You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 5
Copyright © by Nikhil Parekh
All rights reserved. No Part of this book publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording, Print or otherwise, without prior permission of Copyright owner and Author, Nikhil Parekh.
About The Poetry Book -
This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems , is actually Part 5 of the Book titled – You die; I die – Love Poems ( 1600 pages ) . Poems symbolizing the immortality of love and at times its fickleness. Parekh takes the reader through a paradise naturally embellished with the ingredients of eternal romance and its sporadic failures. As they say life and death are two sides of the coin, similarly with every true anecdote of love there also comes fretful divorce—a thing which has been most sensitively described throughout this great collection of poems for the heart. Written and dipped in each ingredient of his passionate blood, Parekh comes out with startling revelations about the truest of love stories and their failures. Each verse has been delicately intertwined with a boundless aspects of relationships, romance, cheating, betrayal and goes on to prove that Immortal Love towers over every shattered heart. A start to finish with some of the most heart-rendering love poems ever, this makes a great collection for ever true lover breathing and desiring to be loved on earth and beyond. This collection of poems aims at perpetually uniting every heart on this Universe in the spirit of Immortal love and friendship. Because these are the two quintessential ingredients to lead life till its last breath. Irrespective of whatever color, faith or religion, it is only the rainbow of love which can transform the ghastliest monsters and perpetrators of humanity into peaceful lovers. Therefore this book inexhaustibly endeavors to speak and preach the language of love even after its last embossed alphabet.
Just touching her skin; doesn’t mean that you were brutally forcing her,
Just winking at her doesn’t mean; that you were perpetually proposing her,
Just playing with her voluptuous hair; doesn’t mean that you compassionately cared about her,
Just staring into her rubicund eyes; doesn’t mean that you understood every iota of her pain,
Just sitting beside her enchanting grace; doesn’t mean that you audaciously shouldered all her miseries in life,
Just tightly clasping her dainty palms; doesn’t mean that you understood what she actually desired from life,
Just mischievously pinching her skin; doesn’t mean that you were making her feel like an immaculate child,
Just taking her out in your swanky car; doesn’t mean that you were pacifying every need of her existence,
Just inscribing her name with a knife on your chest; doesn’t mean you were more passionate about her; than the angels in the sky,
Just uttering her name umpteenth number of times in a minute; doesn’t mean that you made her every dream manifest into a reality,
Just traversing behind her like a shadow; doesn’t mean that you could read what was incessantly going on in her heavenly mind,
Just philandering with her on the romantic mountains; doesn’t mean that you were the greatest lover born on this earth,
Just gifting her with some conventionally sleek contraptions; doesn’t mean that you had veritably stolen her heart forever,
Just pacing around her seductive countenance; engulfed by a river of nervous sweat; doesn’t mean that you could wholesomely commiserate with her proliferating sorrow,
Just wishing her the earliest on her birthday; doesn’t mean that you topped her list of boundless admirers,
Just wholesomely applauding her melodiously captivating voice; doesn’t mean that you comprehended the agony besieging her soul,
Just frequenting her dwelling insurmountable number of times in the day; doesn’t mean that you were the closest to her; till the time she breathed,
Just emulating her every impeccable action; doesn’t mean that you were her greatest connoisseur,
And just marrying her in the most grandiloquent fashion on this earth; doesn’t mean that you really loved her; had made her yours for times even beyond; what you could contemplate .
For me to smile; it was indispensable that her laughter punctuated profoundly beyond; the realms of fathomless sky,
For me to transiently think; it was indispensable that she unrelentingly fantasized; transgressed through the corridors of profusely enigmatic enchantment,
For me to read; it was indispensable that she had mastered all the scriptures on this boundless planet; already written the wordings of handsome tomorrow,
For me to chew; it was indispensable that she had tasted the most voluptuously exotic fruits that were laden on the trees; filling her majestic belly; bountifully beyond the realms of unprecedented contentment,
For me to win; it was indispensable that she was the invincible emperor; incarcerating every living being in the swirl of her celestially captivating countenance,
For me to whisper; it was indispensable that she sang the most stupendously ingratiating rhymes of the forest; mesmerized infinite entities on earth with her
rhapsodically mesmerizing voice,
For me to flirt; it was indispensable that she loved till times beyond this globe existed; languished in the aisles of insatiable desire with her soul mate,
For me to walk; it was indispensable that she had exuberantly explored every cranny of astronomically gigantic cosmos; tread her dainty foot on the most tantalizing blankets of vibrant yearning,
For me to clap; it was indispensable that she euphorically thumped the air infinite number of times; incessantly bounced on the drums of palpable life for
centuries immemorial,
For me to admire; it was indispensable that she had captured all incredulously fabulous beauty on land in her impeccable eyes; nostalgically reminisced those
moments when she took her first cry as a child,
For me to enjoy; it was indispensable that she relentlessly floated on cloudbursts of mystically surreal imagination; far away from the vagaries of this uncouthly monotonous society,
For me to run; it was indispensable that she fell like streaks of royally white lightening from the sky; instilling a wave of insurmountable passion in every entity lifelessly withering away towards the grave,
For me to feel good; it was indispensable that she relished every unfurling minute of spell binding existence; lived the day to countless hours even beyond the inevitable sunset,
For me to be innocent; it was indispensable that she perennially remained that immaculate angel; ebulliently playing in her mothers lap,
For me to wish; it was indispensable that she acquired all richness that lay embedded in the colossal atmosphere; metamorphosed her every evanescent perception into reality,
For me to adore; it was indispensable that she was the nearest to the Almighty Creator; thoroughly astounded by his unsurpassably vast chapters of creation,
For me to rest; it was indispensable that she possessed the magical prowess of sleeping even when entrenched by heinous viciousness; perpetually remained in a heavenly slumber; which none around could ever break,
For me to foresee; it was indispensable that she was the ultimate master of her own destiny; lead each instant of her life; to the most unprecedented of her hearts content,
And for me to breathe; it was indispensable that she lived for unfathomable more lives even if I failed to take birth again; benevolently consolidated my attempts of making this earth a better place to live in; even after I lay stone lipped in my grave .
When I was trespassing through the profusely verdant lawns; I waited for the rain to pelt down in tumultuous fury; drench every agonized pore of my skin with mesmerizing globules of water,
When I was wandering through the dungeons; I waited for the serpent to crawl up my nape; mystically whisper its tales of ingratiating enchantment into the chords of my sensitive eardrum,
When I was loitering through the aisles of the grandiloquent hotel; I waited for my fellow compatriot waiter to serve me dinner; and invite me wholeheartedly inside,
When I was lying on the temple doorstep; I waited for the sacrosanct bells to ring; God's approbations to the new expeditions of my unveiling life,
When I was digging sandcastles on the shores; I waited for the tangy waves to engulf me in entirety; catapult and wholesomely encapsulate in the realms of exuberant fantasy,
When I was contemplating on the 100th floor of the colossal edifice; I waited for the conglomerate of voluptuously seductive clouds to majestically sweep past my rubicund cheeks,
When I was pathetically strangulated in the monotonous office; I waited for those moments when I would race out like a volcano; thump my fists in unprecedented exhilaration towards blissful carpets of breeze,
When I was tossing in inexplicable nervousness on my king poster bed; I waited for my revered mother to give me a peck on my cheek; make me feel like the most invincible entity on this Universe,
When I was incarcerated by the winds of thunderously snoring sleep; I waited for unfathomably gorgeous dreams to perpetuate into my mind; transport me into a land of insatiable ecstasy,
When I was haplessly brooding over my brutal destiny on the cold ground; I waited for my mischievous sister to pummel me in the ribs; make me shrug all responsibility to be a new born child once again,
When I was on the astronomically mammoth summit of the mountain; I waited for the first rays of the Omnipotent Sun to kiss me; completely annihilate even
the most minuscule trace of devil lingering in my countenance,
When I was in the heart of the jungle; I waited for the royally undaunted lion to arrive; instill in me loads of incomprehensible conviction; with just his single solitary roar,
When I was overwhelmingly tense and frazzled beyond capacity under the mind-boggling work load; I waited for a magnanimous yawn; releasing me uninhibitedly from corridors of desperation,
When I was seated abreast the golden mellow of the ornate candle; I waited for infinite lines of romantic poetry to flow in torrential downpours from my
fingers; encompassing all the fragrant beauty whispering on this planet,
When I was staring unrelentingly towards the cosmos; I waited for the resplendent moon to arrive; illuminate the profound darkness of my soul with its festoon of immaculately shimmering rays,
When I was relentlessly marching on my path to save dwindling humanity; I waited for blessings to shower from the sky; to metamorphose my humble mission into a perpetual reality,
When I was dozing under the gigantic tree; I waited for the coconut to trip down; pacifying the traumatized valleys in my throat with its stupendously
rejuvenating water,
When I robustly inhaling and alive; I waited for the divine light to prudently guide me; engender me to sacrifice my life for irrefutable justice to every living kind,
When I was traversing past the morbid graveyard; I waited for breath to relinquish me in entirety; bond me forever with my mates sleeping blissfully beneath the soil,
And when I was in front of my immortal beloved; I waited for her to say I LOVE YOU, making me entirely oblivious to the most treacherous of pain on my body;
making me speak, worship; and die for ; LOVE, LOVE AND ONLY LOVE .
Bestow me with infinite hands to conquer; invincibly incarcerate every area on the trajectory of this earth in my vice like grip,
Bestow me with infinite eyes to sight; admire every single bit of enchanting charisma embodied in this colossal planet,
Bestow me with infinite legs to walk; reach even the most far off places in this world; explore and ebulliently wander to the most unprecedented limits of my minds content,
Bestow me with infinite fingers to write; so that I could emboss the most boundless scriptures that people couldn’t conceive; even in the most rampantly frenzied of their nocturnal dreams,
Bestow me with infinite brains to fantasize; fomenting me to perceive what lay camouflaged within the exotic conglomerate of voluptuously silken clouds,
Bestow me with infinite tongues to talk; so that I could converse in an unsurpassable myriad of eclectic languages at once; with just a inconspicuously tiny stroke of my mouth,
Bestow me with stomach's to eat; so that I could unrelentingly keep on devouring appetizing food; strewn in bountiful abundance and on every lane I tread,
Bestow me with infinite bones to fight; valiantly stand beneath the ferociously blazing Sun; annihilate treacherous evil all across the world into threadbare ash,
Bestow me with infinite lips to smile; congenially spread the message of philanthropic humanity; to far and distant across the mighty Universe,
Bestow me with infinite droplets of sweat to romance; so that I could bask in the untamed glory of ecstatically exuberant and handsomely escalating passion,
Bestow me with infinite eyelashes to flirt; engendering me to inevitably wink at the most beautiful damsels; gallivanting with gay abandon on varied parts of this earth,
Bestow me with infinite noses to smell; propelling me to submerge myself into incredulous exoticism; sniffing even the most diminutive of fragrance emanating in bliss from the beneath soil,
Bestow me with infinite ears to hear; deciphering the melody in countless voices at a time; with an abruptly nonchalant nod of my head,
Bestow me with infinite necks to dance; gyrate under milky rays of the moon; for centuries immemorial without the slightest of fatigue or exasperated respite,
Bestow me with infinite teeth to chew; masticate succulent berries laden on each area of the gigantic mountain with overwhelmingly astounding joy and blissful relish,
Bestow me with infinite shadows to mystique; drown myself into an unfathomable island of enigma and tantalizing mystery,
Bestow me with infinite nails to scratch; defend myself and my fellow beings against the most diabolical power that trespassed on the surface of this fathomless Universe,
Bestow me with infinite breaths to survive; exist beyond the most deplorable gloom that had precariously engulfed this colossal planet,
But make sure you bestow me with only One Heart to live O! Omnipotent Creator; and over and above all do make sure that you gave it only to the ultimate girl of my dreams; the entity whom I would love forever and immortally know as my beautiful beloved .
It takes countless droplets of liquid to fill the empty bucket; grant its disdainfully dilapidated persona the stature of heavenly water,
It takes countless beams of sunlight to stringently fumigate the entire planet; deluge a myriad of shattered lives with rays of optimistic hope and blissful happiness,
It takes countless streams of crimson blood; to make the body celestially function; surge forward with unsurpassably arduous vigor in life,
It takes countless pinches of golden sands; to evolve the awe-inspiring and colossally magnificent royal desert,
It takes a countless battalion of voluptuously swirling waves; to evolve the boundlessly majestic and saline ocean,
It takes countless alphabets to write a book; mystically portray the spirit of adventure lingering perpetually for fathomless times to unveil,
It takes countless steps of overwhelming tenacity; to reach the astronomically towering pinnacle of gigantic mountain,
It takes countless roots embedded formidably under loose soil; to form an incomprehensibly tall and brazenly Oligarchic tree,
It takes countless blades of seductively green grass; to evolve a fathomlessly mesmerizing and divinely meadow,
It takes countless number of blood stained tears; to achieve what you really want in currently treacherous existence,
It takes countless petals of poignantly scented flower; to evolve a harmoniously synchronized and grandiloquent garland,
It takes a countless artillery of articulate bones; to dexterously manipulate the intricate movements of robustly transgressing human body,
It takes countless seconds of the rhythmically ticking clock; before the austerely blazing fireball of Sun; actually unfurls into the heart of the stupendously
enchanting night,
It takes countless births before we actually dream of taking birth as insurmountably blessed man; having the privilege of being crowned the most superior in the fraternity of living kind,
It takes countless dreams and an unfathomable ocean of relentless fantasy; before waking up in absolute tranquil harmony at the crack of ephemeral dawn,
It takes countless hours of indefatigable turmoil; to achieve unprecedented corridors of meticulous perfection,
It takes countless draughts of exuberant air; to metamorphose the diminutively burning candle into an incredulously handsome fire escalating unstoppably
towards bits of blue sky,
It takes countless days of innocuous childhood; to mature and harness into professional youth,
And it takes countless lives to find the sacrosanct love of your heart; the love that makes you feel immortally breathing; the love that imparts in you an irrevocable desire; to be forever alive .
I have never seen eyes more mesmerizing than yours; the majestic seduction with which they fluttered under brilliant sunlight,
I have never seen lips more rubicund than yours; the way they smiled unceasingly even in the most bizarre of affliction they were circumvented with,
I have never seen hair more voluptuous than yours; the stupendously ravishing swirl in which they imprisoned every onlooker who transgressed by,
I have never seen a skin more resplendent than yours; the way it immaculately sparkled right since the first ray of ephemeral dawn; to the deathly hour even well past after chilly midnight,
I have never seen a nose more piquant than yours; the astounding ability it was bestowed upon to smell; profusely relish and enjoy each fragrance in the
placid atmosphere,
I have never seen sweat more passionate than yours; the astronomically alluring vivacity it was endowed with; to drive away somebody's breath; like a meteor
shot from the blue sky,
I have never seen cheeks more flirtatious than yours; titillating me to the most unprecedented limits and even beyond fathomless eternity,
I have never seen a voice more melodious than yours; the ingratiating aura which it radiated profoundly as it rose and fell with the silken clouds drifting in the sky,
I have never seen a shadow more fascinating than yours; the enchanting trail of mysticism it left for centuries incomprehensible; as it lingered on even after the Herculean day had subsided,
I have never seen a smile more gorgeous than yours; the incredulously ecstatic virtue in it; that made it the irrefutable darling of all tribes,
I have never seen a conviction more firmer than yours; the tumultuously resilient ease; with which you rose up dauntingly to every task of life,
I have never seen hands more impeccable than yours; the dainty caress with which they spread their magic to every object they laid oligarchic demeanor on,
I have never seen a stomach more pristine than yours; the overwhelmingly fabulous way in which it nimbly swished; as the moist carpet of grass made you wonderfully yawn,
I have never seen a character more spotless than yours; the insurmountably floating unbiased empathy in your spell binding conscience,
I have never seen a mind more ingenious than yours; relentlessly fantasizing every unleashing minute; perceiving the most celestial of angels infinite feet above the cosmos,
I have never seen blood more crimson than yours; euphorically traversing through your body at lightening speeds; imparting all surrounding you with spurts of boisterous life,
I have never seen ears more enamoring than yours; the delectable string of feathery sounds they had this uncanny ability to decipher; while the world outside just kept delving into monotonous business,
I have never seen breath more fiery than yours; the unsurpassable ardor and tenacity with which it flowed like a fulminating volcano down your nostrils; bonding me inseparably with its royal grace,
And let apart seeing; I am sure that there doesn’t exist a heart more compassionate than yours; a heart which loves me above all entities trespassing through this Universe; a heart which has since times immemorial always remained and palpitated with mine .
Before marriage she used to keep me handsomely like a king on her lids; dancing them every now and again to rejuvenate my overwhelmingly harried senses,
While after marriage she hardly opened her eyes; kept sleeping like an untamed monster all day; despite the most passionate of my appeals.
Before marriage she harbored me like the most prized ring on her finger; scrubbing it umpteenth number of times with the ointment of her sensuous love,
While after marriage she locked her ornament in her dilapidated rusty safe; leaving me in the realms of obsolete oblivion to contend with the dust and demons.
Before marriage she possessed me like a cherished rose in vase of her heart; harnessing me with the crimson blood that flowed profusely through her veins,
While after marriage she ruthlessly ripped me apart; left me to decay with the stinking pile of garbage and the sweeper blowing me in nonchalant disdain; with the bristles of his threadbare broomstick.
Before marriage she chanted my name infinite times in a single minute; refraining to commence any activity without its irrefutably sacred presence on her lips,
While after marriage she stared like a complete stranger into my innocuous eyes; austerely asking who I indeed was with an unheard abuse.
Before marriage she offered me a place to sit; even if that meant that she stood for mind-boggling hours on the trot,
While after marriage she sat on top of me with her battalion of fat friends; started to thunderously laugh without the slightest of gasp or respite.
Before marriage she remained starved till the time I didn’t eat; famishing her dainty persona to unprecedented limits till the moment I fed her the first morsel of food with my very own fingers,
While after marriage she finished breakfast; lunch; dinner at a single shot; made me run for my life before she decided to set her gigantic intentions on my robust skin.
Before marriage she hummed mesmerizing tunes in my ear before I went off to sleep; blessing my dreary countenance with divinely reinvigoration and celestial peace,
While after marriage she woke me the very next instant with her volcanic flurry of snores; commanded me to stand guard on the shivering gate to guard her until
she awoke sometime past brilliant afternoon.
Before marriage she bathed under the heavenly springs; adorned her neck with the most stupendously scented flowers; to astonishingly take my breath away from its very roots,
While after marriage she kept stubbornly lying like a corpse at one place; ordering me to snap the flies wandering past her month long unwashed cheeks.
Before marriage she imprisoned me in her breath like the most precious jewel that ever existed; immortally holding me close to her chest as it rose and fell
harmoniously; in blissful tandem with the wind,
While after marriage she blew me away like a speck of inconspicuous dirt; attaching a price tag to my neck for auctioning me in the commercial junkyard.
Before marriage she kept compassionately kissing me till eternity; igniting dormant infernos in my visage to leap upto the fathomless sky,
While after marriage I made a dash for safer havens with my tail beneath my legs; as I sighted the entire jugglery of kitchen forks menacingly tighten in her hands.
And Before marriage she made me feel like the King of the Universe; applauding me insurmountably even for the most blatant blunder that I might have committed,
While after marriage she gave her heart to the stone miserably wailing on the streets; wholesomely kept me only to convert it specially for her; into a fountain of new life .
It was in the light of the candle; that I found mystical enchantment,
It was under the austere rays of Sunlight; that I found my lost ardor to exist,
It was in the realms of the gurgling waterfall; that I found heavenly rejuvenation and an everlasting bliss,
It was under pearly beams of moonshine; that I found overwhelming threads of voluptuous fantasy,
It was in the immortal stillness of the forest; that I found my most intricate of senses,
It was with the resurgent winds of autumn; that I found my mesmerizing prowess to sing,
It was within the dungeons infinite feet beneath; that I found baffling enigmas striking me at astounding speeds,
It was sighting the vivacious peacock; that I found my lost ability to animatedly leap and ecstatically dance,
It was in the island of pearls; that I found majestically royal fantasy of the most astronomical decree,
It was on the summit of the towering mountain; that I found my valor to audaciously confront evil beings,
It was in the tawny cats coat of fur; that I found nostalgic childhood; an insurmountable wave of heavenly mischief,
It was in the blanket of perennially green meadows; that I found an insatiable urge to shut my eyes tightly and celestially sleep,
It was in the heart of the rhapsodically leaping fire; that I found flames of untamed passion and wild romance,
It was in the wisps of satiny clouds; that I found my desire to reside forever in the lap of Almighty lord,
It was in the foundation of the mammoth building; that I found Herculean strength; an inevitable invincibility to single handedly take on the entire world,
It was riding on the back of a fox; that I found uncanny cunningness; the adroit manipulation to exist in this uncouth world,
It was beneath the shell of the tortoise; that I found incomprehensible laziness; a thunderous propensity to rest for several lives,
It was in the sacred lap of my mother; that I found that I was always young; without a trace of fatigue in my severely bloodshot eyes,
And It was in the arms of my beloved; that I found that I was breathing; I was still living after gruesome death; I was forever exuberant and alive .
When I unfastened the buttons of the sky; there came cloudbursts of rain turbulently pelting down on the parched ground,
When I unfastened the buttons of the soil; all that lay there was fecund chunks of mud blended with ravishing worm and mystical light,
When I unfastened the buttons of the towering castle; there unfolded a grandiloquent extravaganza before my eyes; oligarchic tapestry and an insurmountably royal ambience was all that touched my innermost senses,
When I unfastened the button of the voluptuously brown cola; there was a fountain of tangy spray that blasted out; to impart incomprehensible rejuvenation to my dreary soul,
When I unfastened the button of the gargantuan grandfather clock; the watch abruptly stopped to function; and time seemed to come to a virtual standstill although it was well past dawn,
When I unfastened the buttons of the majestically descending parachute; there lay nothing but a flurry of broken bones on the ground; as I hurtled towards
the obdurate soil at a speed faster than that of white light,
When I unfastened the buttons of the ocean; there was an exquisite treasury of coral reef and vivaciously slithering shark that left me in spells of dumbfounded
When I unfastened the buttons of the television; a myriad of enthusing tunes and vibrantly tantalizing pictures left me agglutinated to the silver screen for hours unprecedented,
When I unfastened the buttons of the ancient dungeon; I found myself suddenly encompassed by a festoon of glittering gold and biscuits of shimmering silver; as
I collided with an uncanny thud just inches beside the sacrosanct serpent guarding them with its fangs,
When I unfastened the buttons of the delectable dwelling; my vision became all the more sacred as I sighted my unsurpassably cherished mother,
When I unfastened the buttons of rubicund skin; poignant droplets of blood oozed out in torrents of rampant frenzy,
When I unfastened the buttons of the colossal ship; the boat eventually lost its synchronized balance; sank to the rock bottom of the ocean like a bullet fired from the sky,
When I unfastened the buttons of the cloistered bedroom window; a stringent beam of dazzling sunshine crept inside in splendid unison; shrugging off all the languid exhaustion that had uselessly circumvented my soul,
When I unfastened the buttons of the sleeping lotus; there wafted a stupendously seductive odor of rose in the air; deluging my morbid life with tons of excitement and enthralling happiness,
When I unfastened the buttons of the slippery web; a potbellied black spider brusquely fell on my robust palms; sending me into waves of ecstatic rhapsody,
When I unfastened the buttons of the gorgeous valley; an thunderously loud echo reverberated incessantly; piercing the soft carpet of wind to clash like violent sparks into the hills,
When I unfastened the buttons of my office shirt; I was left freezing on the snow clad streets; audaciously portraying my shriveled muscle like a deplorable skeleton pole,
When I unfastened the buttons of painstakingly creeping time; I astoundingly found myself perched near my grave; when infact I hadn't even matured past the threshold of impetuous youth,
But the best happened when I unfastened the buttons of her heart; for all that I found there was only my picture; an immortal love and craving for me
passionately pulsating; for many more centuries to blissfully unfold .
Do abuse me every unfurling second; blurting a string of unheard expletives; for apparently no fault of mine,
Do slap me hard on my cheeks every day as I got up in the morning; spilling blistering tea deliberately on my daintily nimble skin,
Do thrust your foot vindictively in my way; bursting into a volley of thunderous laughter; as I fell head-on on my rubicund nose,
Do stash all your foul garbage as my pillow; evoking me to inevitably sneeze and cough all enchanting night,
Do poke out your tongue in disdainful cynicism; spitting blatantly on my scalp in front of all who wandered with alacrity on the boisterously brilliant streets,
Do shout to your absolute hearts content in my intricate ears; ruthlessly rupturing all my senses to hear and decipher melodious sound,
Do add overwhelming pints inebriating shrub in my coffee at dawn; so that I slept like a giant the entire day; while you gallivanted like a vamp through the lanes displaying your flamboyant flesh,
Do keep incessantly humming irascible tunes; disrupting my spells of intense concentration; engendering me to forget even the last work which I had spoken; just a moment ago,
Do hurl green chili in my crystalline eyes; making me intransigently emancipate blissful shades of life yielding sight,
Do pummel me hard in my robust stomach; trying your newly learnt boxing skills on me; making me gasp for huge breathfulls of precious life,
Do embarrass me to unprecedented limits as I sat in the midst of the mammoth crowd; savagely snatching the mike away from my palms; as I started to utter the first word of my speech,
Do severe the brakes of my car as I was just about to commence for my exhilarating expedition; triggering my wagon to explode into a ball of pugnaciously golden flames; charring me to raw saw dust; as I plunged like an inconspicuous mosquito into the perilously unfathomable valley,
Do make me polish the shoes of all your friends till they glistened profoundly under sun shine; giving me only stale chunks of threadbare bread to consume for
lunch as well as midnight dinner,
Do emboss your dog's name on my naked chest with your satanically gleaming kitchen knife; rubbing potent doses of salt on my wounds; even before they could heal the slightest,
Do lambaste me wickedly with a scorpion whip; causing me to shriek in inexplicable anguish; making my day a treacherous nightmare along with my every night,
Do whistle flirtatiously to other boys in the street; with a mischievous twinkle on your face; even as I stared in utter disbelief,
Do give me your worn out clothes to wear; sending people in the town into uncontrollable guffaws; as they perceived me to be half a muscular man; half a
ravishing woman,
Do emulate my signature; withdrawing my entire armory of unsurpassable wealth at a single stretch from the banks; rendering me penurious; begging and bizarrely homeless on the streets,
O.K. and while I would infact tolerate the most astronomically long and unending list of your diabolical do's; it would be on a singular condition of my ONE AND ONLY DON’T, For that is actually not me; but my heart saying; "PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME” .
I won't mind it at all if you didn’t allow me inside with you; when you went to attend the glamorous party,
But at least allow me to sit outside on the steps; engross myself rhapsodically in your faint tunes; that nimbly floated in the atmosphere.
I won't mind it at all if you didn’t offer me a ride behind your flamboyant bike; zipped ahead like an untamed tornado without slackening your speed or respite,
But at least allow me to watch you from my window; pray for you relentlessly to God; asking him to wade off the tiniest of evil that might be transgress
viciously across your persona.
I won't mind it at all if you didn’t invite me for dinner; when infact you had called even the most bedraggled of beggars to attend the bombastic fiesta,
But at least allow me to collect the left over’s of your food; cherish and enjoy your ethereal essence for times immemorial.
I won't mind it at all if you didn’t speak my name even once in your entire lifetime; remained profusely lost and captivated in wholesomely surreal fantasy of your own,
But at least allow me to chant yours till the time I died; overwhelmingly remember your fabulous countenance till I inhaled my last breath.
I won't mind it at all if you miserably failed to recognize me even when I passed at whisker lengths from your body; made an insurmountably scornful face;
shrugging your nose in disdain towards open space,
But at least allow me to keep a blurred photograph of yours close to my heart; perceive you in the most stupendous forms possible every unleashing minute of
the sweltering day.
I won't mind it at all if you spat ruthlessly on my face; kicked me in my rear like a football; trying to hurl me in a hurry towards my ultimate place in the heavens,
But at least allow me to admire the sweat that trickled prolifically from your nape; in your ominous attempts to make me disappear forever from this planet.
I won't mind it at all if you turned your back in dreariness as soon as you saw me; instead talked to unprecedented limits with the other man who was perpetually blind,
But at least allow me to caress your mesmerizing and fleeting shadow; which lingered transiently for a while; and then thoroughly lost itself in the granules of earth.
I won't mind it at all if you charred my bones to inconspicuous raw ash; punctured my robust body with a flurry of pugnaciously hostile bullets,
But at least allow me to sketch your enchanting contours on slippery sea soil; savor your incredulously glorious memories all my life.
I won't mind it at all if you barbarically blinded me; piercing my intricate eyeballs with gleaming rods of scarlet fire,
But at least allow me to feel the winds that kissed you while drifting; not only imparting me with the unsurpassable exuberance to lead the day; but to
audaciously face my entire life.
And I won't mind it at all if you didn’t give me a position in your heart; blowing me off like an infinitesimal speck of dirt into obsolete oblivion,
But at least allow me to listen to your passionately palpitating beats; which I had an irrefutable feeling would someday throb only for me; would someday be
always mine .
Every envelope needed a stamp of indispensable denomination; in order to successfully deport and proficiently reach its consummate place of destination,
Every writer needed a stamp of is publisher as well as his consortium of ardent admirers; in order to gain profound inspiration and surge ahead with flamboyance in life,
Every mountain needed the stamp of blistering Sun; in order to feel pompously elated and tower handsomely towards open patches of blue sky,
Every dog needed the stamp of its master; in order to incessantly wag its tail in exuberant happiness; loyally guard colossal property that lay perilously
vulnerable all throughout the treacherous night,
Every mother needed the stamp of her innocuous child; in order to make her life complete in all respects; in order to make her realize that she was indeed the
richest woman alive,
Every palm needed the stamp of enigmatic lines; in order to provide it the unfathomably mystical and rich luxury of destiny,
Every horse needed the stamp of its rider; in order to gallop majestically through undulating expanse of boundless land; win the race amidst countless other of its kin and kind,
Every pen needed the stamp of its manufacturer; in order to optimistically emboss unsurpassable lines of exquisite literature; keep indefatigably writing with tumultuous confidence,
Every ocean needed the stamp of its vivaciously swirling waves; in order to portray to the world that it was turbulently tangy and a stupendously magnificent sight,
Every chest needed the stamp of impeccable fabric; in order to accentuate its robustly bulging contours to the outside world; present itself congenially and blend superbly with the intricacies civilized society,
Every day needed the stamp of date; in order to depict its overwhelmingly vital significance; keep in tandem with the exact unleashing of whirlwind time,
Every meadow of green grass needed the stamp of the sacrosanct cow; in order to prove that it was indeed the most exotic food found on this planet; had
encompassed in its blades all the inevitable ingredients to sustain life,
Every web woven with slimy thread needed the stamp of the long legged spider; in order to cast its mystically enigmatic impression on the aliens who faintly witnessed it,
Every boat needed the stamp of a captain; in order maneuver adroitly through the stormy waters; transport its scores of insurmountably nostalgic passengers;
safely to the welcome shores,
Every jeweled throne needed the stamp of a prince; in order to continue its lineage of oligarchic legacy; look incredulously royal even under the most diminutive rays of moonlight,
Every skeleton needed the stamp of rubicund flesh; in order to tenaciously move; rise up with inexorable resilience to each horrendous barricade of life,
Every kettle needed the stamp of reinvigorating sizzling brown tea; in order that people caressed its glistening periphery with loads of compassionate warmth,
Every shoe needed the stamp of bohemian foot; in order to kick rhapsodically in ebullient atmosphere; hurl itself with rampant freedom to every nook and cranny that it liked,
Every eye needed the stamp of sparkling vision; in order to profusely engross and admire the unfathomable number of sights that existed bountifully in this world,
Every tongue needed the stamp of commanding voice; in order to make its presence felt amongst a horde of wolves; and celestially survive,
And every heart needed the stamp of immortal love; to passionately palpitate not only in life; but even infinite years after inevitable death .
You are a mesmerizing fairy; that keeps incessantly coming in each of my dreams,
You are an innocuously sweet angel; making me bask in the glory of my blissful childhood,
You are a delectably enchanting cloud; which floats poignantly all day; encompassing each corner of my eye,
You are a star that keeps indefatigably shining in the azure sky; profusely illuminating my every single night,
You are a voluptuous carpet of scarlet roses; that wafted stupendously exotic scent for me to inhale each hour,
You are a majestically clashing ocean; which inundates every unleashing minute of my life with unprecedented ecstasy,
You are an incredible painting; which blesses my life with vivacious shades of effusively vibrant color,
You are tantalizing droplets of rain; which imparts me with an indomitable ardor to surge forward audaciously in every aspect of existence,
You are a field of impeccably shimmering cotton; that generates the sacred virtue of honesty in my wretched conscience,
You are a brilliant beam of unconquerable sunlight; that filters with divinely grace into my cloistered and gloomy heart,
You are a golden globule of honey; that makes me profoundly glisten in the sweetness of omnipotent life,
You are a ravishing peacock; that entices me every instant; into cloudbursts of fantasy as you unveiled your coat of silken feathers to a complete blossom,
You are a spring of celestial water; that pacifies my overwhelmingly parched senses; with heavenly love and perpetual care,
You are a astonishingly seductive and cheeky nightingale; which permeates my dreary soul; with enchanting tunes for times immemorial,
You are an island of rejuvenating spice; which doesn't leave any scope in my life to be the slightest despondent or dejected,
You are a festoon of royally scintillating pearls; that foments me to rhapsodically philander across every nook and cranny of this colossal earth,
You are an idol of irrefutable truth; whom I leaned upon in my times of inexplicable distress and traumatized pain,
You are an sacrosanct entity; who has nothing but unfathomable love in your turbulently palpitating heart,
But more importantly than anything; you have a distinction perhaps even more than God in my life; as YOU ARE MY BELOVED .
I admired your immaculate eyes every unleashing minute; for drowning me in the glory of their stupendously emphatic moisture,
I caressed your voluptuous coat of black hair for times immemorial; feeling their softness tingle me till the last bone down my spine,
I entwined my palms with your heavenly fingers; bonding my impoverished soul with yours for centuries unfathomable,
I passionately kissed your seductively rosy lips; absorbing their sweetness with relentless ardor and charm,
I floated handsomely in your tantalizing dreams; philandering audaciously on cloud nine with your countenance resting on my shoulders,
I ardently smelt the fiery breath that descended like a volcano from your nostrils; feeling that unprecedented enthusiasm swelling prolifically in your pulse,
I profoundly engrossed myself into the cadence of your mesmerizing voice; blending completely with the mystical enigma that enveloped your every stride,
I ran like an untamed panther behind your enchanting shadow; intricately following its contours till I collapsed on the hard ground in a drearily bedraggled heap,
I lay on your stomach for marathon hours of the day and for every instant of the tumultuously stormy night; my head rising and falling with each breath of yours which was now wholesomely mine,
I stood like an invincible fortress by your side; trying my Herculean best to wade off the most minuscule of evil hovering by your divinely side,
I wrote your name with my blood infinite times in a single day; making it an immortal epitome for every lover transgressing fanatically on the trajectory of this planet,
I voraciously rubbed your fabulously silken skin in freezing whirlwinds of snow; imparting your majestic visage with incomprehensible loads of compassionate
I stared like a child into the contours of your vivacious face; exploring something new and incredulously rejuvenating; as you winked innocuously under the milky moonlight,
I worshipped your celestial feet every dawn; as the first beam of sunlight timidly filtered through my gloomily obfuscated window,
I tickled you uncontrollably in your ribs; supremely relishing the astoundingly tinkling charisma in your tangy laughter,
I patiently waited for your footsteps to arrive; completely lost in a gorgeously romantic fantasy; moving my head nimbly towards the handsomely setting amber Sun,
I confided to you even the most weirdest perceptions of my mind; sharing with you each embarrassing moment of my life,
I sketched enamoring shapes of your oligarchic persona with articulate strokes of my paint brush; imprisoning your unparalleled beauty on the blank canvas of my body,
And I loved your heart LIKE NOBODY ELSE could ever dare to do; not only in this birth; but for fathomless more births to unfold and evolve into new life .
I didn’t want to capture her eyelashes; the ostentatious mascara delectably embellishing her nimble lids,
I didn’t want to capture her skin; which glowed to an overwhelmingly voluptuous crimson under the impact of garishly personified talcum powder,
I didn’t want to capture her lips; which had profuse coating of pretentiously sleazy lipstick,
I didn’t want to capture her hair; which had bombastic coatings of contemporary hair dye,
I didn’t want to capture her waist; which danced tantalizingly enveloped by chains of haughty silver,
I didn’t want to capture her earlobes; swishing daintily with opulent emeralds of sapphire green; procured fresh from the sea,
I didn’t want to capture her palms; embossed with mystical designs available rampantly in the contemporary market,
I didn’t want to capture her breath; which was now blended with the most alluring of artificial sandalwood perfume,
I didn’t want to capture her fingers; which were adorned with a myriad of pompously glittering rings,
I didn’t want to capture her voice; which had profound traces of a deliberately pernicious slang embedded in it,
I didn’t want to capture her teeth; which had prominent encapsulations of the most expensive paste adhering them,
I didn’t want to capture her muscle; which had evolved over a period of time; after her voracious consumption of exorbitantly costly steroids,
I didn’t want to capture her shadow; as it meekly coalesced with obsolete oblivion without the most minuscule of prior notice,
I didn’t want to capture her sweat; which was incredulously scented with the boundless repertoire of body lotions she used; literally every unfurling
minute of the marathon day; every time before she closed her eyes for the sultry night,
I didn’t want to capture her cheeks; which were indiscriminately inundated with truck loads of pertinent chemical sprays,
I didn’t want to capture her saliva; which had obnoxious traces of foreign chewing gum and cherry,
I didn’t want to capture her nails; which were painted with the most gaudily conventional nail polish available in the trendy market,
I didn’t want to capture her conscience; which had inevitably become manipulative; as she struggled for her existence in this uncouth world,
Although each part of her body appeared artificial; there was definitely one thing that I wanted to capture; and that was her heart; longing and thunderously throbbing wilder than the most wildest of storm; more importantly than anything rendering me the complete control of its passionate beats .
When I saw the ocean swirling ecstatically towards the sky; trying to touch the Sun in its profoundly untamed glory;
There were tears of sheer adventure that dribbled from my eyes; transiting me into a land of fabulously enchanting fantasy .
When I saw the moon creeping nimbly into vibrantly blue cosmos; making way for the magnificently star studded night,
There were tears of placid contentment that trickled from my eyes; and my whole body commenced to prepare itself for a celestially satisfying nocturnal sleep .
When I saw the silhouette of the preposterously diabolical giant menacing full throttle towards me; ready to gobble upon my innocuous form,
There were tears of uncanny fear that oozed from my eyes; as each part of my skin got engulfed with profusely nervous sweat .
When I saw my fellow compatriots in tumultuous pain; with uncouth wounds of hopeless despair encompassing the periphery of their cracked lips,
There were tears of inexplicable sorrow that poured from my eyes; as I took a resolution to once again transform God's created earth into a veritable paradise .
When I saw the potbellied spider fall infinite times; yet rise again to eventually accomplish weaving its cozy web,
There were tears of fortified conviction that flowed from my eyes; as each bone in my impoverished demeanor; got ready to confront the most mightiest of challenge on this planet .
When I saw the boundless conglomerate of pigeons pecking each other passionately; in wee hours of the wonderfully ravishing night,
There were tears of uninhibited passion that crept out of my eyes; as a cloudburst of insatiable desire shot through cabin compartments of my brain .
When I saw the festoon of red ants clambering on the towering elephant; fomenting him to fall like a box of soggy matchsticks on obdurate ground,
There were tears of awe inspiring self confidence that gushed out of my eyes; as I realized suddenly that true power lies solely in the mind .
When I saw the sacrosanct virtue of truth being massacred indiscriminately on all quarters of this Universe; being weighed with a platter of spurious currency all the time,
There were tears of utter hopelessness that shot out of my eyes; as I spat my wholesome best on disastrously dwindling mankind .
When I saw the divinely countenance of my mother parading by my side; bustling around in thorough anticipation of my well being,
There were tears of overwhelming gratitude that drizzled from my eyes; as I touched her feet in due obeisance; poignantly kissed her palms for bringing me into this fathomless world .
And when I saw the vivaciously enchanting visage of my beloved; her incomprehensibly alluring fragrance that took complete control over my every breath,
There were tears of immortal love that cascaded from my eyes; as I embraced her perpetually in my arms; obscuring our entities forever from this manipulatively blood thirsty planet .
The mesmerizing tunes of the voluptuous nightingale; were heard by everybody,
But the tunes which emanated from my breath; were heard by none; except the girl who came every unfurling minute in my ocean of dreams .
The boisterously buzzing tunes of the queen bee; were heard by everybody,
But the tunes which diffused from my breath; were heard by none; except the girl who tantalized me unrelentingly with the fragrance of her mystical breath .
The melodious tunes spiraling handsomely from the delectable piano; were heard by everybody,
But the tunes which oozed from my breath; were heard by none; except the girl who cast an enigmatic spell on each path I tread .
The cacophonic tunes of croaking frogs; were heard by everybody,
But the tunes which flowed from my breath; were heard by none; except the girl who left me astoundingly dumbfounded; with the crimson color of her innocuous cheeks .
The tunes of tumultuous thunder pouring from sky; were heard by everybody,
But the tunes which sky rocketed from my breath; were heard by none; except the girl who conjured me into a spell of celestially unending sleep .
The treacherously satanic tunes of the monster approaching; were heard by everybody,
But the tunes which cascaded from my breath; were heard by none; except the girl who maneuvered me into a land of incomprehensibly beautiful fantasy .
The vivacious tunes of the giant drum; were heard by everybody,
But the tunes which descended from my breath; were heard by none; except the girl who granted me the astronomical conviction to confront every aspect of life .
The ominous tunes of the hideously hissing snake; were heard by everybody,
But the tunes which shot from my breath; were heard by none; except the girl who made me feel perpetually young; with insurmountable mischief lingering on her face .
The passionate tunes of the ocean clashing against the rocks were heard by everybody,
But the tunes which dribbled from my breath; were heard by none; except the girl who drowned me profusely in the ingratiating aura of her divinely voice .
And the vital tunes of existence on this planet; were heard by everybody,
But the tunes which crept from my breath; were heard by none; except the girl who impregnated new life every second in my impoverished persona; the girl who infact I proudly called my beloved .
I couldn’t talk non stop; for after a while; the chords of my intricate throat started to hurt; and a gruesome hoarseness besieged my persona,
I couldn’t walk non stop; for after a while; the soles of my feet started to ache; and the conglomerate of dreary bones in my body demanded celestial rest,
I couldn’t write non stop; for after a while; my fingers swelled like a plump tomato; and the disdainful sweat on my palms started to drip obnoxiously on barren sheets of white paper,
I couldn’t stare non stop; for after a while; my voluptuously soft cushion of lids fell down with a sigh; and the whites of my eye were desperate to get rid of the tumultuous stinging,
I couldn’t eat non stop; for after a while; the tunnels of my stomach threatened to puke; and the buds of my tongue abhorrently repulsed the most exotic of taste,
I couldn’t dance non stop; for after a while; the fantasy in my mind wholesomely subsided; and I inevitably collapsed on soil for my nocturnal slumber under the resplendent stars,
I couldn’t plough non stop; for after a while; the acrimonious rays of the Sun stabbed me like a billion needles; and the gallons of golden sweat which dribbled; made me loose holistic degrees of control,
I couldn’t swim non stop; for after a while; the tenacity in my arms seemed to be diminishing; and the fathomless expanse of waters made me return back to the heavenly shores,
I couldn’t party non stop; for after a while; the pretentious smoke of cigar took its toll on my natural nerves; and the sonorously manipulative style of talking; assassinated all my raw exuberance in its premature buds,
I couldn’t study non stop; for after a while; beads of exasperation began to entrench me from all sides; and life became nothing but a series of disastrously monotonous equations to confront,
I couldn’t sing non stop; for after a while; all tunes existing seemed to be puncturing me like fulminating volcano's; and I lost complete identity of my very own voice,
I couldn’t dream non stop; for after a while; the pragmatic realities of life started to pinch me overwhelmingly; and the penurious conditions which currently engulfed me; obstructed me in my path of transforming all my perceptions into a perpetual reality,
I couldn’t fight non stop; for after a while; realization dawned upon me that it was all baseless; and I needed to contribute something towards deteriorating mankind,
I couldn’t sleep non stop; for after a while; I felt the blistering mid day sunshine filtering unbearably through my eyes; and the framework of my countenance became restless to be on the move,
I couldn’t drive non stop; for after a while; the world outside became an incessantly revolving whiz; and I frantically wanted to trespass at normal speeds once again,
I couldn’t rule non stop; for after a while; I felt as if I was completely losing my indigenous identity; and the voice of my conscience commanded me to rest blissfully in the lap of my revered mother,
I couldn’t focus non stop; for after a while; the insurmountably restless urges in my soul got the better of me; and I found myself pondering on everything else; other than what I was supposed to concentrate,
I couldn’t play non stop; for after a while; the will to majestically survive made me march dynamically towards the summit; slither with uninhibited passion; to achieve all my goals in life,
I couldn’t hate non stop; for after a while; the inexorably omnipotent voice of my mind condemned me for my cowardly behavior; and the blood circulating in
my veins fomented me to embrace my fellow mates in pain,
I couldn’t lie non stop; for after a while; an astronomically ardent desire to disentangle myself from this web of lechery; and my tongue candidly conveyed its explicit set of ideals,
But there was only one virtue which I could do non stop; and which not only I; but every entity with a throbbing heart has been doing since centuries immemorial; a virtue which even the greatest of God's have bowed down too; a virtue which has its immoral essence dissipated in every nook and cranny of this boundless planet; O! yes I feel the richest man on this earth to proclaim it as LOVE; LOVE AND SIMPLY LOVE .
Let a magician come in front of you; trying to cast a spell on your mesmerizing countenance; with his unfathomable flurry of ingenious tricks,
Let the clouds be attracted inevitably towards your voluptuous voice; trying their best to impress you upon with tantalizing globules of rain,
Let a battalion of handsome snakes slither around you; endeavoring to entrench you in the swirl of their mystically enchanting hood,
Let the mightily colossal waves of the ocean clash against your divinely form; trying to engulf you in the aura of tumultuously tangy froth,
Still come what may; nobody on this earth could ever touch you; as your immortal love would not only be for this life; but for infinite lives; always be mine .
Let the desert sands fly in rampant frenzy; insatiably wishing to stick on your immaculately glowing skin,
Let majestic eagles in the sky build their nest above your dwelling; trying to have a surreptitious glimpse of you; after pearly midnight,
Let the turbulent breeze deliberately kiss you as it passed; basking in the glory of its spuriously passionate rendezvous,
Let the needles of the grandiloquently colonial clock stop in anticipation of you to awaken; tick at wild velocities when you wanted time to fly,
Still come what may; nobody on this earth could ever touch you; as your immortal love would not only be for this life; but for infinite lives; always be mine .
Let the Sun try and incarcerate you in its web of flamboyantly fiery rays; trying to blind you wholesomely with the astronomical tenacity of its light,
Let the grass voluptuously tickle your soles; secretly enjoying your ravishing warmth as you trespassed like an angel through its green stalks,
Let the owl stare unrelentingly at you for hours immemorial; trying to hypnotize you with its enigmatically crystalline eyes,
Let the avalanche of snow melt in torrential frenzy; to evoke sympathy; as you cast your impeccable eyes upon its manipulative demeanor,
Still come what may; nobody on this earth could ever touch you; as your immortal love would not only be for this life; but for infinite lives; always be mine .
Let all the mouths on this planet shout to their hearts content; trying to win you by the overwhelming domination in their tone,
Let the society starve you to unprecedented limits; in order to enforce upon you; the partner of their dictatorial choice,
Let the streams cascading down from the mountains change their direction; to flow across the sacred paths you celestially tread,
Let every activity on this Universe come to an abrupt standstill; every tangible eyeball rivet to your irrefutably poignant visage; trembling in uncontrollable agony to make you the queen of their hearts,
Still come what may; nobody on this earth could ever touch you; as your immortal love would not only be for this life; but for infinite lives; always be mine .
You could mercilessly snatch my eyes; engender a blanket of gruesomely debilitating darkness to wholesomely engulf me till eternity,
You could make me dismally dumb; with my tongue refraining to utter even the most tiniest of sound,
You could maim me worse than a dying dog; fomenting me to slither pathetically on the ground; as I tried to surge the slightest of distance forward,
You could starve me more brutally than the scorching desert; savagely drying the last drop of blood circulating in my body,
But you would still fail to make me forget her; unwind me from the web of her supremely invincible love; unwind me from the place in her heart that was perpetually mine .
You could make me haplessly beg on the boisterous streets; shiver uncontrollably in the freezing night; adorning me in rags of disdainful barbed wire,
You could satanically smash my scalp into infinite fragments; making me swoon in a bloody heap towards profusely dusty ground,
You could incarcerate me in a dungeon replete with lethal scorpion; and even the most obscure beam of Sunlight; being an insurmountably far cry,
You could make me treacherously transgress over a blanket of sizzling embers; making me inevitably shrug holistic degrees of blissful control,
But you would still fail to make me forget her; unwind me from the web of her supremely invincible love; unwind me from the place in her heart that was
perpetually mine .
You could throw me diabolically from the fathomless sky; laugh to your hearts content; as nobody on this earth could now recognize me in my unfathomably broken form,
You could blend the most heinous poison in the water that I sipped; watching me horrendously gasp for mammoth breathfulls of serene air,
You could strip me uncouthly of all the wealth I possessed; leave me to confront my destiny; abreast an island of serrated skinned alligators,
You could shoot me right through the head; with a battalion of boundless bullets hurling at unsurpassable speeds from your murderously gleaming revolver,
But you would still fail to make me forget her; unwind me from the web of her supremely invincible love; unwind me from the place in her heart that was
perpetually mine .
You could crucify me to bodily submission; nailing my nimble persona with an incomprehensible armory of barbaric thorns,
You could use me as food for the preposterously gigantic whale; tossing me like a chunk of dilapidated vegetable; right into the moaning monsters mouth,
You could squelch me to inconspicuous pulp against the chain of blood curling rocks; before eventually dumping me countless kilometers beneath my corpse,
You could make every step of my life more tyrannical than infinite hell's combined together; stabbing me every unfurling second with astronomical amount of unbearable pain,
But you would still fail to make me forget her; unwind me from the web of her supremely invincible love; unwind me from the place in her heart that was
perpetually mine .
The color of the moon was pure white; with its pearly rays illuminating the profoundly ghastly night,
The color of the sky was crystalline blue; with its conglomerate of silken clouds playing hide and seek with the sunlight,
The color of the lips was rosy pink; with their voluptuous periphery making even the most diabolical of entity succumb to their knees,
The color of the night was gruesome black; with its enchantment casting a mystical spell on all animate and inanimate hovering around,
The color of gold was glittering yellow; and its glow besieging every eye that sighted it with an immortal longing for impregnable supremacy,
The color of the rainbow was vivaciously vivid; with the world staring at it in unfathomable fascination,
The color of the deserts was timidly brown; with its colossal expanse of sands absorbing unsuspectingtravelers in its slippery swirl,
The color of hair was as dark as the eerie tunnel; with its boundless fibers swishing in waves of enigmatic euphoria,
The color of farm chili was parrot green; with its piquant spice fomenting tears to ooze at random from the eyes,
The color of blood was handsomely scarlet; with its stains irrefutably refraining to erase once applied,
The color of the ocean was royally sapphire; with its ravishing waves striking gleefully against the jagged chain of glistening rocks,
The color of the infant was amicably pearly; with its incessant cries making it the unconquerable darling of all who passed by,
The color of the savage convict was steel grey; with his eyes burning fire and profuse vindication at being jailed for long years,
The color of soil was majestically bronze; with its stupendous layers of fertility blossoming into robust crop; ensuring that mankind never dwindled; never died,
The color of the mother was sacredly frosty; sequestering her baby from the most inconspicuous of evil lurking about in this world,
The color of the fish was delectably silver; gliding its way tantalizingly through the deep expanse of obscure waters,
The color of ice was stringently transparent; with its astounding prowess to cool providing reprieve to millions of adventurers in scorching heat,
The color of water was austerely plain; with its sparkling globules pacifying the thirst of fathomless beings every unleashing second of the day,
The color of fire was incredulously golden; with its crackling flames imparting unsurpassable warmth to every human shivering on the streets in acerbic winter,
The color of the creator was a blend of all colors existing on this earth; the most magnificent shade of them all; silencing everyone his supremely Omnipotent
power and invincible grace,
And the color of love was FIERY PASSIONATE; imprisoning every human; imprisoning every breathing organism in the flame of its agony; the cloud of its
incomprehensible desire .
Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; I dreadfully shivered; collapsing in utter nervousness on the obdurate ground,
And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights.
Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; I forgot to normally blink; stared unrelentingly into open space as if somebody had stabbed me in my chest; the entire world outside had come to an abrupt end,
And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights.
Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; I felt all hunger die a ghastly death in my stomach; with my body refusing all food and tepid water,
And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights.
Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; the blood flowing through my veins froze midway; with the hair on my body standing up in unfathomable gloom,
And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights.
Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; my skull relinquished all memory; floundered to function harmoniously with the commercial world outside; wholesomely lost in the realms of your mesmerizing fantasy; the compassionate moistness in your breath that used to flow when you were close by my side,
And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights.
Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; all words tumbled mumble-jumble from my mouth; with a severely debilitating coma crippling each corner of my brain; and my heart palpitating like a missile about to deafeningly explode,
And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights.
Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; my body started perspiring more than the most tumultuous of storm; an ocean of tears welled up my eye; poured indefatigably beyond the most sagacious of my control; my soul went berserk with incomprehensible hysteria,
And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights.
Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; my teeth started to inexorably clatter even in the most acerbic of Sunlight; infinite goose-bumps crept up on my palm in morbid exhilaration; everything outside my window seemed to be diabolical and profusely poisoned,
And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights.
Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; all my fantasies and dreams got buried boundless feet beneath the corpse; every part of me started to vehemently hate the society; with a feeling of assassinating every entity traversing on this earth slowly creeping in my persona; as my bouts of boiling anger rose to the peak,
And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights.
Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; I abdicated even the most tiniest of urge to live further; forcefully closed my eyes and breath to blend my heart and soul with the Omnipotent Creator,
And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights.
Your love for me was not like the disloyally changing shape of the Moon; which blatantly metamorphosed its pearly body at the onset of every night,
Infact I have profound pride in stating; that it was like the resplendent blanket of shimmering stars which shone for countless decades; illuminating my gloomy
household with enchanting light.
Your love for me was not like the tumultuous storm; which devoured even the minutest of entity in its thunderous swirl,
Infact I have profound pride in stating; that it was like the delectable draught of wind; which arose every evening; mystically tingling the camouflage of dense leaves with its dainty charm and grace.
Your love for me was not like the poignantly burning candle; which diminished wholesomely; a few minutes after ferociously igniting into a ball of flames,
Infact I have profound pride in stating; that it was like the fire which burnt unrelentingly towards the sky; becoming more and more passionate as the pinnacle of darkness encroached every space.
Your love for me was not like the swanky bottle of expensive scent; which started to rot away soon after initially flooding every bit of scorched atmosphere,
Infact I have profound pride in stating; that it was like the stupendously fragrant lotus; which spread its essence without distinction; captivated me for many births yet to unveil in the aura of its enigmatic redolence.
Your love for me was not like the callous bird mother; who deserted her children a few days after they had hatched from the egg; and after adeptly teaching them to fly high,
Infact I have profound pride in stating; that it was like the human mother; who harnessed and nourished her baby for marathon years even after he attained maturity; catered to the most inconspicuous of his demand till the time she found herself on her inevitable deathbed.
Your love for me was not like pelting drops of violent rain; which gave just momentary pleasure to my flesh and then left me dry and mourning as the blistering Sun crept up in the sky,
Infact I have profound pride in stating that; it was like the colossal ocean with piquantly escalating waves; which provided warmth and rejuvenation to my dirty body; at the unleashing of dawn every morning.
Your love for me was not like a sleazy television commercial; which sent ravishing chills down my spine as the instant I viewed it; and then left me longing for more as the boring news came by,
Infact I have profound pride in stating that; it was like the mesmerizing fable that had an unprecedented impact on my destiny; bequeathed a moral to my life.
Your love for me was not like slippery granules of sand; which seductively caressed my skin for fraction of seconds; and then unavoidably trickled onto the boiling soil,
Infact I have profound pride in stating that; it was like the century old Banyan tree which had its roots firmly impregnated in ground; was almost invincible to dismantle even when the entire army tried to tear it down.
Your love for me was not like the swashbuckling aircraft which transported the passenger at electric speeds from one destination to another; made him feast
on the magnificent cocoon of white clouds as he sipped wine seated on the plush upholstery; before eventually leaving him to crawl miserably towards his destination on naked feet,
Infact I have profound pride in stating that; it was like the divine fairy wandering in the cosmos; who inundated my senses every unfurling second with all the pleasure and fantasy that existed on this planet.
And your love for me was not like the throbbing heart which palpitated beyond the point of no control at one instant, and relinquished breath the other; abandoning me in a condition of complete disbelief and disarray;
Infact I have profound pride in stating that; it was like the soul which was timeless; which would continue to live for unfathomable number of years even after the last entity on this earth had died; which strangulated me entirely in its perpetual grip; which gave my life a new beginning every time I felt I was dead.
It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my car; whizzed past the meandering slopes of the valley at roaring speeds; and blended profusely with the spirit of adventure,
It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my swanky perfume bottle; flooded your entire entity by prolifically sprinkling the same; basked in the aisles of unsurpassable fragrance that emanated as a ramification,
It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my shoes; audaciously clambered up the mountains; tightly fitting them to your nimble skinned soles,
It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my drum replete with glistening jewels; embellished your entire body with scintillating garments portraying them bombastically to the outside world,
It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my appetizing morsels of food; feasted on the same sipping delectable pints of red wine on the verdant slopes of the ecstatic waterfall,
It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my entire wardrobe of clothes; philandered through the rustic fields adorned in cowboy boots; audaciously brandishing your tomboyish attire,
It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my feather tipped pen; sketched exquisite shapes of the voluptuous stars lingering in the cosmos; emptied all the ink entrapped within to sign the bulky chequebooks,
It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my books; had a smashing time in browsing through the majestic ensemble of beautiful words; drowning yourself wholesomely into the tantalizing fantasy imprisoned within,
It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my colossal dwelling; leaving me scorched and dry on the streets to uncertainly weave my way around,
It didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my children; frolicked and enjoyed with them on the sea shores; while I brooded incessantly in moments of gruesome silence,
It didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my diamond studded sword; swished it violently around; pretentiously pretending to inhabit the royal throne,
It didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole by bushy beard and moustache; tossing my hair around in unprecedented glee; after plucking them from my skin furtively in the night,
It didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole every single penny of my wealth; absconded away with the gargantuan conglomerate of currency that I had perspired for all my life,
It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my entire fleet of teeth; adroitly removing them after injecting me with unfathomable doses of sedation; giving them as a special bone to your pet dog to relish and chew,
It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my fame; perfidiously bad mouthed about me to as far and wide as you possibly could in this world; trying to abysmally look me down in front of people whom I irrefutably revered and adored,
It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my infectious smile; whipping me indefatigably with your acerbic string of sardonic comments; made me cry by hurling at me abuses which I had never come across in the most wildest of my dreams,
It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my ideals; inevitably compelling me to act against my own wishes; blackmailing me indiscriminately by exploiting my supremely sensitive points,
And it really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my life; made me relinquish precious breathing; secretly poisoning the water I gulped; viciously adulterating my big tumbler of morning milk with snake venom,
As all these things were too trivial to bother me; for you had already committed a robbery even greater than this stealing my heart when you met me several years ago; making me a slave of your immortal love;
And today whatever else you stole did not impact me the slightest; simply and miserably failed to bother me at all .
Gloves of sensuality; to caress the skin with unprecedented relish; send shivers of untamed exhilaration down the spine,
Shoes of invincible victory; marching on the remotest of land; waving the flag of triumph in flamboyant spurts of fervor,
A tie blended with flirtatious mischief; used to blindfold the eyes in wholesome entirety,
A watch of incessant speed; ticking indefatigably round the clock; in wee hours of the midnight; as well as in the peak of the brilliantly sunlit day,
A shirt of stupendously woven designs; ruffled majestically at the collar; to captivate the attention of every ravishingly wandering damsel,
A necklace of daintily scintillating pearls; extracted freshly from the oyster; drowning every entity in the ocean of its profoundly pearly shine,
A pair of astoundingly stitched socks; imparting compassionate warmth to the feet; enticing every eye towards the petite leg,
A tantalizing shade of mystical mascara; conjuring every breathing soul around with the magic in its enigmatic charm,
A trouser of pure jute; with mesmerizing rings of denim and golden buttons to engulf the sensuous belly,
Rings of holistic diamond shimmering in tandem on the finger; painstakingly luring every fairy in the unfathomable resplendence of its shine,
A perfume of exotic sandalwood shrub; wafting a supremely seductive aura from the perspiring armpits,
An oil that glistens even under placid rays of the moon; radiates boisterously in pugnacious daylight,
A belt studded profusely with delectable biscuits of opalescent silver; granting the visage a terrifically marvelous shape, keeping the entire demeanor in perfectly synchronized condition,
Sunglasses embodied with vivid fossil shells; engendering females to gasp in open mouthed consternation; metamorphosing the acerbic color of polluted air into enchanting green,
An oligarchic coat embellished with royally sculptured beads; standing out incredulously amongst the group the wild gypsies,
A fountain of redolent rose powder; lingering voluptuously on the robust cheeks; flooding the nose with a poignantly tangy freshness,
An overwhelmingly spiffy hairstyle; and each follicle of the scalp impregnated with rudimentary grass root oil,
Ornamental cufflinks to bond the sleeves; sometimes an alluring tool for visitors to sight their own reflection; admire themselves till timeless eternity,
A grandiloquent pen fitted dexterously to the waist coat pocket; a symbol of unprecedented sophistication; and signing a plethora of autographs on every lady's
Was all that I required to dress in from head to inconspicuous toe; encompass my body in the most fascinating clothing that I could ever dream off or intransigently perceive; infact what I would like to term succinctly as THE PERFECT MALE ATTIRE .
When I lived in the beer bottle; all that I could ever dream of was an ocean of inebriating alcohol; streams of frothy booze putting me to everlasting sleep,
When I lived in the conventional television; all that I could ever dream was a myriad of sleazy characters; uttering a festoon of ostentatious dialogues; trying their best to trigger the gloomy audience into hilarious smiles,
When I lived on the pugnacious fire body of the blazing Sun; all that I could ever dream of was unprecedented heat; sizzling rays of golden light stringently entrenching every iota of my skin,
When I lived in the refrigerator; all that I could ever dream of was frozen crusts of white ice; silver streams of chilled liquid cascading down painstakingly over my naked chest,
When I lived in the steep well; all that I could ever dream of was morbid darkness; the slime coated frog bouncing euphorically; flooding the solitary ambience around with its discordant croaks,
When I lived in the birds nest; all that I could ever dream of was a cocoon of shimmering white eggs; pairs of innocuous young fledglings squealing ecstatically in new born life,
When I lived in the ocean; all that I could ever dream of was gargantuan loads of salt and frothy spray; scores of delectable fish gliding vivaciously gliding past my nose; spreading unfathomable waves of fantasy in my heart,
When I lived in the veins; all that I could ever dream of was crimson blood; gushing in sheer rhapsody through the conglomerate of tender bone and dainty flesh,
When I lived in the country gutter; all that I could ever dream of was fetid sewage; the horrendously obnoxious stench of decaying garbage infiltrating every instant in my nose,
When I lived in the deserts; all that I could ever dream of was unsurpassable territories of sweltering hot sands; the belligerent thorns of cactus staring in animosity at the travelers who traversed by,
When I lived in the handle of the gleaming butcher knife; all that I could ever dream of was the merciless assassination of several innocent sheep; shearing apart their succulent body in order to appease the demons gluttony,
When I lived in the fields of fathomless cotton; all that I could ever dream of was immaculate pieces of silken cloth; an infinite ensemble of gaudy cloth hung
tantalizingly in the showrooms,
When I lived in the voluptuous coagulation of ominous black clouds; all that I could ever dream of was tumultuous streaks of thunder lightening; ferocious droplets of sparkling rain pelting incessantly on the trajectory of this earth,
When I lived in the pristine oyster; all that I could ever dream of was the boundless assembly of glowing pearls; the exorbitant opulence and glamour encapsulating the neck of every princess,
When I lived in the scalp; all that I could ever dream of tons of animated hair drifting in the direction of the breeze; incomprehensible granules of disdainful dandruff feasting merrily on the skull,
When I lived in raw mud; all that I could ever dream of was clusters of grass sprouting out in rampant tandem; the hideous snakes and worms crawling
furtively into their respective burrows at night,
When I lived in the automobile tyre; all that I could ever dream of was several bellows of freshly trapped air; electric speeds enveloping me every second as the
car galloped into the jagged necklace of hills,
When I lived in the lap of my mother; all that I could ever dream of was my nostalgic childhood; the moments of inexorable mischief that I had executed while pulling her nose; incorrigibly refraining to study when she scolded me,
When I lived in the Omnipotent statue of the Almighty creator; all that I could ever dream of was the entire Universe; the magnificent beauty that he had evolved to admire; the astounding prowess that he had endowed upon every human being to create an entity possessing his own blood,
And when I lived in the heart of my beloved; all that I could ever dream was pure love; drowning in the aisles of her ravishing romance; blending my impoverished soul in the stream of her passionate breath to exist blissfully in this life; as well as many more lives to come .
Your hair were as vivacious as the pelting drops of rain; cascading tantalizingly over your petite shoulders,
Your eyes were as voluptuous as freshly extracted red wine; drowning me in an ocean of unparalleled enchantment,
Your feet were as intricate as the daintily glistening stars; engendering me to worship them incessantly in meek obeisance,
Your hands were the sole source of my destiny; with their resplendent softness sending shivers down my spine as they gently caressed me,
Your lips were like mesmerizing fountains of golden honey; putting me into a celestial stupor with their fleet of enigmatic tunes,
Your skin was as silken as pure cow milk; metamorphosing into tinges of passionate scarlet as you strolled past my side,
Your fingers were as beautiful as the rudimentary tree roots; exotically igniting unburned fires in my persona as they weaved through my scalp,
Your teeth were a formidable fortress of magnificent ivory; prominently depicting the most fascinating of smiles that I had ever perceived in this world,
Your voice was sweeter than the most melodious of cuckoo; pacifying my conglomerate of profoundly agitated nerves better than the best of painkiller,
Your cheeks were as tangy as the ravishing cluster of crimson cherries; portraying your incredulously sweet aura even in the most horrendously appalling darkness,
Your neck was as flexible as the undulating waves of the ocean; turning instantaneously to even the most minuscule of my command,
Your sweat was as golden as the glittering slabs of gold; sparkling gorgeously under belligerent rays of the fiery Sun,
Your stomach was as sensuous as the bathing shark; fomenting me to wake up in utter bewilderment; even from the midst of impregnably deep sleep,
Your ears were as sharp as the mystically beaked owl; intricately deciphering even the most incoherent of my whispers,
Your armpits were like the entrance to divine heaven; enticing me incorrigibly to take shelter under their stupendously alluring grace,
Your tongue was like the fabulously redolent rose; flooding my dead veins with inexorable exhilaration as it slurped white pints of titillating champagne,
Your blood was like the flamboyant island of Sun; incinerating the inferno of love simmering in my veins to animatedly leap towards the sky,
Your countenance was like the Royal princess; immortally bonding me in the invincible arms of your unfathomable desire,
And your heart was the best in the entire cosmos; throbbing indefatigably without the slightest of rest; throbbing relentlessly even in the most gruesomely dismal of situation; more importantly than all; throbbing louder than ferocious thunder in the sky when it witnesses me; as it only and irrefutably mine .
When I held a fat slab of wax in blistering fire; it painstakingly melted as the passionate flames kissed its dainty periphery; eventually reducing to a pool of
solitary liquid,
When I held a trunk of seasoned wood in blazing waves of orange fire; the timber mercilessly charred into embers of raw ash; as the seconds unveiled by and the
heat augmented to tumultuous proportions,
When I held a mountain of blank paper in the menacing swirl of the pugnacious fire; all that was left of them was profoundly black soot; inconspicuous threads of fluff as the vicious plumes licked them from all sides,
When I held a field of silky cotton in the sweltering ball of fire; the magnificent cloth evaporated into a thick cloud of white smoke; blended with the open sky as the fire galloped at the fire galloped at fierce pace,
When I held a dungeon of gold biscuits and jewels in the belligerent hell of fire; all that remained after a few seconds; was a golden stream of orphaned pale yellow; that floated unceremoniously through the granules of soil,
When I held a cluster of ravishing fruits and succulent berries in the heart of the vindictively escalating fire; there was onerous difficulty to search even for the seeds; a few minutes after the hostile flames attacked from all sides,
When I held a conglomerate of coiled wires in the ominous conflagration of unrelenting fire; all that was left after a while was dilapidated fragments of shattered metal; overwhelmingly disrupted by the towering heat,
When I held a cabin of scintillating glass in the forest of inexorably savage fire; the same people who used to throng it incessantly to admire their tantalizing silhouettes; now ran miles away after sighting their horrendously distorted reflection,
When I held a fleet of swanky automobile in the center of the whirlwind speed fire; there was a deafeningly thunderous bang that occurred; and what once seemed to be the princely cavalcade of cars now exploded and disappeared into plumes of black smoke,
When I held a festoon of scarlet roses in the repugnant blanket of brutal fire; all that remained after fractions seconds of time was inconspicuous globules of ash; and the scent which was once supremely redolent now resembled that emanating from the morbid graveyard,
When I held an ocean of sweet milk in flamboyant wisps of fire; an obnoxiously burnt stench blended with the still atmosphere; and the solvent which once was
ubiquitously known all round the globe for its superlatively salubrious properties; the impregnable strength it imparted after consuming it; now appeared like threateningly dark paint dribbling down slowly from the walls,
When I held a sac of robust potatoes in the thick of fulminating fire; all that I got to eat after an hour was gruesomely charred stone; pathetic slices of dust that arose in bountiful amounts all around,
When I held the majestic tusks of elephant in the throes of the animatedly leaping fire; all that remained after a day was diminutive shells of utterly hopeless despair; being swept away with even the most tiniest draught of wind,
When I held the royal castle in the middle of the agonizingly volatile fire; the place replicated a barren farmland after a few days; and people trespassing around thought that something fresh needed to be constructed; that some crops needed to be freshly sowed,
When I held the exorbitantly opulent bank in the agitated island of springing fire; the unfathomable notes of currency wailed in inevitable gloom; and what was once a colossal storehouse for satisfying the most infinitesimal of people's needs; now lay buried several feet beneath the dust,
When I held an insurmountably long rope of tangy toothpaste in the entrenchment of boiling fire; there initially wafted an incomprehensibly poignant aroma in the air; soon to be replaced by winds of rotten fish scent,
When I held a mammoth box of matchsticks in the body of venomously rising fire; there reverberated a noise that was greater than a thousand bombs; as the sticks incinerated instantaneously into a cloudburst of unending flames;
irrevocably refraining to subside,
When I held a billion follicles of mesmerizing hair in the belly of acrimoniously stringent fire; the resultant fibers that came out were so profoundly scarred; that even the ghoulish faced witch refrained to adorn them,
But when I held me and my beloved in the core of the same treacherous fire; its flames no doubt pulverized our bodies to a pair of frugal bones; but were simply
not enough make even the slightest of dent on our immortal love; the perpetual harmony and bliss in which our souls existed for unsurpassable times together; even after our death .
Blind me gruesomely for life; emptying the entire canister of piquant red chili powder into my innocuous eyes,
Cut each of my fingers mercilessly; with the hostile pair of cleavers gleaming menacingly beside the kitchen sink,
Ridicule me severely in public; ostracizing me for my plethora of misdeeds; stripping me naked in the heart of the city,
Break a bulky cluster of rotten eggs on my scalp; giving me dead scorpion stuffed between stale bread; to forcefully munch for breakfast,
Snap the brakes of my car deliberately before I left in the morning; so that the automobile plummeted horrendously into the steep valley; eventually exploding and charring me into a cloud of black plumes,
Hurl a battalion of abuses at me every night before I drifted into tranquil sleep; addressing me by ghastly names that I had never envisaged in the wildest of my
Spit at me all the saliva loitering freely in your mouth; vomiting on my face all the foul food which you had consumed for lunch last afternoon,
Put a slab of pugnacious thorns beneath my head; instead of the fir coated and silken pillow,
Give me acid to drink instead of mineral water; uncouthly assassinating the intricate intestines encompassed within my stomach,
Completely empty my bank account; spending each penny of my hard earned money on bombastic clothes you cherished and adored,
Kick me in my rear like a stray dog wandering on the streets; ordering me to run to the most minuscule of your commands even after midnight,
Pummel me brutally in my stomach; banging your fists relentlessly into my chest; just a minute after I was released from the operation room,
Slash my writs with your heinous nails; ordering me to speak for you every time you opened your mouth,
Pour boiling tea directly on my tender lap; instead of letting it harmoniously cascade into the cup stringently clasped in my hands,
Sketch mortifying cartoons of my visage on the walls; displaying them proudly to every visitor who frequented our dwelling,
Keep inscrutably smiling at me when I was inundated with work; hiding my importantly indispensable files far away from sight,
Scream hysterically in my ears; fomenting them to rip apart in barbaric disarray; puncturing austerely through my sensitive membranes,
Corrupt the mind of my child against me with appalling tales; telling him that I was a cold blooded criminal; when infact I was an ordinary sage,
Try and strangulate my neck umpteenth number of times in a day; endeavoring your best to extricate the last iota of breath trapped in my lungs,
Whip me for indefatigable number of hours with your broomstick; commanding me to walk upside down with my hands clinging to my ears,
But please O! beloved, don’t ever leave me and go; for this painful ordeal that I underwent every day was far less than the living dead I would become; if
you suddenly left me .
Everyday I admired your enchanting lips a 1000 times; wholesomely drowning myself into the voluptuous sheen of their luscious excitement,
Everyday I admired your silken hair a 1000 times; profoundly lost in their ravishing swirl as they mystically swished,
Everyday I admired your dainty fingers a 1000 times; envisaging them to be the sweetest honey ever existing or found on the trajectory of this earth,
Everyday I admired your rosy tongue a 1000 times; perceiving its supremely tantalizing taste; the tons of tangy saliva it encapsulated in its delectable chamber,
Everyday I admired your emphatic eyes a 1000 times; witnessing my reflection as pellucid as scintillating diamonds in their compassionate moistness,
Everyday I admired your seductive voice a 1000 times; thoroughly astounded by the unsurpassable eloquence in your words; the stupendous cadence in your sound,
Everyday I admired your immaculate ears a 1000 times; possessing an insatiable urge to whisper into them gently as time unveiled,
Everyday I admired your captivating belly a 1000 times; exploring its titillating contours voraciously with my slender hands,
Everyday I admired your incomprehensibly alluring eyelashes a 1000 times; kissing them nimbly with my lips; their incessant fluttering engendering me to go right back into my nostalgic childhood,
Everyday I admired your petite toes a 1000 times; incredulously relishing the tinkling sound of your silver chains; the moon white disposition of your majestic nails,
Everyday I admired your celestially sculptured shadow a 1000 times; bathing my impoverished persona in the enamoring intrigue it generated as soon as I transgressed it by,
Everyday I admired your superlatively piquant nose a 1000 times; adored it for indefatigable number of hours; blending myself wholesomely with the moist breath that fervently flowed across my cheek,
Everyday I admired your compassionately tiny fists a 1000 times; trying to decipher my destiny in the lines impregnated firmly within,
Everyday I admired your inevitably magnificent skin a 1000 times; sighting your flesh metamorphose from stark white to profusely crimson; on boundless number of occasions in a single day,
Everyday I admired your ingratiatingly imprisoning stare a 1000 times; locking my eyes for eternity into the ocean of invincible agony that you harbored,
Everyday I admired your majestically royal yawn a 1000 times; besieging my cowardly demeanor with waves of unparalleled excitement; as infinite shivers passed down my spine,
Everyday I admired your irrefutably golden sweat a 1000 times; relishing its poignant odor to the pinnacle of my hearts content,
Everyday I admired your flirtatiously dimpled chin a 1000 times; enticing me like a shooting star from the galaxy; to uncontrollably plummet down from the sky,
Everyday I admired your natural perfume a 1000 times; basking in its glorious aroma till I transited into a heavenly stupor; waking up only to find it tickling me all over again,
Everyday I admired your heartbeat a 1000 times; unprecedentedly enthralled at the turbulent flames they evoked in my chest,
And I have no inhibitions whatsoever in saying that as I got up the next day; I still admired your beautiful countenance a 1001st time; as you were the only girl of my dreams; you were really very beautiful .
The dog was passionate after the bone; could run any degree of distance to capsize it in his greedy mouth,
The fish was passionate after salty water; was ready to fight the preposterously mighty shark in order to swim in an ambience of coral and glistening coral weeds,
The squirrel was passionate after the succulently delicious nut; nibbling it with great fervor after she had firmly entangled it between her famished jaws,
The vulture was passionate after satanic chunks of dead meat; soared unrelentingly in circles over the morbid graveyard; all throughout the day and each minute of the starlit night,
The ant was passionate after orphaned bits of fermented bread; crawling on the same with a whole army of its friends; tearing apart its body with untamed gusto,
The desert sands were passionate after sparkling water; made the ominous conglomerate of black clouds their best friends; wailed in unison to shower upon their disastrously parched surface; with torrential sheets of rain,
The pen was passionate after pools of sapphire blue fountain ink; harbored a perennial desire to embed barren paper with boundless lines of free verse,
The bird was passionate after its cluster of innocuous eggs; inexorably stayed awake the entire night guarding them against the tiniest of evil; imparting them the compassionate warmth to hatch into mesmerizing fledglings,
The watch was passionate after its pairs of needles; which incessantly ticked all day and night; producing a daintily gurgling sound as each second unleashed by,
The chimpanzee was passionate after the raw sheaf of green bananas; peeling a second one of its salubrious pulpy skin; even before he had properly gobbled down the first one down,
The cat was passionate after its bowl of frosty milk; surreptitiously waited in the dark ceiling; for its chance to guzzle down the liquid at insane speeds,
The mongoose was passionate after the venomous snake; tremendously relishing even the slightest of opportunity to imprison one in its jaws; rip apart the diabolical hood and the river of venom; to have a feast under the tenacious moon,
The veins were passionate after scarlet streams of blood; wanted them at any cost to circulate rampantly through their body; render them with robust health and overwhelming gratification,
The tongue was passionate after voice; had this insatiable urge to speak every minute; bask in the pompous glory of the flurry of sounds it generated,
The sky was passionate after its iridescent blanket of stars; wanted every divinely night of its to be studded with infinite shimmering jewels of their kind,
The witch was passionate after new born children; slurped its mouth in unfathomable ecstasy when she saw a healthy baby being born on this globe,
The drunkard was passionate after opulent bottles of cherry wine; banging his feet; uncouthly tearing his head apart in frustration when he was denied access to his favorite elixir,
The mosquito was passionate after ripe flesh; indefatigably tyrannizing blissfully sleeping angels with its obnoxiously repelling sting,
The cow was passionate after leafy mountains of green grass; painstakingly munching it all throughout the day to wholesomely appease its sacrosanct senses,
The mother was passionate after her child; starving her stomach to unprecedented limits; in order to feed her impeccable infant,
The Creator was passionate after this entire Universe; articulately synchronizing and governing the movement of each tangible and intangible being; ensuring that
the essence of life remained for immortal times,
And I was passionate after my beloved; wildly captivated in the bonds of her flamboyantly fiery love; blending with her moist breath since countless births gone; and countless more births to unveil .
Just one smile of hers; was enough to make me forget my ocean of unprecedented sorrow,
Just one tear of hers; was enough to make me melt in meek submission on the cold ground,
Just one word of hers; was enough to make me perceive the entire Universe; drown into an ocean of boundless enchantment,
Just one dimple of hers; was enough to make me profoundly admire beauty; uninhibitedly engulf myself into a fabulous paradise,
Just one shadow of hers; was enough to make me solve all enigmas of life; immensely simplify my incredulously complicated existence,
Just one finger of hers; was enough to make me become oblivious to my entire body; become completely immune to the most bizarre of pain,
Just one hair of hers; was enough to make me imagine the most spell binding images incarcerated in this world; the ravishing softness and poignant melody lingering in the atmosphere,
Just one lip of hers; was enough to make me swirl in tumultuously passionate desire; make me perpetually long for sweet nectar entrapped in the golden beehives,
Just one shout of hers; was enough to make me forget all my fears; stand like an invincible fortress in the way of whatever was trying to invidiously harm her,
Just one leg of hers; was enough to make me astoundingly gasp; ignite dormant infernos sleeping lazily in my soul,
Just one whistle of hers; was enough to make me ecstatically dance; gyrate my body uncontrollably under the pearly midnight moon,
Just one tongue of hers; was enough to make me gruesomely famished; long for all the tantalizing food that sizzled on this planet,
Just one fist of hers; was enough to make me envisage about all the muscle that wandered on this globe; generated impregnable power in my supremely dreary
Just one eye of hers; was enough to make me indulge in astronomically flirtatious mischief; tease the grass stalks and whatever else came my way; as I languidly trespassed on chocolate brown soil,
Just one look of hers; was enough to make me to forget my reflection; profusely blend myself with the titillating mascara adorning her lashes,
Just one scent of hers; was enough to make me to condemn all other perfume; inhale her enamoring persona for fathomless decades to unleash,
Just one breath of hers; was enough to make me swoon on the ground; transform into a celestial reverie for times immemorial,
Just one heart beat of hers; was enough to make me overwhelmingly love; gather all the strength and tenacity required to fight for existence,
And just one stare of hers; was enough to make me relinquish palpable life; pack my bag for the royal heavens and die .
Each building had boundless floors; but for me the best floor was the floor on which she resided; danced in tireless exuberance and untamed passion every unfurling hour,
Each city had boundless roads; but for me the best road was the one on which she trespassed; purifying the soil on which she tread with her sacrosanct footsteps,
Each garden had boundless roses; but for me the best rose was the one she caressed; left her exotic perfume lingering mystically upon its enchanting persona,
Each tree had boundless branches; but for me the best branch was the one on which she sat; imparting it her compassionate warmth and stupendously charismatic grace,
Each dictionary had boundless words; but for me the best word was the one she uttered; explicitly pronounced it with majestic authority,
Each cloud in the cosmos showered boundless droplets of rain; but for me the best droplet was the one that drenched her completely; made her look even more voluptuous in the creamy shine of the moonlit night,
Each kite had boundless strings; but for me the best string was the one which she adroitly pulled; fomenting the canvas to escalate with handsome supremacy in the boisterous packet of fervent air,
Each day had boundless minutes; but for me the best minute was the one in which she smiled; profoundly illuminated the abysmally dreary atmosphere with the rhapsody circulating in her countenance,
Each light had boundless rays; but for me the best ray was the one which fell on her gorgeously hazel eyes; providing my miserably defeated body with the inevitable rejuvenation and tenacity it badly wanted,
Each mountain had boundless slopes; but for me the best slope was the one on which she ebulliently wandered; metamorphosing its barren demeanor into one
with fecund and bountiful fertility,
Each bank had boundless notes; but for me the best note was the one which she hoisted; granting it the magical prowess of proliferating at electric speeds on
its very own,
Each river had boundless streams; but for me the best stream was the one in which she bathed; sending uncontrollable shivers down my spine when I sighted
her tantalizingly ravishing hair,
Each cactus had boundless thorns; but for me the best thorn was the one she inadvertently pricked; as I got an infinitesimally minuscule chance; the supreme
privilege of bonding with her droplet of poignantly crimson blood,
Each train had boundless windows; but for me the best window was the one in which she sighted her royal reflection; gave a new definition to beauty as she uninhibitedly admired the fabulously fleeting scenery,
Each hand had boundless lines; but for me the best line was the one she traced; deciphered its deeply enigmatic meaning; the bearing it would have on future
Each rainbow had boundless shades; but for me the best shade was the one which she adored; bounced with unprecedented jubilation as it pilfered in through her
pellucid bedroom glass,
Each school had boundless children; but for me the best child was the one she lifted in her egalitarian arms; deluging its innocuous ears with tales of mystical mankind,
Each skin had boundless hair; but for me the best hair was the one she ardently stroked; triggering a catharsis of fiery emotions to naturally emit out,
Each showroom had boundless clothes; but foe me the best fabric was the one she wore on her superlatively impeccable body; the one which diffused her mesmerizing fragrance for centuries unsurpassable,
And each heart had boundless cavities; but for me the best cavity was the one which immortally incarcerated her love; and as a matter of fact I was irrefutably proud to state that in this case; the cavity belonged only to me; the cavity was purely mine .
I knew her better than I knew the lines of my palm; which I sighted unrelentingly each minute of the day,
I knew her better than I knew my ability to voraciously talk; explicitly uttering more than a million sentences a day,
I knew her better than I knew the complexion of my skin; the rubicund tinge and the robust glow that I had overwhelmingly enjoyed since many years,
I knew her better than I knew my shadow; the inscrutably enchanting form that had been following me since eternity; in brilliant shades of sunlight,
I knew her better than I knew the food trapped in my dainty stomach; the appetizing blend of roasted vegetables and fruit juice that I had consumed just a few minutes ago,
I knew her better than I knew my conglomerate of fortified bones; incorporating loads of impregnable strength,
I knew her better than I knew my eyes; the unfathomable hours they could remain awake; sight and prudently discern astounding beauty wandering in this vast Universe,
I knew her better than I knew my crimson blood; the voluptuous stream that painstakingly gushed out; when I scraped against an acrimonious thorn,
I knew her better than I knew my legs; the robust pinches of exhilaration encapsulated inside; the fervent longing besieging them to shrug all inhibitions and thunderously run,
I knew her better than I knew my silver sweat; the rhapsodic perspiration that ran down my arms; everytime I conquered new summits in life,
I knew her better than I knew my mystical whisper; the hushed tones in which I furtively communicated with my sacrosanct Creator every morning as I woke
up from sedate sleep,
I knew her better than I knew my deafening yawn; the laziness that rampantly permeated my persona; after toiling the entire day under sweltering rays of the
pugnacious Sun,
I knew her better than I knew my ambitions; the insatiable urge in my demeanor to blatantly trespass over acrid milestones,
I knew her better than I knew my luscious lips; the tantalizing charm that camouflaged them; made them the darling of whomsoever who caressed their lingering softness,
I knew her better than I knew my fortress of scintillating teeth; the inevitable tenacity they possessed to scrupulously crunch the meal of their choice,
I knew her better than I knew my ability to relentlessly write; emboss spell binding verses of blossoming poetry every early morning and late night,
I knew her better than I knew the noise produced when I clapped; harmoniously united both hands of mine to inundate the still ambience with triumphant sound,
I knew her better than I knew my heart beat; the infinite number of times in a day it turbulently palpitated; the volatile energy it imparted to my dreary soul to inch forward and holistically survive,
And I knew her better than I knew my breath; the very minuscule draught of air which I had inhaled unsurpassable number of times since the time I was born; infact the very reason that I was merrily writing and living today .
I played a game of soccer; kicking the rotund football with rampant frenzy; when I felt the muscles in my feet were pertinently aching,
I played a game of cricket; swishing the cherry shaped ball boundless feet out of the oval ground; when I felt that the disdainful cluster of knots building up in my hands were raring to be wholesomely released,
I played a game of basketball; levitating my feet countless inches from the ground to find the sweet spot of the crisscrossed net; when I felt an insatiable urge in my persona to be as tall as the lanky building,
I played a game of cards; manipulatively dealing the resplendent paper across the furry table; when I felt that the currency in my pocket was rapidly diminishing; and I didn’t want to slog it under the sweltering heat of the midday Sun,
I played a game of long tennis; articulately maneuvering my gaudy racket all round the court; when I felt that an unrelenting urge to defeat my horrendous adversary,
I played a game of wind sailing; dexterously steering my long clothed boat against a battalion of turbulently tangy ocean waves; when I felt the exhilaration evaporating at swashbuckling speeds from my veins; an incorrigible spell of dull sleep besieging my slender framework of bones,
I played a game of chess; ingeniously moving my pieces on the enigmatically checkered board; when I felt that the dead cells in my mind; the dolorous stagnancy in my demeanor needed that captivating rejuvenation,
I played a game of hide and seek; flirtatiously camouflaging myself behind the bushes away from the sight of my girl; when I felt mystical pangs of naughty mischief mildly caress my soul,
I played a game of table tennis; bashing the hollow plastic with fervent intensity virtually into my opponents face; when I felt that my ears were dying to hear that ping pong sound which so delectably made them oblivious to this mundane world,
I played a game of swimming; passionately waving my arms to emulate a silver dolphin in the pool; when I felt that the skin enveloping my body was dying a
premature death; the hair on my back had slept long ago,
I played a game of long jump; escalating my whole body to stupendous heights over the flimsy bar; when I felt a tingling sensation in my mind to conquer the acrimonious flurry of hurdles,
I played a game of hockey; careening the round marble with my stick right into the heart of the goal; when I felt that the food in my stomach was rotting to hell; needed some indispensable activity to be harmoniously digested,
I played a game of ice skating; gliding as smoothly as a white eagle across the frozen coat of scintillating snow; when I felt that an celestial urge to cover marathon miles without a single walk or run,
I played a game of sword fighting; audaciously clanging pugnacious metal with metal under the pearly rays of the full moonlight; when I felt that my senses wanted to duplicate the royal king; adopt his supremely oligarchic techniques to savor the flavor of majestic life,
I played a game of crossword puzzle; meticulously synchronizing and arranging a fleet of alphabets in chronological rows in order to make prudent sense; when I felt that I needed to inevitably brush up my fading vocabulary; before it entirely disappeared with the passing clouds,
I played a game of staring; looking inexorably into my partners eyes till God himself descended on this earth ordered them to close; when I felt that the tenacity in vision was getting hazier by the unfurling minute; the lazy obscurity could almost make me blind,
I played a game of billiards; stroking the white beacon handsomely with my rosewood stick; when I felt wanted to uninhibitedly feast my eyes on the island of fur coated green; make the table compassionately resonate under the weight of my magnificent ivory rod,
I played a game of whistling; melodiously deluging the perpetually still ambience with a compendium of ravishing tunes; when I intransigently felt that my lips do the talking instead of my fat tongue,
I played a game of screaming; shouting explosively over the contemporary mike; when I felt that my nimble voice took decades to be heard; and people turned an abysmally deaf ear; everytime I spoke,
I played a game of snakes and ladders; wistfully tossing the dice to climb the perilous mountain; when I felt that I had become overwhelmingly mature; needed to revive my nostalgic memories; go right back into innocuous childhood,
And I played a game of love; ardently embracing my beloved; drowning myself in mind; body; spirit and soul into the cloud of her enchanting romance; to live
life blissfully; allow several others of my kind to do the same in the infinite moments yet to unveil; the years still to come .
In order to sign the bombastic chequebook; I used an ink resembling pure sapphire pearls,
In order to sign the hotel guestbook; I used an ink suckled from freshly tantalizing Mountain mud,
In order to sign the dreaded terrorist's death sentence; I used an ink extracted
from venomous reptile skins,
In order to sign the blissful peace treaty between neighboring continents; I used an ink extracted from poignantly delectable raspberry,
In order to sign my best friends palm; I used an ink withdrawn from astoundingly tangy lemon,
In order to sign on the innocuous student's annual examination paper; I used an ink extracted from the austerely scarlet rose,
In order to sign in the official company register; I used an ink of nimble light blue,
In order to sign on the ragged village wall; I used an ink suckled from indigenous cowdung,
In order to sign on the baby's cheeks; I used an ink of wholesomely impeccable and sacrosanct cow milk,
In order to sign on the dead man's will; I used an ink extracted from the perpetually silent and ghoulish owl,
In order to sign on the ingeniously written scientist's thesis; I used an ink of contemporary silver and slippery mercury,
In order to sign on the celestially embossed marriage invitation; I used an ink extricated from the fabulously gorgeous pink lotus,
In order to sign on my salary increment application; I used an ink of
intractably adhering black paint,
In order to sign on the overwhelmingly confidential presidential document; I used an ink of glittering emerald green; evacuated from the fossils loitering in tandem on the century old ocean bed,
In order to sign the artist's majestic painting; I used an ink extracted from royally curled oligarchic peacock quills,
In order to sign the horrendously corrupt politician's ordeal; I used an ink of exorbitantly cheap and stinking gutter water,
In order to sign the aristocratically woven recommendation letter; I used an ink imprisoned in the heart of the marvelously radiating oyster,
In order to sign the gardeners pending bills; I used an ink extracted from ravishingly fresh green grass,
In order to sign the feeble patient's crisp hospital vouchers; I used an ink of the most stringent antiseptic,
In order to sign the film star's swanky autobiography; I used an ink resembling glamorous diamonds sparkling tenaciously in the garish showroom,
In order to sign the birth certificate of the immaculate tied orphan for securing admission in playtime nursery; I used an ink extracted from the vividly vivacious cluster of red cherry,
In order to sign the magicians insurmountably enigmatic visiting card; I used an ink extracted from mystical blueberry herb,
And in order to sign the bond of love; the pact of immortal romance between me and my beloved; I used an ink of my very own and profusely passionate crimson blood .
It was a wave that besieged me with the agony of supremely passionate desire; augmenting violently as every second unfurled,
It was a wave that embedded in me unprecedented exhilaration; fomented me to dance ecstatically under tenacious beams of silvery moonlight,
It was a wave that uncannily struck my senses; induced in me an insatiable yearning to stare into open space,
It was a wave that engendered me to sweat incessantly; dream bombastically all throughout the lengthy night,
It was a wave that made me run barechested on the crowded street; shrugging all my sanctimonious inhibitions into thin air,
It was a wave that made me completely oblivious to the unveiling of time; made me relinquish all prospects of spurious growth in the profoundly professional and mundane world,
It was a wave that made me bask in the glory of the stupendously cool atmosphere; the air which I previously considered to be disastrously sultry and hot,
It was a wave that enveloped my impoverished persona like an overwhelmingly turbulent cyclone; gobbling me unsparingly in its impregnable swirl,
It was a wave that took away all my hunger; and yet rendered me craving for more and more morsels of food,
It was a wave that triggered me to bathe in passionate perspiration; even in the midst of the austerely cascading snow,
It was a wave that made me abdicate all my prudence and discerning ability; propelling me to walk enthusiastically even on the diabolically toothed shark,
It was a wave that made me wholesomely immune to the most deadliest of snakes crawling in vicinity; fervently awaiting an opportunity to strike me with
their dangerously venomous fangs,
It was a wave which stole all my sagacious memory; made me entirely forget my delectable surrounding; my very own complete name,
It was a wave which pierced me like an electric bullet; jolted me from the thick of blissful sleep; well past after wee hours of the lonely midnight,
It was a wave which caused me to make several trips to the mental asylum; as I was utterly unable to speak any other word except one,
It was a wave which drowned me totally into an ocean of seductive fantasy; one which simply didn’t seem to have a definite end,
It was a wave which blended with my blood faster than any liquid or food could coagulate; imparting me witha Herculean stamina that no force on this earth could ever dream to curb,
It was a wave which viciously increased the pace of my heart; made it audible to even the birds perched right on the summit of the colossal treetops,
It was a wave which voluptuously tantalized me till my last breath; evoked infinite gooze-bumps to creep up my body as each day stumbled into fiery night,
It was a wave which mesmerized me so deeply; that I literally forgot that I had an entity of my own; that there was a melodiously enthralling voice blatantly subdued in the chamber of my moistened throat,
It was a wave which had no caste; religion; color or ostentatious creed; swept me off the ground like a frigidly timid broomstick,
It was a wave which had no dimension or length; instilled in my blood a robust cheer that amplified leaps and bounds by the unfolding minute,
It was a wave which perpetually swelled; kept on igniting the inferno of uncontrollable desire; for countless centuries to unveil in the center of my heart,
It was a wave which had made me deplorably blind; as I tripped embarrassingly on every step that I took; even before I could hoist my tender feet,
It was a wave which had no head; no tail; no significant entity; yet had the unfathomable prowess of luring me with its charm; the instant it nimbly
caressed me,
It was a wave which enticed me from the pinnacle of solitary boredom; set my life to a heavenly blissful and happy pace,
It was a wave which imparted my eyes with a divinely glow; that levitated to unimaginable heights as the clock sped by,
It was a wave which made time tick past at astounding speeds; and the stages of gloomy remorse which once stabbed me like a million needles; not got replaced by a wistful longing for more moments in every day,
It was a wave which never crashed against the chain of satanic rocks; immortally kept titillating me with its poignant ebullience,
It was a wave which made me pathetically flounder at every little aspect of life; yet emerge out victorious as the supremely unconquerable winner,
It was a wave which taught me to embrace a person; trespassing intrepidly across pompous barricades of the orthodox society,
It was a wave which initiated me to believe in things that I had nonchalantly dismissed before; more importantly made me believe in the Omnipotent aura of
It was a wave which had the indefatigable power to defeat the entire Universe single handed; reign supreme over all the wealth and power for times immemorial,
It was a wave which made me stagger on just one thought for eternity; exasperated all those around me; wherever I went,
It was a wave which was more fragrant than the most incredulous of scent; ardently tickled the inner most rudiments of my reckless conscience,
It was a wave which impregnated my demeanor with spell bounding magic; metamorphosing everything I felt and softly brushed into glittering gold,
It was a wave which gave me the freedom to speak what I wanted; perceive the most unconventional conditions engulfing monotonous life,
It was a wave which made me realize that I had a definite purpose to fulfill; induced in me an unsurpassable desire to lead life,
And the most special thing about it was; that it was a wave which inevitably cast its ingratiating charm on every youth of my kind; incarcerating trembling bodies
in the current of its fathomless volatile energy; for it was none other than THE WAVE OF LOVE .
I didn’t want a place in your ostentatiously embellished fabric; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your violently throbbing heart instead,
I didn’t want a place in your voluptuously lingering mascara; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your mesmerizing eye instead,
I didn’t want a place in the pompous vermilion coated on your forehead; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your ingenious brain instead,
I didn’t want a place in your sleazily glittering nail polish; I infact wanted to immortally reside in the center of your palm instead,
I didn’t want a place in the delectably fluffs of shampoo overflowing seductively from your scalp; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your tantalizingly black
and ravishing hair instead,
I didn’t want a place in the resplendent chain encapsulating your belly; I infact wanted to immortally reside in the cushioned interiors of your robust stomach instead,
I didn’t want a place in the golden glasses of wine which were kept on your mantelpiece; I infact wanted to immortally reside in the stupendously fragrant
sweat which oozed down your arms instead,
I didn’t want a place in your alluringly deceptive lipstick; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your lusciously pink lips instead,
I didn’t want a place in your slender network of boundlessly huge veins; I infact wanted to reside in the crimson streams of your blood instead,
I didn’t want a place in the smoke that engulfed you at all times of the day; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your ardently passionate breath instead,
I didn’t want a place in your exorbitantly costly designer shoe; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your celestial feet instead,
I didn’t want a place in your opalescent pair of vanity earrings; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your daintily dangling ears instead,
I didn’t want a place in the armory of diamonds which incessantly glowed on your petite fingers; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your tightly clasped and fervent fists instead,
I didn’t want a place in the voice that floated from your persona for a few seconds and then disappeared into obsolete oblivion; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your incredulously rosy tongue instead,
I didn’t want a place in the shimmering chain of silver enveloping your elongated neck; I infact wanted to immortally reside in the profoundly mystically valley of your throat instead,
I didn’t want a place in the grandiloquently jewel studded watch camouflaging your wrists; I infact wanted to immortally reside in the pulse that indefatigably palpitated beneath your sparkling skin instead,
I didn’t want a place in the astoundingly appetizing granules of food you consumed several times in a single day; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your immaculately scintillating teeth instead,
I didn’t want a place in the spuriously spongy car seat in which you sat; I infact wanted to immortally reside in the most volatile of your fantasy; the most
fabulously titillating of your dreams instead,
And I didn’t want a place in every person whom you encountered on the streets in your struggle for existence each day and night; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your euphorically palpable life instead .
The butter was still fresh; with adorable crusts of cream oozing poignantly from its molten persona,
The rose was still blossoming; with its ravishing redolence reinvigorating everything around in dull atmosphere,
The stream was still gushing at electric speeds; with its gurgling waters diffusing into spell binding froth after clashing against the chain of ecstatic rocks,
The peacock was still dancing; with its feathers spread wildly wide to a completely full and exotically animated plumage,
The grass blades were still awake; with glistening dew drops now enigmatically caressing their intricate visage,
The stars still twinkled in the sky; with the magnificent white beams of light casting a majestic spell on the body of pathetically scorched earth,
The leaves still vibrantly rustled with the wind; inscrutably whispering their nostalgic tales of day; their stupendously enamoring anecdotes of the past,
The lion still roared euphorically; puncturing the sedate ambience with an uncanny thrill that was never experienced before,
The nightingale still sang its melodious rhymes; captivating every tangible and intangible entity with the fascinating melody in its sound,
The clouds still collided in the sky; pelting droplets of rejuvenating rain in tumultuous fury,
The ducks still floated in the serene pond; fomenting blissful ripples to spread infectiously around; profoundly enlightening the night with their flurry of
boisterous quacks,
The chameleon still fluttered its ominous tail; tantalizingly changing color; splendidly blending with the surrounding it went,
The mammoth stacks of green chili were still flaming; violently embodying the area around with a distinctly piquant odor; a scent that could bring life into the
The Moon still shone a tenacious white; with its creamy rays filtering a path through the stringently dolorous darkness,
The chill still lingered pertinently; perpetuating infinite goose-bumps to inevitably creep up the body,
The horde of impeccable rabbits still frolicked in their burrows; playing hide and seek with the drifting clouds and shine,
The preposterously fat python still slithered through the marshes; furtively awaiting to gobble its prey; in the clandestine darkness concealing his belly,
The spider still spun its web; running at astounding speeds from one end to the other; producing marvelously shimmering silk with its slime,
C'mon let's enjoy ourselves to the fullest O! beloved; bask in the aisles of uninhibited desire and romance; for the night was still young; the darkness had set blazing fire to our senses; the night was still alive .
You were in every step that I took; caressing the earth softly with my indigenously sculptured feet,
You were in every smile that I executed; spreading a wave of unprecedented cheer in an atmosphere laden heavily with inexplicable gloom,
You were in every promise that I made; impregnating impoverished demeanor's with heaps of fortification and rejuvenating assurance,
You were in every challenge that I undertook; unequivocally proving my flamboyantly Herculean mettle in this world,
You were in every kiss that I blew; deluging the drearily starved ambience with an ocean of passionate fantasy and fiery romance,
You were in every image that I witnessed; marvelously embellishing and adorning even the most hideously insipid of sights wandering on this planet,
You were in every yawn that I produced lazily at ethereal dawn; fomenting me to start the heavenly day with unparalleled exuberance in my body,
You were in every word that I embodied with my own blood; making it more valuable than any amount of wealth ever found on this globe,
You were in every tear that I shed; blissfully purifying the area you fell with the irrefutably philanthropic essence lingering in your soul,
You were in every line that I sung; driving the last ounce of despair from my miserably shriveled and exhausted life,
You were in every mischief that I played; transiting me back to my days of innocuous childhood; the unfathomable naughtiness circumventing my persona even today,
You were in every punch that I imparted with my palms; augmenting my strength to astounding limits when I faced the ominously vicious and bad,
You were in every tale that I had to recite; intransigently captivating the most ruthless of personality in the fervent intensity of our immortal love,
You were in every droplet of my blood that flowed through my veins; giving it the status of being more cherished than the most boundless of ocean; more revered than the most holiest of liquid trickling in this Universe,
You were in every dream that I envisaged; making me the richest man on soil; sitting merely on my dingy hut's doorstep,
You were in every scripture that I imbibed in life; metamorphosing me from a simple illiterate; to the most knowledgeable entity ever born,
You were in every morsel of food that I ate in my quota of limited years; placating my uncontrollable hunger; with the mesmerizing grace of your tantalizing charm,
You were in every breath that I inhaled; deluging and wholesomely encapsulating my lungs with the ardor to live,
And you were in every beat that my heart took almost infinite times in a single day; triggering me with the insurmountable tenacity to fight life; find a place of my own to live amongst the pack of wolves that surrounded me every instant; the acrimonious bed of thorns surreptitiously waiting to gobble me; the moment I tread .
To get out of the towering building; I used the golden escalators; slipping down like a harmoniously dying fountain,
To get out of the dingily dark well; I used a thick rope as a tenacious pulley to hoist me from the imprisoned ambience into tangy free air,
To get out of the flying aircraft; I used a buoyant parachute to blissfully cascade down on the verdant and perpetually green lawns,
To get out of diabolical prison; I used an ingeniously intricate key to open the impregnably looming and savagely gleaming doors,
To get out of the treacherous cave; I used the slim ceiling outlet timidly visible like frugal specks of dirt; from the place where I hopelessly crawled,
To get out of the miserably stranded shores; I used a boat of overwhelmingly strong wood; and a swift pair of maneuverable oars,
To get out of the blazing flames of blistering fire; I used umpteenth pails of water to douse them in rapid succession,
To get out of the labyrinth of enigmatic tunnels and halls; I used the profoundly distinct chalk markings embossed on the walls; the shimmering magnetic compass which I held securely in my palms,
To get out of the commercially busy and boisterous market; I used an ergonomically molded squashed bicycle to escort me into free space at astounding speeds,
To get out of the spell binding ocean of sedative fantasy; I used a pail of abysmally freezing water to splash on my wholesomely lost and dreamy face,
To get out of the baffling web of incredulous complications; I used the idol of my Sacrosanct Creator as the last and final respite,
To get out of the obnoxiously hurting pair of claustrophobic shoes; I dexterously decoded the onerous armory of black lace lingering from its body,
To get out of the perennial state of gloom hovering incorrigibly around my body; I used pulsating music to inundate my forlorn life with unprecedented ebullience and cheer,
To get out of the repetitive chain of thoughts which incessantly kept stabbing my mind like a million volcano’s; I blurted a simple word called "No"; banging
it vociferously into the atmosphere,
To get out of the intractably dark stains of dirt adhering to my flawless skin; I used a stringent carbolic to evaporate them into the land of worthless nothingness,
To get out of the bottom of the deep ocean; save myself from the tyranny of ruthless drowning; I used my hands and legs prolifically to adroitly manipulate my way; smile merrily and swim,
To get out of the bountifully blossoming scent of passionate rose; I used my nostrils to optimum effect; closing them intransigently with my fingers; to block my nose to the most inconspicuous of fragrance,
To get out of this planet forever; I used a gleaming knife to slit my throat; eternally end the chapter of my baseless existence,
But no matter how hard I tried; implemented infinite steps of veritable barbarism including the ones mentioned above; I still failed to get her out of my mind; and for each time I tried to forget her; her image became a million times more embedded in the very center of my mind; the very center of my life .
The fires outside might be blazing ferociously towards the sky; charring even the most inconspicuous particle around in its tumultuously scorching swirl,
But the fire inside my blood was simply unbearable; made me inevitably collapse towards the hard ground every minute.
The temperature engulfing the atmosphere might be freezing below abysmally low limits; with ominous avalanches of snow hurtling like an augmenting balloon
down the treacherous mountain slopes,
But the enveloping my bones was simply unbearable; numbing me disastrously in every single aspect of blissful life.
The thorns laden on the jungle soil might be staring acridly towards the dark blue sky; furtively awaiting innocuous feet to inadvertently trample over them; bleed and hurt,
But the thorns in my chest were simply unbearable; viciously trying to strangulate me into ghastly emptiness every second.
The voices lingering in the island of hell might be too appalling to describe; permeated the boundless expanse of cosmos with the wail of gruesomely wicked
and salacious beasts,
But the voices circulating in my mind were simply unbearable; fomented me to disdainfully stutter a billion times; on every thought I perceived; on every sentence I spoke.
The images radiating out of the morbidly shattered mirror might be horrendous depictions of the diabolical devil; ready to pounce upon and uncouthly rip through innocent mankind,
But the images that barbarically encompassed my brain were simply unbearable; drowned me into an ocean of blood; a sea of inexplicable misery; which I found
virtually impossible to swim in and save my life.
The darkness savagely embracing the day might be an unavoidable form of Gods creation; besieging the mesmerizing sights on this planet in its satanic shades of monstrous black,
But the darkness which entrenched my eyes was simply unbearable; made me lead my days worse than the most severely blind; even though I had the most incredulously brilliant and perfect sight.
The smell emanating from the perpetually dead body might be profoundly stinking; causing one to vomit out all what he had consumed in the tenure of his life,
But the smell encapsulating my rubicund skin was simply unbearable; suffocating me this very instant; when infact doctors had proclaimed me to be in perfect health; and for apparently no sin of mine .
The businessman might have suffered gargantuan losses as the economy abruptly crashed down; sadly parting with his fathomless treasury of wealth; all what he had earned in life; within flash instants of time,
But the losses that I incurred were simply unbearable; having all the wealth of the world stored in my castle's overflowing with biscuits of gold; and yet crawling in hopeless despair on the streets; starving for tranquility more horribly than the most impoverished of beggar .
And perhaps the man buried infinite feet beneath the earth in his coffin might be without breath; celestially smiling in the arms of the Omniscient Creator,
But the tyranny that I underwent inspite of living infinite feet above earth was simply unbearable; killing my soul every moment; piercing me like a thousand knives through my hollow heart; as the entity whom I had loved more than my life no longer existed; the person who was more important to me than anything else on this planet had left me forever .
We were just a stone throw distance away from each other in reality; yet the norms and spurious pretensions of this orthodox society; separated us like clouds and the boundless earth,
We were just talking distance away from each other in reality; yet the staunch attitude of this supremely conventional society; separated us like the deserts and sparkling water,
We were just whisker lengths away from each other in reality; yet the disgustingly narrow focused attitude of this hollow society; separated us like remote continents on the body of the globe,
We were just a fine thread away from each other in reality; yet the rigidly baseless definitions of this hierarchical society; separated us like a compassionate mother and her dead son,
We were just a breath away from each other in reality; yet the horrendously disdainful perceptions of the acrid society; separated us like the blistering Sun and the celestially placid Moon,
We were just a single step away from each other in reality; yet the stringent rules and regulations of this uncouth society; separated us like the morbid graveyard and the stupendously blossoming fresh rose,
We were just a slim shadow away from each other in reality; yet the incorrigibly gruesome views of this monotonous society; separated us like the passionately
fulminating volcano and the tunnel engulfed in perpetual gloom,
We were just an emphatic tear away from each other in reality; yet this overwhelmingly prejudiced society; separated us like the summit of the towering mountain and the worm slithering miserably on the ground,
We were just a feeble pulse away from each other in reality; yet the stubborn and tyrannical ideologies of this ruthless society; separated us like truly crimson
volatile blood and colorless water,
We were just a thin eyelash away from each other in reality; yet this profusely dictatorial and sanctimoniously religious society; separated us like appalling sadness and unprecedented joy,
We were just at colliding distance away from each other in reality; yet the vicious swirl of meaningless formalities which this society was preaching since years; separated us like the pulverized bone and the athlete who had already crossed over the finishing line,
We were just minute centimeters away from each other in reality; yet the treacherous boundaries which this ostentatious society had set since centuries; separated us like fantasy and the acrimonious present,
We were just embracing lengths away from each other in reality; yet the sardonic opinions and diabolical tones of this bombastic society; separated us like the resplendently twinkling stars and austere daylight,
We were just kicking distance away from each other in reality; yet the cavalcade of inflated philosophies of this dismal society; separated us like the animatedly roaring Dinosaur and the shuddering piece of small twig,
We were just sighting distance away from each other in reality; yet the prison of nonexistent policies which this society had evolved; separated us like the hungry
dog and his piece of meaty bone,
We were just a ravishing lip away from each other in reality; yet the emotionless and cold blooded society; separated us like the crown prince and the beggar counting his last minutes on cold street,
We were just a languidly incomplete yawn away from each other in reality; yet the domineeringly unyielding society; separated us like impeccably silken white and dilapidated blocks of black,
We were just a frigid swish away from each other in reality; yet the barbaric inclination of this perilously ominous society; separated us like the handsomely soaring speedy bird and the pathetically slow tortoise,
We were just a heart beat away from each other in reality; yet the ulterior motives and incessant manipulations of this callous society; separated us like Omnipotent God and the ruthlessly satanic devil,
So c'mon O! beloved; lets once and for all forget this unfathomably idiotic society; come lets unite together in an invincible fortress of our own; come lets unite together in an unconquerable paradise of our romance; where there was only you; me and our immortal love bonded forever .
As long as we smile; I promise you that we will both smile together; profoundly admiring the glory of the stupendously brilliant Sun,
As long as we play; I promise you that we will both play together; poking each other innocuously in the tender ribs,
As long as we eat; I promise you that we will both eat meals together; masticating a basket replete with succulent cherries with gay abandon and unprecedented relish,
As long as we rest; I promise you that we will both rest together; entwining our arms invincibly and stare unrelentingly at the pearly island of Moon,
As long as we run; I promise you that we will both run together; exuberantly galloping through the verdant countryside; voraciously exploring and discovering the unfathomably colossal Natural life,
As long as we punch; I promise you that we will both punch together; caressing silken draughts of air with tons of vibrant energy; exhilarating in the aisles of
uncanny excitement,
As long as we write; I promise you that we will both write together; flooding page after page with the essence of whatever we had sagaciously imbibed and gathered on the trajectory of this planet,
As long as we sing; I promise you that we will both sing together; permeating the gloomy ambience; with the enthrallingly buoyant cadence in our voice,
As long as we dance; I promise you that we will both dance together; violently gyrating our bodies in ecstatic jubilation to the hidden tunes that lingered in the air,
As long as we study; I promise you that we will both study together; memorize cumbersome stanzas; solve mind boggling enigmas of routine life; with our minds focused single focusedly to achieve our sole mission,
As long as we cry; I promise you that we will both cry together; mutually sharing the unsurpassable agony that uncouthly besieged our souls,
As long as we scream; I promise you that we will both scream together; inundating the perennially still ambience with the stringent roar that fulminated in our throats,
As long as we teach; I promise you that we will both teach together; unequivocally propagating the religion of humanity in whomsoever we encountered in the tenure of our lives,
As long as we yawn; I promise you that we will both yawn together; lazily languish in the realms of surreal fantasy till the first rays of ethereal dawn furtively crept up from the sky,
As long as we lick; I promise you that we will both lick together; greedily slurping sparkling streams of water from the boundlessly deep well,
As long as we climb; I promise you that we will both climb together; assiduously clamber up the treacherous slopes with our bodies leaning stunningly close to
each other; and the resplendent festoon of stars maneuvering us towards the incomprehensibly towering summits,
As long as we dream; I promise you that we will both dream together; fantasize the most bizarre possible of things ever perceived on this planet; philander every second into a garden overwhelmed with poignantly scented roses,
As long as we joke; I promise you that we will both joke together; erupting into a volley of tangy laughter which voluptuously struck the air,
As long as we breathe; I promise you that we will both breathe together; inhale blissful wind; incessantly deluging our lungs with all the fresh breath that we
could salvage from the atmosphere,
And as long as we take birth on this soil; I promise you that we will both take birth together; continue to exist as immortal lovers not only in this birth; but for many more births together .
Why do you always gauge me just by the complexion of my lips; Why don’t you see the blistering passion fulminating passionately inside?
Why do you always gauge me just by the color of my mascara; Why don’t you see the overwhelming empathy lingering in my eyes?
Why do you always gauge me just by the height I possessed; Why don’t you see the unsurpassably towering perceptions of your enchanting persona that circulated in my mind?
Why do you always gauge me just by texture of my skin; Why don’t you see the profusely crimson blood flowing inside in my veins; the compassionate ardor
impregnated within for your magnificent form?
Why do you always gauge me just by the shades of my nail polish; Why don’t you see the poignantly sprouting edges ready to fight for you and defend you at any time?
Why do you always gauge me just by the wealth I had stashed; the cars I drove; Why don’t you see the astronomical affluence stored in my soul; ready to help you even after my death?
Why do you always gauge me just by the gloss of my hair; Why don’ t you see the intricate brain embodied inside evolving fantasies concerning only you all the time?
Why do you always gauge me just by spurious slang in my voice; Why don’t you see the effusive agony uncontrollably gushing out the instants I spoke?
Why do you always gauge me just by the jewelry I adorned; Why don’t you see each droplet of tear which oozed out of my eye; each globule of silver sweat which dribbled from my arms; was profoundly dedicated to your divinely grace?
Why do you always gauge me just by the number of places I had traveled to by air; Why don’t you see the infinite expeditions I was willing to undertake under the scorching heat of sweltering Sun; hoisting you on my bare shoulder?
Why do you always gauge me just by the bodyguards and cavalcade that relentlessly followed me; Why don’t you see the life I was ready to sacrifice this very moment; in order to save you from the tiniest of evil?
Why do you always gauge me just by the scintillating shine of my teeth; Why don’t you see the ghastly shell I was ready to break and chew; so that you drank the stupendously sweet water?
Why do you always gauge me just by the design of my garish shoe; Why don’t you see my feet which were ready to walk absolutely naked on a blanket of acrid thorns; so that you slept celestially on the golden couch?
Why do you always gauge me just by the contours of my swanky watch; Why don’t you see my pulse that ticked faster than the speed of light; sped more turbulently than the shark in the ocean the very instant it witnessed your mesmerizing countenance?
Why do you always gauge me just by the scent I sprinkled; Why don’t you see the incredulously fervent aroma that diffused from my nostrils when you were
standing at whisker lengths across my shoulder?
Why do you always gauge me just by the business acumen I possessed; Why don’t you see that I was ready to unflinchingly take on the mantle of this entire world; to savor a chance of perpetually hovering around your voluptuous demeanor?
Why do you always gauge me just by the fraternity of food I consumed for each meal in the day; Why don’t you see the infinite hours that I was prepared to remain starved; so that you relished the tantalizing cherry of your choice?
Why do you always gauge me just by the pen I stuck to my persona; Why don’t you see the overwhelming zeal in my fingers to write a book on your fascinating life; all on my own?
And why do you always gauge me just by the shirt I wore to engulf my visage; Why don’t you see the madly throbbing heart inside my chest; whose each beat was profoundly yours; whose each throb wanted to immortally capture your love and make it for always mine?
When I saw her; my heart became an passionate ocean of love; throbbing more violently than the volcano fulminating mercilessly beneath hot soil,
When I saw her; my eyes became a paradise of emotions; with an insatiable propensity to wildly love now encompassing every cranny of their plain white,
When I saw her; my lips became gargantuan islands of spongy chocolate; diffusing an aroma of profuse sweetness in whatever they kissed and caressed,
When I saw her; my palms became mountains of invincible strength; ready to take on the mantle of the entire world and the most gruesomely acrid of thorns,
When I saw her; my speech became a gushing river of mesmerizing songs; capturing all the beauty entrenched in this world in the melody of its voice,
When I saw her; my teeth became a colossal fortress; with an astoundingly formidable tenacity to squelch even the most obdurate of nut into a million pieces,
When I saw her; my nose became a vivaciously flowing fountain; diffusing into a stream of enchantingly vibrant color and shades,
When I saw her; my feet became unfathomable tunnels of exotic energy; galloping at speeds never perceivable by any mankind,
When I saw her; my thoughts became a fascinating cloud of immortal romance; floating fervently through surreally alluring space,
When I saw her; my stride became a stupendously blossoming pond of lotus; sprouting into infinite petals of overwhelming fragrance and grace,
When I saw her; my muscles became the fathomless battlefield; marching forward with boisterous audacity; ready to demolish and swipe the tiniest trace of evil from the periphery of this earth,
When I saw her; my ears became the boundlessly unsurpassable sky; profoundly deciphering and imbibing every possible sound hovering in this Universe,
When I saw her; my stomach became a gigantic tree; able to handsomely assimilate any amount of food and water visible till far and wide,
When I saw her; my cheeks became a garden of redolent roses; blushing a splendid crimson till the onset of eternity,
When I saw her; my skin became an incredulously gaudy rainbow; impregnating in it virtually all possible shades that existed on this earth,
When I saw her; my sweat became a delectable beehive inundated with divinely nectar; wafting an aroma which had the ability to placate even the most sacrosanct of angels,
When I saw her; my blood became a waterfall of voluptuous seduction; circulating rampantly and triggering a blazing trail of ardent desire all throughout my crisscrossed veins,
When I saw her; my whole body became a mirror of scintillating rays; a mirror which explicitly portrayed to me the very reason of my precious existence,
And when I saw her; my breath became even more purer than when I was just born; infact I could say with insurmountable pride; the richest of all amongst every living kind .
All that the fish wanted to see; was a colossal assemblage of salty water inundated with a flurry of undulating and tangy waves,
All that the bird wanted to see; was the gigantic expanse of blue sky packed with an voluptuous ensemble of misty clouds,
All that the crocodile wanted to see; was disdainfully garbled slurry of mud; a profoundly sticky track on which people slipped even before they could have
All that the rat wanted to see; was a tunnel engulfed with perennial darkness; a pile blended with sewage; cheese and garbage lying scattered on the streets,
All that the mountain summit wanted to see; was a festoon of ominous clouds; with sometimes glimpses of brilliantly sizzling hot sunshine,
All that the carrot wanted to see; was a blanket of clammy mud; varied piles of debris coalesced perfectly with soil,
All that the miserly caterpillar wanted see; was a trail of fresh farm crops; sprouting in splendid harmony on farm land; for it to nibble and chew,
All that the ducks wanted see; was placid pools of water around; an enchanting serenity lingering profusely in the atmosphere,
All that a starved dog wanted see; was a meaty piece of bone; crumbs of delicious bread left inadvertently on the bakery window,
All that the lizard wanted see; was a battalion of slimy insects pertinently hovering around the artificially dingy and dim light,
All that the mighty elephant wanted to see; was a stream of exotic water; which it could splash with heavenly strokes of its trunk on its parched body,
All that the bull wanted to see; was a fiery red cloth; evoking it to ferociously charge and wade forward unrelentingly,
All that the deserts wanted to see; was thunderous cloudbursts of rain; gargantuan droplets of water majestically caressing their brutally scorched demeanor,
All that the spider wanted to see; was a valley of silken thread; on which it could rampantly philander and dance under enchanting beams of moonlight,
All that the shivering skin wanted to see; was compassionate rolls of furry cloth; lanky strands of resilient fabric which would protect it from austerely chilly winds of winter,
All that the blinded eye wanted to see; was the faces of the ones around who stood by it in times of inexplicable distress; the sacrosanct palms of the mother who gave it birth,
All that the mind wanted to see; was the mesmerizing beauty of this boundless Universe; the stupendously vivacious traces of life that existed in bountiful on
this fathomless planet,
All that the vividly striped peacock wanted to see; was royally oligarchic sunset blended astoundingly with frugal globules of rain; fomenting it to spread its wings to a full blossom under the sky,
All that the fleet of irascibly loitering mosquitoes wanted to see; was supple and succulent pockets of ripe skin; inevitably inviting them to perch upon and suckle blood to their hearts content,
All that the badly tied stomach wanted to see; was heaps of appetizing food; transiting it into waves of tumultuous rhapsody and uncontrollable euphoria,
All that the dilapidated dungeons wanted to see; was mammoth boxes of scintillating diamonds and silver permeating their eerie dark and profound gloominess,
All that the elderly grandparents wanted to see; was their little children bouncing with ebullience and fresh signs of robust life,
All that the burnt tongue wanted to see; was tantalizingly pulverized white slabs of freezing ice,
All that the overwhelmingly feverish body wanted to see; was stringent cabinets replete with powerful antiseptic; magically healing its gruesomely ailing parts,
All that the Creator wanted to see; was the earth that he had evolved blissfully functioning; human beings of each race and fraternity embracing each other in the spirit of unbiased brotherhood,
And all that I wanted to see; was her ravishing form every second; every minute; every hour; every day; every fortnight; every year; for countless more centuries and births to unveil .
As I tried to pass through the flamboyant Sun; its blistering rays wasted no time at all in charring me to inconspicuous bits of stray ash,
As I tried to pass through the pearly Moon; its tenacious beams permeated through my spell of profound concentration; and it was difficult for me to recognize my own entity as I got out,
As I tried to pass through the valley of silken clouds; I had tumultuous difficulty in opening my eyes; miserably failed to recognize my cherished ones in the obfuscated haze that engulfed me in wholesome entirety,
As I tried to pass through pugnacious plumes of black smoke; I wildly vomited all what I had consumed for breakfast at dawn and succulent supper at night,
As I tried to pass through a river of bubbling acid; all what I found was a conglomerate of my own pulverized bones after exuberantly reaching the banks,
As I tried to pass through the morbidly dark tunnel; I felt my voice ghoulishly echo; fomenting the last hair down my spine to stand in electric unison,
As I tried to pass through the virgin sea shores; I winced in tumultuous anguish as an obnoxious cluster of crabs stung my flesh with deadly poison,
As I tried to pass through the densely camouflaged jungles; my heart and soul nearly sank into my boots; and I found my trousers profusely wetted as the thunderous roar of the tiger crept stunningly close to my skin,
As I tried to pass through the pitch dark street; I experienced the worst encounter of my life; when a gang of thieves satanically stole all my possessions; left me stranded without a single cloth on my body,
As I tried to pass through the sliding lift doors; I felt a sudden spasm in my hand; and before realization could dawn upon the barbaric metal had already taken several of my innocuous fingers,
As I tried to pass through the scintillating mirror door; infinite shards of acrimonious glass hurtled out in frenzy; and I settled with a terrified gasp on the floor with blood oozing from virtually every cranny of my body,
As I tried to pass through a cotton factory; I found myself sneezing unrelentingly with deafening snorts; as invisible threads voraciously tickled sensitive arenas of my robust nose,
As I tried to pass through lanky slopes laden with overwhelming avalanches of snow; I felt my teeth rattling like a woodpecker; and each bone of mine died a gory death punctured by the vicious cold,
As I tried to pass through the sooty coal mine; my complexion metamorphosed to worse than a black cat; and people around me ran helter-skelter; envisaging me to be an dreadful alien from the third world,
As I tried to pass through the freshly constructed wall; the end result found me wearing a coat of obdurate cement on my face; half a brick on my scalp; with a mountain of mud burying me without prior notice into my grave,
As I tried to pass through completely full cylinders of heavy gas; after a while I found countless bits of my flesh blown away like specks of compressed dirt in the atmosphere; the ingenious cavities of my brain shooting like an untamed fountain towards the sky,
As I tried to pass through the overflowing bath of fragrant shampoo; I found myself sputtering and stuttering without control; and gigantic balloons of froth wafted from my mouth everytime I ventured to open my mouth,
As I tried to pass through the wire entrenched walls of the formidable fortress; I catapulted like an insipid butterfly for miles on the trot; and the shock that occurred nearly electrocuted to ghastly death,
But when I tried to pass through her enchanting heart; I found myself trapped for immortal times bonded with threads of invincible love; and not only did I regain back my previous one; but was bestowed upon with fathomless more blissful and spell binding lives .
When I tried running on a platform of white ice; I scornfully slipped; and in the end all that I was able to taste was incredulously frozen water,
When I tried running on a platform of tangy salt; I inevitably lost my footing; and there was nothing but vivaciously ominous powder all over my trembling skin,
When I tried running on a platform of brilliantly yellow and pure butter; I hurled forward with a stifled gasp after some time; with the follicles of my hair incorrigibly sticking to each other like the gigantic tree and its flimsy roots,
When I tried running on a platform of scintillating glass; I abysmally floundered; tripped head on to have my supple skin ruthlessly punctured and in pools of
ghastly blood,
When I tried running on a platform of feathered silk; I dismally broke the bones of my dainty nose; and my eyeballs popped out like bouncy springs reverberating incessantly in free space,
When I tried running on a platform of silver sands; I collapsed with a thunderous thud on the obdurate floor; with my shoe flying over my shoulder and all my
expensive pair of clothes ripping apart mercilessly at their sensitive seams,
When I tried running on a platform of slimy oyster shells; I heard a deafeningly banging noise inundate the atmosphere; winced in incomprehensible amount of
agony after twisting my knee to unprecedented limits,
When I tried running on a platform of astoundingly smooth talcum powder; I fell 10 steps backward instead of marching towards realms of irrefutably victory,
When I tried running on a platform of disdainful grease; I kept intractably jogging at a single spot for hours on the trot; while infact all my adversaries had already reached the voluptuous strings of the finishing line,
When I tried running on a platform of satiny white paper; there were infinite obstreperous and unruly voices that deluged the soft ambience; and all that
resulted as an outcome was prominently gaping holes in the body of the sheet which now fitted snugly on my scalp,
When I tried running on a platform of rolling marbles; all that was heard after a while was my horrifically petrified screams and gasps as I found myself plunging towards an ocean of gruesome blackness blended with dilapidated nothingness,
When I tried running on a platform of freshly green banana skins; I banged on my hindside with a force greater than the force of Nature; and the complexion of my cheeks metamorphosed to an embarrassingly childish crimson,
When I tried running on a platform of spongy rubber balls; I successfully managed to crush a few in my initial conquests of reaching my mission; but soon shuddered overwhelmingly before kissing dust on the ground; dug partial graves for myself in loose soil,
When I tried running on a platform of lifeless whale skin; I inadvertently shouted beyond hysterical boundaries as if the monster was alive; collided terribly on my ribs as I took just a few steps forward,
When I tried running on a platform of insurmountably red cherries; all I accomplished doing was finely pulverizing the succulent fruit; while the
inconspicuously tiny seeds fomented me to tremble hopelessly towards the cold floor,
When I tried running on a platform of pure Cadbury chocolate; my feet primordially enjoyed transgressing through the supremely soft bed; but after a while got horrendously entangled in the mess; felt as if deplorably sinking into the valley of death,
When I tried running on a platform of glittering diamonds; in the beginning I felt insatiably delighted at possessing such lavish amounts of opulence; but soon regretted my decision tremendously; as their pointed surface uncouthly infiltrated into my heart; satanically assassinating the tiniest traces of tangible life,
When I tried running on a platform of congenital lies; I landed up in such a hell; that it was profoundly sickening to bear with the aftermath's that unleashed
thereafter in my life,
When I tried running on a platform of salacious lechery and malice; I ended up being imprisoned in my own sinful trap; a prison which infact had a gleaming lock without a single key,
While it was only when I tried running on a platform of immortal love; that my life gained full fledged momentum; irrevocably refrained to look backwards; transited to blissfully bouncing and wholesomely alive .
The deserts waited all day and night; for fat globules of mesmerizing rain; crystalline streams of water to pacify their overwhelmingly parched belly,
The dog waited all day and night; for a meaty chunk of bone; masticating the sumptuous meat to appease the pangs of hunger thunderously knocking his tiny
The ocean waited all day and night; for the rampant maelstrom; swirling its vivacious waves high and handsome towards the sky; clashing with stupendous passion against the black chain of rocks,
The beggar waited all day and night; for that inevitable rush of swanky cars; desperately anticipating a flurry of shimmering coin to cascade into his hollow bowl,
The camel waited all day and night; for a thorny shrub to appear before its eyes; perennially rest on dry soil; painstakingly chewing the thorns of its choice,
The shark waited all day and night; for a gigantic ship to sail above its head; so that it could satanically pulverize innocent flesh in its jaws; wretchedly overturning the boat without the slightest of thought or respite,
The valley waited all day and night; for a deafening echo; producing an eerie sound that horrendously jolted the entire planet,
The snow waited all day and night; for blistering sunshine; perpetuating into streams of divinely water; basking in the glory of compassionate warmth and velvety grace,
The doctor waited all day and night; for the speedy recovery of his patients; incessantly praying to the Creator to cure them of inexplicable pain,
The lizard waited all day and night; for a festoon of mosquitoes; greedily gobbling them with untamed relish and unprecedented gusto,
The shoe waited all day and night; for its master to adorn it; audaciously kick it in free space; to generate colossal draughts of exuberant breeze,
The dungeons waited all day and night; for the most minuscule ray of light; illuminating its dreary caricature with astoundingly optimistic beams of
boisterous brightness,
The lips waited all day and night; for an incomprehensibly mystical kiss; triggering waves of vibrant euphoria in their ardently starved and pinkish persona,
The mother bird waited all day and night; for her innocuous cluster of eggs to hatch; the manifestation of her very own blood to soar uninhibitedly through the open sky,
The soldier waited all day and night; for his country to indispensably win; penalize the perilous traitors to the most unfathomable degree; for spreading violent terror in his blissful territory,
The cow waited all day and night; for meadows of bountifully green grass; slowly ambling with its irrefutably sacrosanct form through the carpet of sedate soil,
The bomb waited all day and night; for someone to release its menacingly glistening pin; for it murderously explode into a fountain of unsurpassable devastation,
The writer waited all day and night to be ubiquitously recognized by the world; harmoniously propagate the essence of his work to masses far and distant on this
The dreadfully empty coffin waited all day and night; for a person to breathe his last; occupy its interiors as it savagely sank down to unimaginable depths beneath soil,
And my heart waited all day and night; for the girl of my dreams to say "I love you"; jump infinite feet far from its imprisoned chest; to profoundly bond with the chords of immortal love; the chords of immortal romance .
The End .