
I will
But now, it is the weekend
I know
I'll see you till then
It will be just so