You Don't Want My Life
You say you would love to have my life,
You can definitely have it.
Maybe after this you will think twice.
It isn’t that great,
You may not like the price.
“I would kill to have your body!”
Funny, my body is killing me.
I don’t think I’m pretty.
My body is really shitty.
I’m always sick, always in pain,
Tell me you want it again.
Good grades,
sure I’ve got them.
But all I ever get are tirades.
I’m sick of these charades.
Happy child, Happy family.
Well that’s not me.
Abusive, overly religious parents,
Never happy with anything I do.
You are any parent’s dream child?
You’re not good enough. Fuck you.
Always trying to please,
I’m tired of these bullies.
Always insulting me,
Telling me what I should be.
No one accepts me as I am.
Am I not good enough?
Their words like a battering ram,
Making me tough.
People made me leery,
Words make me weary.
We live in a world where we can’t speak our mind,
Because the truth isn’t always kind.
I am condemned for not lying,
For answering what you’re asking,
Free from deceit.
Truth is now obsolete.
We live backwards,
A society of unattainable standards.
Girls that aren’t paper-thin are ugly and fat,
When did we become okay with that?
Girls starve themselves to be beautiful.
Thinking their bodies are shameful.
Aspiring to be thin enough to blow away,
Your kind truthful words hold no sway.
The way we treat women isn’t fair,
Demanding they be lighter than air.
Women aren’t respected,
Simply because they aren’t men.
Women must be beautiful to be heard.
Isn’t that just absurd?
I speak my mind and I’m a bitch,
I demand respect, so I’m uptight.
Well that’s not right.
A male dominant society.
They do what they please,
With such ease,
No questions asked.
But I try to accomplish anything,
And I hit a wall.
People are just waiting for me to fall.
Because women aren’t people at all.
When will I be a person too?
When will I have equality?
When are women going to be treated as if they are more than decoration?