You Knew Why The Caged Bird Sings (Maya Angelou Tribute)
You knew why the caged bird sings.
Your words whispered to me
From pages written in ink
But made with blood.
You told me
It's not where you come from
That defines you.
You reminded me
It's not other people's choices
That bind you.
Your words offered comfort
Strength and understanding
For a young woman
Struggling to know herself
In a world that knows her
By a profile picture
And a status update.
Where life can't be made of
Carefully chosen photos
And Googled quotes.
Where friendships have to be
Forged and cultivated
Not "tagged" as if claiming
"We're friends! We're exclusive!"
"Look how much fun we're having!"
You brought your problems to the table.
You sat them down and addressed them.
You took your past and present hand-in-hand
And walked with them into a future
Of your own creating.
And you told to me to do the same.