You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 16
Copyright © by Nikhil Parekh
All rights reserved. No Part of this book publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording, Print or otherwise, without prior permission of Copyright owner and Author, Nikhil Parekh.
About The Poetry Book -
This Book which has 26 differently titled Poems , is actually Part 16 of the Book titled – You die; I die – Love Poems ( 1600 pages ) . Poems symbolizing the immortality of love and at times its fickleness. Parekh takes the reader through a paradise naturally embellished with the ingredients of eternal romance and its sporadic failures. As they say life and death are two sides of the coin, similarly with every true anecdote of love there also comes fretful divorce—a thing which has been most sensitively described throughout this great collection of poems for the heart. Written and dipped in each ingredient of his passionate blood, Parekh comes out with startling revelations about the truest of love stories and their failures. Each verse has been delicately intertwined with a boundless aspects of relationships, romance, cheating, betrayal and goes on to prove that Immortal Love towers over every shattered heart. A start to finish with some of the most heart-rendering love poems ever, this makes a great collection for ever true lover breathing and desiring to be loved on earth and beyond. This collection of poems aims at perpetually uniting every heart on this Universe in the spirit of Immortal love and friendship. Because these are the two quintessential ingredients to lead life till its last breath. Irrespective of whatever color, faith or religion, it is only the rainbow of love which can transform the ghastliest monsters and perpetrators of humanity into peaceful lovers. Therefore this book inexhaustibly endeavors to speak and preach the language of love even after its last embossed alphabet.
Embrace me like I’ve forever wanted to embrace every pore of your sensuously
poignant silhouette; and I promise I’ll embrace you till times beyond infinite infinity; embrace you even more than ever before,
Nibble me like I’ve forever wanted to nibble the pungently robust outlines of your radiantly rubicund ears; and I promise I’ll nibble you till times beyond infinite infinity; nibble you even more than ever before,
Kiss me like I’ve forever wanted to kiss every swirl of untamed passion on your insuperably scarlet lips; and I promise I’ll kiss you till times beyond infinite infinity; kiss you even more than ever before,
Tease me like I’ve forever wanted to tease your impeccably uninhibited persona; and I promise I’ll tease you till times beyond infinite infinity; tease you even more than ever before,
Tantalize me like I’ve forever wanted to tantalize the redolently cavorting goose-bumps on your skin; and I promise I’ll tantalize you till times beyond infinite infinity; tantalize you even more than ever before,
Encircle me like I’ve forever wanted to sacredly encircle every benign goodness that drifted from your altruistic soul; and I promise I’ll encircle you till times beyond infinite infinity; encircle you even more than ever before,
Enchant me like I’ve forever wanted to enchant every pathway that you tread
in the tenure of your convivially symbiotic life; and I promise I’ll enchant you till times beyond infinite infinity; enchant you even more than ever before,
Enlighten me like I’ve forever wanted to enlighten even the most infinitesimally dolorous aspect of your blessed existence; and I promise I’ll enlighten you till times beyond infinite infinity; enlighten you even more than ever before,
Date me like I’ve forever wanted to date even the most diminutive element of
your majestically heavenly form; and I promise I’ll date you till times beyond infinite infinity; date you even more than ever before,
Bewitch me like I’ve forever wanted to bewitch each of your centripetally shy senses; and I promise I’ll bewilder you till times beyond infinite infinity; bewilder you even more than ever before,
Spell bind me like I’ve forever wanted to spell bind even the tiniest of vivacious hair extruding from your regally virgin skin; and I promise I’ll spell bind you till times beyond infinite infinity; spell bind you even more than ever before,
Fantasize me like I’ve forever wanted to fantasize every shade of your royal existence in a boundless myriad of forms and shapes; and I promise I’ll fantasize you till times beyond infinite infinity; fantasize you even more than ever before,
Preach me like I’ve forever wanted to preach every unwittingly dwindling nerve of your sporadically jittery persona; and I promise I’ll preach you till times beyond infinite infinity; preach you even more than ever before,
Suckle me like I’ve forever wanted to suckle in your everlastingly unassailable warmth; and I promise I’ll suckle you till times beyond infinite infinity; suckle you even more than ever before,
Accompany me like I’ve forever wanted to accompany you as your undaunted
comrade in whatever direction you choose to adventure; and I promise I’ll accompany you till times beyond infinite infinity; accompany you even more than ever before,
Stare me like I’ve forever wanted to stare at the unlimitedly panoramic and profoundly humanitarian depth in your innocuous eyes; and I promise I’ll stare you till times beyond infinite infinity; stare you even more than ever before,
Pat me like I’ve forever wanted to pat you at the most ephemeral of your accomplishment; and I promise I’ll pat you till times beyond infinite infinity; pat you even more than ever before,
Sketch me like I’ve forever wanted to sketch every fragrant rendezvous with your Omnipotently endowed grace; and I promise I’ll sketch you till times beyond infinite infinity; sketch you even more than ever before,
Breathe me like I’ve forever wanted to breathe every ubiquitously philanthropic goodness that emanated from your eternally resplendent creation; and I promise I’ll breathe you till times beyond infinite infinity; breathe you even more than ever before,
But Love me OR don’t Love me like I've forever and ever and ever and unconquerably loved you; and I still promise to love you till times beyond infinite infinity; irrespective of your unjustifiable abhorrence for me;
love you even more than ever before .
And I liked the way you uninhibitedly chattered; caring an infinitesimal damn about the acrimoniously uncouth planet outside,
And I liked the way you sensuously ambled; tantalizing even the dreariest blade of grass of threadbarely barren soil; to the most unprecedented limits,
And I liked the way you flirtatiously winked; inevitably inviting even the most lackadaisically vindictive skies; to torrentially rain till times beyond infinite infinity,
And I liked the way you unflinchingly paraded; as if the every speck of majestically virile earth; irrefutably belonged to you and solely you,
And I liked the way you ardently stared; perpetually feasting your eyes on
even the most inconspicuously obsolete ingredient of the Lord’s panoramically enamoring creation; all day and night,
And I liked the way you wholeheartedly laughed; wholesomely exhausting even
the minutest trace of your miserably entrapped energy; towards the
aisles of vivaciously dancing paradise,
And I liked the way you unconsciously snored; even as the tawdrily corrupt high society around; slept asphyxiating frozen under their frigidly air-conditioned quilts,
And I liked the way you intrepidly galloped; fantastically discovering profoundly blessing newness; the golden dewdrops of untainted fantasy at every step that you victoriously tread,
And I liked the way you fearlessly wrote; expressing your philanthropically
benign thoughts with such candour; which was visible only in the regally steaming rays of the Midday Sun,
And I liked the way you inexhaustibly fought for anti terrorism; exhaled every breath of yours; solely to unite the ghoulishly estranged planet once again; into the threads of invincible brotherhood,
And I liked the way you tackled adversity; staring it right into its pugnaciously imperiling eye; as if a newborn child Omnipotently stares into iridescently milky space,
And I liked the way you said goodbye when it mattered the most; sacrificing
your umpteenth personal kin; for limitlessly serving your sacrosanct mother
And I liked the way you earnestly prayed; not believing in any spuriously indiscriminating religion; but obeisantly bending down to the religion of humanity; even centuries after the last breath of your life,
And I liked the way you spiritedly danced; liberating unbelievable spurts of magically rejuvenating energy into the sullenly reproachful atmosphere; igniting fireballs of passion even in the most lugubriously penalizing of night,
And I liked the way you nimbly surrendered; altruistically donating each priceless ingredient of your blessed existence; to save the life of your haplessly staggering compatriots,
And I liked the way you tirelessly preached; unequivocally advocating the sermons of amiably embracing camaraderie; even as every single organism on this earth cold-bloodedly laughed you out,
And I liked the way you undauntedly embraced all fraternity of life; as if there existed no diabolical power on this fathomless Universe; which could ever squander your impregnably harmonious grip,
And I liked the way you impeccably cavorted under the first rays of dawn; just as the mischievous infant bounced in the lap of its unconquerably divine mother,
And I liked the way you sporadically angered; letting vent to the fallibly molecular human within you; which was as sensitive as the royally emerald globule of rain; of the very first monsoon,
And I liked the way you unshakably promised; as if the virtue of your Samaritan commitment would forever shine; even as cadaverous mortuaries of hell blended with pragmatically spawning soil,
And I liked the way you miraculously breathed; as if the gallows of the most
ghastliest of death; had been entirely transcended by the effulgently
effervescent whirlpools of life,
And I really loved you in whatever form; shape; color; fraternity; continent; that the Omnipresent Creator had created you in; in whatever stage of life that you met me; in whatever stage of death that your soul bonded with mine; O! Yes; irrespective of whatever yesterday; today or tomorrow that I ever confront; I really; truly and shall forever love you .
Countless full-fledgedly floated in the clouds every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most infinitesimal of impact upon their sensuously untainted and perennially enchanting swirl,
Countless full-fledgedly swam in the ocean every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most diminutive of impact upon its rhapsodically undulating and ebulliently pristine waves,
Countless full-fledgedly smelt the rose every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most ethereal of impact upon its spell bindingly effulgent
and effulgently triumphant fragrance,
Countless full-fledgedly philandered on the mountain peak every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most minuscule of impact upon its indomitably unflinching and peerlessly Herculean strength,
Countless full-fledgedly feasted on the golden dewdrop every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most ephemeral of impact upon its everlastingly mesmerizing and victoriously unfettered shine,
Countless full-fledgedly clambered the tree every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most parsimonious of impact upon its magnificently burgeoning and poignantly tempestuous virility,
Countless full-fledgedly sighted the Sun every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most fugitive of impact upon its Omnipotently perpetual
and insuperably blazing radiance,
Countless full-fledgedly transgressed upon the surface of earth every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most inconspicuous of impact upon
its Omnipresently bountiful and marvelously fructifying sacredness,
Countless full-fledgedly admired the rainbow every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most mercurial of impact upon its unbelievably enthralling and unsurpassably mellifluous vivaciousness,
Countless full-fledgedly relished the milk of the cow every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most tiniest of impact upon its inimitably unparalleled and unrestrictedly beautiful Omniscience,
Countless full-fledgedly frolicked in the desert every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most evanescent of impact upon its unfathomably royal
and timelessly iridescent sands,
Countless full-fledgedly tossed the infant every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most disappearing of impact upon its insuperably redolent
and timelessly undying integrity,
Countless full-fledgedly caressed the leaves every unveiling instant; but that still didn’t have even the most obsolete of impact upon their profoundly exuberant and ecstatically vivid breeze,
Countless full-fledgedly embraced the night every unveiling instant; but that didn’t have even the most obfuscated of impact upon its impeccably wonderful
and incredulously everlasting milkiness,
Countless full-fledgedly caught rain in their palms every unveiling instant; but that didn’t have even the most cloistered of impact upon its uninhibitedly liberating and pricelessly divine freshness,
Countless full-fledgedly talked about blood every unveiling instant; but that didn’t have even the most measly of impact upon its inexhaustibly consecrating
and gloriously symbiotic aura,
Countless full-fledgedly cuddled in their respective mother’s lap every unveiling instant; but that didn’t have even the most truncated of impact upon its limitlessly fragrant and compassionately unconquerable godliness,
Countless full-fledgedly inhaled air into their nostrils every unveiling instant; but that didn’t have even the most nonchalant of impact upon its tirelessly unhindered and emolliently revitalizing newness,
And countless full-fledgedly explored the heartbeat every unveiling instant; but that didn’t have even the most unremarkable of impact upon its blessedly emollient and unshakably unflinching immortality .
The worst of treacherously asphyxiating and cold-bloodedly crippling darkness too; get miraculously healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably magnificent time,
The worst of sadistically horrific and hideously incarcerating obsessions too; get wonderfully healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably royal time,
The worst of inexplicably haunting and cadaverously imperiling diseases too; get beautifully healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably emollient time,
The worst of deliriously raunchy and devastatingly subjugating manias too; get celestially healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably princely time,
The worst of haplessly shivering and hedonistically inflicted agonies too; get fantastically healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably pragmatic time,
The worst of murderously indiscriminate and savagely terrorizing racialism too; gets symbiotically healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably glorious time,
The worst of hysterically sobbing and tempestuously troubled eyes too; get serenely healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably pristine time,
The worst of disastrously frazzled and brutally butchered nerves too; get triumphantly healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably immaculate time,
The worst of painstakingly debilitating and hopelessly strangulating depression too; gets ebulliently healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably unflinching time,
The worst of ominously atrocious and ignominiously slandering vindication too; gets bounteously healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably peerless time,
The worst of disjointedly crooked and satanically victimizing minds too; get harmoniously healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably charismatic time,
The worst of egregiously bleeding and horrendously broken bones too; get efficaciously healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably fascinating time,
The worst of uncontrollably pernicious and ferociously flagrant tempers too; get wonderfully healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably resplendent time,
The worst of uncouthly unsparing and salaciously tormenting dictators too; get synergistically healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably brilliant time,
The worst of miserably whiplashed and relentlessly bleeding wounds too; get victoriously healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably twinkling time,
The worst of remorsefully cursing and wretchedly wailing spirits too; get unassailably healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably unnerving time,
The worst of hypochondriacally baseless and inanely unsolicited fears too; get insuperably healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably candid time,
The worst of indefatigably gasping and cumbersomely dragged breaths too; get effulgently healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably undefeated time,
The worst of ghastily crucifying and tawdrily infertile sadisms too; get ecstatically healed with the inevitable passing of unstoppably iridescent time,
But the wound of lost love; stabs deeper and more immutably deeper in the corridors of the heart for even an infinite births and deaths after veritable death and with the inevitable passing of unstoppably unfettered time,
Therefore O! Mate; never betray the person whom you Immortally love; never leave the person whom you truly love; never disobey the person whom you unconquerably love; and if you still dare; then be ready to become a timelessly and tirelessly penalized ghost of lost love .
The hatred in my eyes for her was so hedonistically blazing; that it could veritably and venomously char even the most invincibly unfathomable structure on this planet; to inconspicuous ash within just a single instant,
The hatred in my palms for her was so uncontrollably ferocious; that it could veritably and criminally smash even the most Herculean mountains on this
planet; to ludicrously infidel chowder within just a single instant,
The hatred in my shadow for her was so gorily sinister; that it could veritably and diabolically curse even the most fearless organism on this earth who came in its swirl; for an infinite more lifetimes, and within just a single instant,
The hatred in my voice for her was so insatiably demonic; that it could veritably and brutally deafen even the most unstoppably cold-blooded thunderstorms on this planet; within just a single instant,
The hatred in my arms for her was so unrelentingly barbarous; that it could veritably and murderously pulverize even the most invincible stone walls on this planet; within just a single instant,
The hatred in my blood for her was so intractably acrimonious; that it could veritably and hideously asphyxiate even the most impregnably uninhibited of atmospheres on this planet; within just a single instant,
The hatred in my tongue for her was so indefatigably lethal; that it could veritably and satanically condemn even the most righteous man on this planet towards the vituperative gallows of death; within just a single instant,
The hatred in my skull for her was so nefariously untamed; that it could veritably and ferociously bang even the most insuperable walls on this planet to pathetic extinction; within just a single instant,
The hatred in my teeth for her was so unbearably delirious; that it could veritably and horrifically squelch even the most obdurate on this planet into ephemerally ludicrous nothingness; within just a single instant,
The hatred in my bones for her was so inexorably untiring; that it could veritably and sadistically cause any organism on this planet to incessantly yelp in inexplicable pain; with just a single nudge; and within just a single instant,
The hatred in my feet for her was so abominably perverted; that it could veritably and sacrilegiously kick even the most amazing superpowers on this planet to the mortuaries of non-existence; within just a single instant,
The hatred in my spine for her was so irretrievably intolerable; that it could veritably and devastatingly crunch even the most ominously blood-stained thorns on this planet to wholesome extinction; within just a single instant,
The hatred in my nails for her was so uncouthly tormenting; that it could veritably and carnivorously make even the most audaciously toughened skins on this planet unstoppably bleed; within just a single instant,
The hatred in my mouth for her was so vindictively unprecedented; that it could veritably and tyrannically gobble even the most pugnaciously treacherous battlefields on this planet; within just a single instant,
The hatred in my nostrils for her was so unsurpassably demented; that it could veritably and truculently exhale the spell of death upon even the most fearless
of organisms on this planet; within just a single instant,
The hatred in my brain for her was so torturously unceasing; that it could veritably and profanely devastate even the most fathomless civilizations on this planet with unparalleled genius; and within just a single instant,
The hatred in my soul for her was so reproachfully blood-curling; that it could veritably and parasitically jinx even the most peerlessly truthful dimensions of this planet; within just a single instant,
The hatred in my heart for her was so unforgivably inconsolable; that it could veritably and forever destroy and poison even the most perpetually bonding
relationships on this planet; within just a single instant,
But it was really amazing ! That inspite of all this; whenever she came infront of me; all I could do was fall in unlimitedly spell bound stupor upon her dainty feet; all I could do was timelessly admire every aspect of her effulgent persona as if the most unconquerable of Kings were accolading the queens; all I could do was propose each beat of my passionately throbbing heart to her and say I Love You .
The wife was like the fathomlessly barren sky; whilst the mistress was like those tantalizingly voluptuous clouds; which unrelentingly and profusely soaked aridly crippled soil; with droplets of priceless rain,
The wife was like the boundless territories of blandly open grass; whilst the mistress was like those amazingly seductive platter of dewdrops; which forever quenched the thirst of everlastingly burgeoning desire,
The wife was like the endless pond of innocuously untainted lotus’s; whilst the mistress was like the stupendously unconquerable scent that wafted in every direction; titillating even the most infinitesimal hair of the nostril to stand till the ultimate cloud 9,
The wife was like the monstrously mechanized and drab car; whilst the mistress was like those golden globules of piquantly jubilant petrol; which perpetuated even the most lifelessly disgusted of wheels; to infallibly fly forward like white lightening in the sky,
The wife was like the unceasingly tranquil shores; whilst the mistress was like those ravishingly undulating waves; which fomented even the most morbidly stagnating lava’s; to tempestuously explode,
The wife was like the eternally symbiotic forest; whilst the mistress was like those mischievously gallivanting leopards and perpetually melodious nightingales; which magically enlightened the sordid gloominess of the abominably claustrophobic night,
The wife was like the indomitably unshakable mountain; whilst the mistress was like those seductively enamoring peaks; which inevitably attracted countless a wanderer; into their spell-bindingly misty swirl,
The wife was like the impeccably venerated cisterns of milk; whilst the mistress was like those mouthfuls of unbelievably poignant curd; which ecstatically engendered a billion pores of the skin to interminably shout out in untamed delight,
The wife was like the unflinchingly faithful candle; whilst the mistress was like those delectably scrumptious flames of compassion; which stirred an incredulous new revolution in even the most deadened senses of nonchalant man,
The wife was like the wondrously nourishing pudding; whilst the mistress was like those effulgently scarlet topping of cherries; which so painstakingly left your tongue unfinished; even after you’d consumed an infinite more,
The wife was like the peerlessly pristine cobweb never ever changing its color with the changing shades of light; whilst the mistress was like those royally vivacious spiders; which unabashedly stabbed the vials of unending exultation into every man dead or alive,
The wife was like the unendingly blissful valley; whilst the mistress was like those exuberantly uninhibited echoes of sensuousness; which traced the most inscrutable pathway of mystique; through even the most infinitesimally intricate curve of the masculine skin,
The wife was like the eclectically utility knife; whilst the mistress was like those incredulously sharpened edges of excitement; which unremittingly pierced through even the most emotionlessly obdurate scepters of manhood,
The wife was like the earnestly unshakable foundation; whilst the mistress was like those rhapsodically fresh splashes of paint; which granted new leases of indispensable life to every hopelessly shattered man on this planet,
The wife was like the wonderfully consecrated mouth; whilst the mistress was like those effervescently inimitable whistles; which simply swept you from your
beleaguered feet; transporting you to the pricelessly ultimate hilt of paradise,
The wife was like the perspicuously unconquerable vision; whilst the mistress was like those victoriously mascara coated eyelashes; which flirted with every handsomely eligible bachelor on planet divine,
The wife was like the untiringly vast; accommodating and spiceless desert; whilst the mistress was like those tirelessly seducing mirages; which made man fervently salivate more than a million kilometers barefoot; under the most acrimoniously blazing rays of the Sun,
The wife was like the unassailable virile seed sown; whilst the mistress was like those innumerable droplets of ardent sweat on soil; which perpetuated even the most lifelessly infertile of masculine skins; to relentlessly languish and roll in them; till times
beyond infinity,
And whereas the wife shall forever remain immortal as she is the insuperably ameliorating heart; the mistress would add that indispensably needed enlightenment to every shade of human existence; forever ensuring that every man always embraces none else but “Woman”; on this limitlessly enthralling Universe .
It might have sunk like frigid ice to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where unconquerable royalty radiated from even the most infinitesimal element,
It might have sunk like non-existent air to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever consider the Titanic as a ship; where the true flavor of all fraternities of humanity; reigned emotionally charged and supreme at all times,
It might have sunk like a new born infant to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where there perennially wafted an impregnable atmosphere of pricelessly eternal compassion,
It might have sunk like an invisible speck to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the spirit of Omnipotent God was endlessly praised; in its most unassailably bestowing form,
It might have sunk like a deplorably defeated teardrop to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the heavens of the most ultimate fantasy ruled supreme; in even the most blackened corners; tapestries; cisterns and stairs,
It might have sunk like a lifeless solider to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the definition of true sacrifice was immortalized; like never before on this fathomless planet,
It might have sunk like an amorphous ant to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where there flew kisses of all sizes and shapes; in every conceivable direction; poignant and galore,
It might have sunk like besmirched sour cream to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where there was a perfect blend of people of virtually every religion; traveling to the most cherished destination of their life,
It might have sunk like disdainfully shattered glass to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where there the finest wine and cuisine were ecstatically served in one half; whilst the other; perpetually rejoiced and unabashedly danced to the tunes of rum and humanity,
It might have sunk like meaningless vacuum to the rock bottom of the ocean;
but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the longest insatiable locking of two lips into a kiss; was ever registered on this boundless enamoring planet,
It might have sunk like impoverished chowder to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the most inimitably cherishable moments of existence; were lived by thousands; within just two days,
It might have sunk like neglected seaweed to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the heart of the infallibly intrepid sea; was inscrutably captured within each pristine wall,
It might have sunk like despicably thwarted ash to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where an insuperable ensemble of artists; exuberantly sang till their very last breath; even as hell unstoppably rained around,
It might have sunk like despairing oblivion to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where thousands prayed for rhapsodic life and happiness; affably holding hand in hand and together,
It might have sunk like a fecklessly butchered whisker to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the most unconquerably golden moments of passion; were captured with astounding propensity upon the fabric of white canvas,
It might have sunk like a lackadaisical feather to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where even the most gigantic structures; ceilings and obdurate iron; perennially floated around as invincibly aristocratic silk,
It might have sunk like a lifeless corpse to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the flaming Sun played hide-n-seek till eternity; as nubile couples mischievously cavorted up and down the numerous rails and decks,
It might have sunk like a cadaverously hammered bone to the rock bottom of
the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where there was nothing else to do; but interminably dream; dream and simply and majestically dream,
It might have sunk like despondently distorted pulp to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where there everlastingly throbbed the heartbeat of immortal love; between “Jack” and “Rose” ; irrespective of whether the physical forms stayed or crumbled; irrespective of whether there prevailed life or hopeless death .
I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we used to jauntily fly kites from each other’s terraces; deliberately interlock the strings of our mischief for times immemorial,
I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we bathed in the torrential rain together; with even the most infinitesimal element of our bodies timelessly intertwining into a fireball of infallibly unending passion,
I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we wholeheartedly used to compliment each other for the tiniest of our achievements; even as the entire world outside sighted us with the eyes of unbearable prejudice,
I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we unrelentingly peered into each other’s eyes in the heart of chaotic street and disabling war; indefatigably discovering the sincerity of creation; even as countless were freshly born and countless died,
I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we tirelessly chased each other through umpteenth unkempt branches and inscrutable paths of the enchanting forest; with the wind as our only savior and profound sensuality dripping from our souls,
I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we inarticulately babbled even the most preposterous balderdash that came to our minds; in sheer informality whilst courting each other,
I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we gave our friendship the truest of meaning; enlightening each of our horrendous agony into brilliant hope; as we uninhibitedly shared the same with each other,
I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we had our first smooch; when for the first time the melody in our inflamed lips became perpetually singular; bringing alongwith it every tangible speck of happiness on this planet,
I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we slept intrepidly bare-chested on the cold-blooded rocks; with nothing to do but stare at the moonless sky; with the tyrannically conventional society discarding us like bits of frigid nothingness,
I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we audaciously proclaimed to our parents that we’d never marry the ones that they’d chosen for us on this fathomless planet; when it was infact the last hour of our wedding day,
I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we absorbed every ray of the blazingly undefeated morning sun; hugging each other with so much intensity; as if this was the very last moment of life on earth divine,
I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we unabashedly flirted in the broadest of daylight; endlessly uttering nothing else but words of Immortal love even in the heart of the insidiously robotic corporate empire,
I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we forever coalesced our palms into a fortress of solidarity; although each line of our destiny lines ran in the most opprobrious opposite directions,
I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we ardently tongued our way across each other’s uncontrollably shivering bodies; possessed each pore of our sensitive skins more impregnably than what God could have possessed earth,
I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we’d seen each other the first time on the sordidly heartless street; yet seemed to know each other since centuries unprecedented; without even knowing our names,
I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we wholesomely satisfied every of our needs ourselves; just the two of us; without even the most oblivious of help from the satanically whipping world outside,
I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when we unstoppably rubbed our nostrils in wondrous unison; let the breath of our eternal compassion; overwhelm and overrule every other stench of hatred in the boundless atmosphere,
I really don’t know the slightest as to whether it all started from the time; when our hearts throbbed louder than the most untamed of volcano’s for each other;
although we sat unnoticed; untouched; unexplored; indefinable continents apart,
But I do definitely know and have always known; that I’ve always loved you and only you since even before my very first breath; since even before Omniscient God had created this magically ameliorating earth; since even before there evolved the tiniest definition of heavenly life; in the womb of this untiring Universe .
It took an infinite brutally famished nights and days; endless emaciating moments of penance infront of the Omnipotent Lord Almighty; in order to unite two passionately interlocked and true lovers,
It took an infinite odysseys through the most venomously untamed outgrowths
of wilderness; in order to unite two bountifully redolent and true lovers,
It took an infinite anecdotes of unflinchingly challenging the most unthinkably impossible; in order to unite two innocuously resplendent and true lovers,
It took an infinite moments of stony silence; at times unlimited hours of patiently peering into haplessly cloudless sky; in order to unite two ardently blessed and true lovers,
It took an infinite bleeding footsteps whilst transgressing through an unceasing pathway of fiendishly stabbing thorns; in order to unite two jubilantly intricate and true lovers,
It took an infinite droplets of bloodshed; whilst undergoing war against the truculently unforgivable devil; in order to unite two unassailably cheerful and true lovers,
It took an infinite nightmarish nights of confronting the cold-bloodedly sinister ghost face to face; in order to unite two bountifully triumphant and true lovers,
It took an infinite instances of wading through the battlefields of horrifically slandering bad luck; in order to unite two jauntily effulgent and true lovers,
It took an infinite bangs of the skull against the heartlessly conventional wall of the diabolically manipulative society; in order to unite two blissfully frolicking and true lovers,
It took an infinite bones soaked in valiantly fearless blood; whilst fighting against the perpetrators of chauvinism; in order to unite two exuberantly spell binding and true lovers,
It took an infinite gallows of inconsolably deafening misery and eventually asphyxiating death; in order to unite two compassionately silken and true lovers,
It took an infinite graveyards of invidiously maiming silence; submission and wholesome oblivion; in order to unite two fervently ecstatic and true lovers,
It took an infinite rivers of hard earned sweat; whilst trying to explain and unveil each intricate thread of righteousness to the outside world; in order to unite two symbiotically ebullient and true lovers,
It took an infinite screams of everlasting permeating through the coffins of deplorably diminishing hell; in order to unite two wondrously enchanted and true lovers,
It took an infinite ticks of the painstakingly thwarting clock; whilst waiting for the most consummately royal moment to strike; in order to unite two enchantingly gorgeous and true lovers,
It took an infinite inexplicably tormenting riddles to uninhibitedly confront and decipher; in order to unite two beautifully amiable and true lovers,
It took an infinite flagrantly slit throats; whilst bare-bodiedly opposing the mortuary of lies; in order to unite two holistically melanging and true lovers,
It took an infinite unbelievable sacrifices; which rendered even the most resilient of physical form into the most desperately sullen carcass; in order to unite two ubiquitously charismatic and true lovers,
And Yet. Paradoxically Yet. It took those same two lovers just uttering that
heinous word thrice; or just putting a legal application in the court; or just walking in different directions altogether; to vindictively “Divorce” each other; to get ruthlessly separated for a lifetime ; after they had so immortally and altruistically met .
Unmarried; when we kissed; we felt the waves of untamed passion rise to the ultimate crescendo of fulfillment; whilst when after Marriage; we felt it to be just routinely boring ritual to be inevitably done; just to spuriously appease each other,
Unmarried; when we listened to each other; our eyes interlocked for hours immemorial as we became oblivious to every other sound in the atmosphere; whilst after Marriage; the words seemed to irately pound like a billion unwashed boulders; upon the extremely tempestuous chords of our eardrums,
Unmarried; when we philandered together; we almost seemed to unanimously admire and appreciate each natural creation of the Lord Almighty; whilst after Marriage; we sat taut and haughty in stony silence; even as the most majestically virile sceneries and greeneries passed by,
Unmarried; when we confronted any problem; both of us earnestly put in our the last droplet of our sweat to emerge unitedly victorious; whilst when after Marriage; each of us left it wholesomely on the other to get out of the inexplicable disaster,
Unmarried; when we sipped wine; we cheered a toast umpteenth number of times in the sensuous wilderness of the night; whilst after Marriage; each of us chimed our glasses just once for the sake of the sanctimonious society; and that too with profound abhorrence lingering in our eyes; and time and again casting sneering glances at the bottle price,
Unmarried; when we slept; we were aware and fondly traced even the tiniest creak of our bodies with our uninhibitedly wandering fingers; whilst after marriage we indifferently slept poles apart; thunderously snoring till eternity; even as either one of us was being crucified by the swords of diabolical hell,
Unmarried; when we sat to eat supper; each one of us altruistically waited for marathon moments before the other devoured to his/her hearts content; whilst after marriage both of us made a barbarous beeline for the singleton dish; at times ending with raw gashes of unsavory blood; on our profusely scratched hands and face,
Unmarried; when we wrote each others names; we felt the most pricelessly
blessed organisms alive perpetually possessing each other in our hearts; whilst after marriage we never disclosed it to anyone that we even had a lifepartner; specially if it was someone of the opposite sex,
Unmarried; when we swam in the choppy ocean; even the most infinitesimal
vein of our body was so perennially entwined that it was impossible to separate us even in the fiercest of storm; whilst after marriage we deliberately used each others heads as a lifeboat; drowning the other in our attempt to stay triumphantly afloat and selfishly alive,
Unmarried; when we awoke; the very first thing that we did in the morning was to bow down to each other’s feet as we found our ultimate liberator in each of ourself; whilst after marriage we strangulated each other’s senses for uncannily waking up early in the morning; and hideously disrupting the heavenliness of bountiful sleep,
Unmarried; when we were wounded; we compassionately ran every contour of our fervent lips to those parts which hurt till there was not the tiniest of pain; whilst after marriage all that we could hedonistically muster; was indigenous salt to apply on the agonizingly crimson streams of blood,
Unmarried; when we laughed; it was as if to trace and assimilate even the most insouciant bit of ecstasy hidden in our unconscious veins; whilst after marriage we invidiously chortled and exploited each other’s idiosyncrasies; even at the cost of an infinite tears which unstoppably flowed,
Unmarried; when we sketched; all we could capture on our barren canvases was
every conceivable shade of our passionately exuberant silhouettes; whilst after marriage if ever we used our drawing pens; then it was to spew blood of
in tolerance and unfathomable hatred,
Unmarried; when we were lost; we rediscovered and reborn each other in our very own unassailably redolent breaths; whilst after marriage we heartlessly abandoned each other; leaping at the beams of hope who came searching us; and at the first opportunity,
Unmarried; when we sobbed for our loved ones; the innermost realms of our souls united for an infinite lifetimes to share our grief and ameliorate ourselves to the highest epitome of the Sun; whilst after marriage we sadistically used each other’s tears to bathe; incase the overhead tank was empty,
Unmarried; when we created something; we mutually congratulated each other
till the aisles of endless infinity whether there came or not; the tiniest of soul from the outside world; whilst after marriage the same creation became the ultimate reason in our route to divorce,
Unmarried; when we saw suffering on the streets; we selflessly extricated even the last ounce of blood from our veins; endeavoring our best to serve humanity; whilst after marriage we greedily amassed our own wealth; career; identity and fame; in order to royally exist in separate palaces of gold soaked in innocent blood,
Unmarried; when we met after office; we embraced each other with so much passion and intensity that the most gigantic of structures and creation around humbly tumbled to our toes; whilst after marriage we rapaciously preferred to frequent the prostitutes dwelling to placate our heinous desires; as well as stay forever away from our robotically boring faces,
Therefore it is my nimble plea to you O! Omnipresent Lord; to let our love forever immortalize into a cloud of unbreakable compassion; to let our love forever become the ultimate guiding beacon for every other true lover born; and thus for all this to consolidate into a timeless reality; leave us best as unmarried .
When the world laughed at my perfectly normal hands; I rose like an unflinchingly peerless tiger; to defend my irrefutably untainted integrity,
But when the same was unsparingly ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt hopelessly crippled; not even being able to hoist a feather with my palms; for an infinite more lifetimes .
When the world laughed at my perfectly normal eyes; I rebounded back like a
viciously untamed scorpion; to defend my pricelessly inimitable integrity,
But when the same was brutally ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt cadaverously blind; not being able to sight even the largest of structure in the most brilliant of sunshine; for an infinite more lifetimes .
When the world laughed at my perfectly normal throat; I towered like the ultimate sword of valiantly fearless war; to defend my blissfully innocuous integrity,
But when the same was preposterously ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt pathetically dumb; not being able to utter a word with my exuberantly bouncing tongue; for an infinite more lifetimes .
When the world laughed at my perfectly normal brain; I shot back like an inferno of insatiably endless bravado; to defend my wondrously unimpeachable integrity,
But when the same was unabashedly ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt insanely paralyzed; not being able to distinguish my own voice in wholesome solitude; for an infinite more lifetimes .
When the world laughed at my perfectly normal fingers; I poignantly fulminated back like the harshest ray of the midday Sun; to defend my ebulliently triumphant integrity,
But when the same was indefatigably ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt miserably leper; not being able to pen a singleton alphabet; for an infinite more lifetimes .
When the world laughed at my perfectly normal feet; I lashed back like a ferocious stalk of pugnacious chili; to defend my ecstatically marvelous integrity,
But when the same was inexhaustibly ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt
unbearably maimed; not being able to traverse an infinitesimal millimeter
forward; for an infinite more lifetimes .
When the world laughed at my perfectly normal spine; I fumed back like the agonizingly uncurbed embers of the bonfire; to defend my victoriously pristine integrity,
But when the same was sinfully ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt tawdrily crooked; not being able to face earth eye to eye; for an infinite more lifetimes .
When the world laughed at my perfectly normal lips; I menacingly growled back like an entire forest of lions; to defend my impeccably vibrant integrity,
But when the same was sadistically ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt
despondently infertile; not being able to generate the tiniest trace of passion; for an infinite more lifetimes .
When the world laughed at my perfectly normal ears; I stood fearlessly unperturbed like the great wall of china; to defend my royally unfettered integrity,
But when the same was iconoclastically ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt horrendously deaf; not being able to hear even the loudest decibels of my voice; for an infinite more lifetimes .
When the world laughed at my perfectly normal blood; I spat back indignantly till limits of indescribable exhaustion; to defend my bountifully symbiotic integrity,
But when the same was unreasonably ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt
illegitimately orphaned; not being able to ever accept this earth; for an infinite more lifetimes .
When the world laughed at my perfectly normal cheeks; I reacted as violently
as the barbarously caged alligator; to defend my celestially impeccable integrity,
But when the same was deliberately ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt
the ugliest person alive; not being able to face and interact with even the most ethereal organism on this Universe; for an infinite more lifetimes .
When the world laughed at my perfectly normal height; I tirelessly crackled
back in flames of vindication; to defend my beautifully redolent integrity,
But when the same was insidiously ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt
like an invisible ghost; not being able to sight myself ever in the mirror; for an infinite more lifetimes .
When the world laughed at my perfectly normal potency; I erupted back like the latently gushing volcano; to defend my incredulously altruistic integrity,
But when the same was venomously ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt
like a lifeless corpse; not being able to possess the slightest of my space on planet divine; for an infinite more lifetimes .
When the world laughed at my perfectly normal signature; I flagrantly hissed
back like the uncontrolled tornado; to defend my harmoniously spell-binding
But when the same was bawdily ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt like
an impotent illiterate; not being able to ever decipher between innovation and balderdash; for an infinite more lifetimes .
When the world laughed at my perfectly normal sweat; I unstoppably hurled
back at them like the highest wave of the stormy sea; to defend my undyingly
sparkling integrity,
But when the same was licentiously ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt like the laziest stone on earth; not being able to ever lift or sense my form on this globe; for an infinite more lifetimes .
When the world laughed at my perfectly normal shadow; I indefinitely became
the ultimate epitomes of abuse; to defend my enthrallingly robust integrity,
But when the same was satanically ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt
like the coffins of oblivion; not being able to ever discover the faintest trace of life; for an infinite more lifetimes .
When the world laughed at my perfectly normal passion; I snarled back like the most disastrous guffaws of hell; to defend my blissfully sacrosanct integrity,
But when the same was diabolically ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt
like the vials of non-existent poison; not being able to inhale breath even in an atmosphere of sole oxygen; for an infinite more lifetimes .
And when the world laughed at my perfectly normal love; I gave them back a
piece of my mind which was as sharp as the tip of a billion knives; to defend my ubiquitously unparalleled integrity,
But when the same was wretchedly ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt
like a mortuary of lies; not being able to ever unite my heart with any other thing on this Universe; for an infinite more lifetimes
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I lived; I wanted to inundate every cranny of your brain with so many spell binding fantasies; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your perpetually silencing death,
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I lived; I wanted to enlighten every outline of your lips with so many eternally rhapsodic smiles; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your gruesomely tyrannizing death,
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I lived; I wanted to mesmerize each vacant pore of your eardrum with so many spell bindingly humanitarian tunes; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your ominously victimizing death,
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I lived; I wanted to tantalize every nerve of your spine with so many feathers of uninhibitedness; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your ghoulishly penalizing death,
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I lived; I wanted to paint every bit of whiteness in your eye with so many astounding colors of nature divine; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your hideously tormenting death,
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I lived; I wanted to appease your stomach with so many vividly amazing fruits of nature on this boundless planet; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your treacherously devastating death,
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I lived; I wanted to enchant your nostrils with so many scents of compassionate friendship; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your satanically asphyxiating death,
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I
lived; I wanted to stupefy each of your intricate veins with so many shades of unabashedly sparkling creativity; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your diabolically castrated death,
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I lived; I wanted to embellish every freckle of your neck with so many petals of invincible togetherness; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your sinfully stony death,
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I lived; I wanted to rejuvenate every impression on your fingers with so many undying passions of unconquerable artistry; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your miserably obliterated death,
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I
lived; I wanted to ignite each crevice on your toes with so many pathways of inimitably enriching adventure; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your hopelessly nonchalant death,
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I lived; I wanted to delight the enamel of your teeth so many flavors of unparalleled symbiotic creation; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your bizarrely crucifying death,
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I
lived; I wanted to mollify every chord of your throat with so many mantras of everlasting peace; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your brutally non-existent death,
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I lived; I wanted to bless your tongue with so many hymns of unassailable unity; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your preposterously hackneyed death,
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I lived; I wanted to worship your breath with so many rays of the fearlessly optimistic Sun; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your irrevocably delirious death,
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I lived; I wanted to impregnate your bosom with so many whispers of ardently fascinating excitement; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your inconsolably venomous death,
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I lived; I wanted to patronize your shadow with so many rays of insuperably glorious truth; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your horrendously stifling death,
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I lived; I wanted to arouse every conceivable cranny of your skin with so many whiskers of unprecedented ecstasy; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your tawdrily maiming death,
One day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I lived; I wanted to fortify each of your bones with so many apogees of universally unshakable brotherhood; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your agonizingly amorphous death,
And one day as destined I know both of us would inevitably die; but as long as I lived; I wanted to perpetuate each beat of your heart with so many lifetimes of immortal love; that you’d remember nothing else but your time on earth; even in the deepest sleep of your heartlessly evaporating death .
I was dying a pathetically agonizing death every moment waiting for your sensuously silken fingers; why don’t you just come infront of me; scratch me uninhibitedly on my cheek with them; and then forever kill me?
I was dying an inconsolably disastrous death every moment waiting for your astoundingly poignant lips; why don’t you just come infront of me; kiss me unabashedly on my lips with them; and then forever kill me?
I was dying a torturously sullen death every moment waiting for your tantalizingly unparalleled belly; why don’t you just come infront of me; gyrate it jubilantly like the shooting stars; and then forever kill me?
I was dying a wretchedly uncouth death every moment waiting for your profoundly unblemished eyes; why don’t you just come infront of me; savor every aspect of my personality with their black’s and whites; and then forever kill me?
I was dying an invidiously castrated death every moment waiting for your unbelievably ravishing hair; why don’t you just come infront of me;carelessly swish them on my intricate goose-bumps; and then forever kill me?
I was dying a unforgivably penalizing death every moment; waiting for your mellifluously spell binding throat; why don’t you just come infront of me; sing just a rhyme with it towards my trembling countenance; and then forever kill me?
I was dying an indescribably lamenting death every moment; waiting for your sacredly dainty feet; why don’t you just come infront of me; point a path on earth with it for me to follow; and then forever kill me?
I was dying a fetidly perverted death every moment; waiting for your bountifully effulgent cheeks; why don’t you just come infront of me; let them blush an infinitesimal trifle; and then forever kill me?
I was dying a treacherously gory death every moment; waiting for your inscrutably inimitable shadow; why don’t you just come infront of me; let its velvetiness incarcerate each of my senses; and then forever kill me?
I was dying a barbarously asphyxiating death every moment; waiting for your
rhapsodically victorious neck; why don’t you just come infront of me; nod it
only once in ethereal mischief; and then forever kill me?
I was dying a horrendously vindictive death every moment; waiting for your
astoundingly eclectic fingers; why don’t you just come infront of me; trace them like white electricity down my unstoppably reverberating spine; and then forever kill me?
I was dying a hysterically cadaverous death every moment; waiting for your unfathomably creative mind; why don’t you just come infront of me; unfurl
its wildest fantasy beside my ardent breath; and then forever kill me?
I was dying an abhorrently diabolical death every moment; waiting for your
wondrously stupefying armpits; why don’t you just come infront of me; let their golden rivers of sweat dribble upon my fanatically waiting skin; and then forever fill me?
I was dying a satanically crucifying death every moment; waiting for your impeccably adorable ears; why don’t you just come infront of me; let their magnetically titillating lobes dangle on my forehead; and then forever kill me?
I was dying a disdainfully cold-blooded death every moment; waiting for your ebulliently unassailable personality; why don’t you just come infront of me; let its unconquerable fragrance wholesomely capsize each of my senses; and then forever kill me?
I was dying an unthinkably mortifying death every moment; waiting for your insuperably majestic nostrils; why don’t you just come infront of me; let them fierily breathe down my enthused neck; and then forever kill me?
I was dying an unbearably remorseful death every moment; waiting for your royally nubile shoulders; why don’t you just come infront of me; entwine their unlimited glory with my uncontrollably resonating chest; and then forever kill me?
I was dying a mercilessly lambasting death every moment; waiting for your pricelessly voluptuous bosom; why don’t you just come infront of me; unravel just a fragment of its timeless compassion into my life; and then forever kill me?
And I was dying a gorily demented death every moment; waiting for your perpetually ameliorating heart; why don’t you just come infront of me; lets its immortal beats caress my miserably emaciated soul; and then forever kill me?
I saw her pristine lips only for just an infinitesimal instant; but they left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of voluptuously untamed desire to cherish; for an infinite more of my bountiful lifetimes,
I saw her ravishing hair only for just an evanescent instant; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of gloriously unfettered uninhibitedness to cherish; for an infinite more of my enchanting lifetimes,
I saw her rubicund cheeks only for just a mercurial instant; but they left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of royally untainted mischief to cherish; for an infinite more of my bedazzling lifetimes,
I saw her nubile fingers only for just an ethereal instant; but they left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of spellbindingly infallible fantasy to cherish; for an infinite more of my enthusing lifetimes,
I saw her heavenly eyelashes only for just an impoverished instant; but they left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of unconquerably poignant sensitivity to cherish; for an infinite more of my triumphant lifetimes,
I saw her titillating spine only for just a transient instant; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of unabashedly crimson passion to cherish; for an infinite more of my eclectic lifetimes,
I saw her ecstatic feet only for just an obfuscated instant; but they left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of ebulliently unfettered adventure to cherish; for an infinite more of my blessed lifetimes,
I saw her enigmatic goose-bumps for just a feckless instant; but they left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of inimitably priceless exultation to cherish; for an infinite more of my effulgent lifetimes,
I saw her golden sweat for just an oblivious instant; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of royally righteous perseverance to cherish; for an infinite more of my blissful lifetimes,
I saw her impeccable nose for just an evaporating instant; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of impregnably bounteous sensuality to cherish; for an infinite more of my benign lifetimes,
I saw her mesmerizing tongue for just a fleeting instant; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of mellifluously majestic desire to cherish; for an infinite more of my sparkling lifetimes,
I saw her rhapsodic shadow for just a fugitive instant; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of symbiotically silken charisma to cherish; for an infinite more of my ignited lifetimes,
I saw her venerated ears for just a non-existent instant; but they left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of unbelievably eternal freedom to cherish; for an infinite more of my vivacious lifetimes,
I saw her euphoric neck for just an inane instant; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of wonderfully enthralling compassion to cherish; for an infinite more of my victorious lifetimes,
I saw her seductive hips for just a frigid instant; but they left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of astoundingly fructifying virility to cherish; for an infinite more of my intriguing lifetimes,
I saw her queenly palms for just a disappearing instant; but they left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of inscrutably unveiling destiny to cherish; for an infinite more of my tranquil lifetimes,
I saw her amiable bosom for just a worthless moment; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of invincibly divine creation; for an infinite more of my effervescent lifetimes,
I saw her fiery breath for just an infertile moment; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of tirelessly amazing proliferation; for an infinite more of my undying lifetimes,
And I saw her fervent heart for just a castrated moment; but it left me open-mouthed with boundless fantasies of immortally replenishing love; for an infinite more of my piquant lifetimes
Every man's eye is devastatingly empty; unbearably rotting towards the dungeons of diabolical hell; without the celestially commiserating reflections of a bountiful woman,
Every man's palm is sinfully empty; barbarously rotting towards the coffins of penalizing hell; without the compassionately befriending grip of an honest woman,
Every man's vein is dreadfully empty; devilishly rotting towards the vacuum of torturous hell; without the invincibly righteous rudiments of a sacrosanct woman,
Every man's brain is deliriously empty; sadistically rotting towards the thorns of cold-blooded hell; without the unsurpassably ebullient fantasies of an eclectic woman,
Every man's lip is ghastily empty; tawdrily rotting towards the mortuaries of parasitic hell; without the wondrously igniting kisses of an ardent woman,
Every man's shadow is venomously empty; carnivorously rotting towards the skeletons of hideous hell; without the mellifluously symbiotic sweetness of a benign woman,
Every man's signature is disastrously empty; egregiously rotting towards the nothingness of hedonistic hell; without the astoundingly ameliorating reflection of a caring woman,
Every man's mission is treacherously empty; horrendously rotting towards the dirt of excoriating hell; without the pricelessly unconquerable encouragement of a blessed woman,
Every man's lung is cripplingly empty; nonsensically rotting towards the meaninglessness of asphyxiating hell; without the unassailably reinvigorating breath of a timeless woman,
Every man's cheek is lecherously empty; salaciously rotting towards the perversions of crucifying hell; without the mischievously spell binding peck of an untamed woman,
Every man's chest is drearily empty; ignominiously rotting towards the blackness of massacring hell; without the magically reincarnating caress of a sensuous woman,
Every man's spine is lividly empty; preposterously rotting towards the holocaust of morbid hell; without the insurmountably majestic virility of an enigmatic woman,
Every man's adventure is hopelessly empty; sacrilegiously rotting towards the ghost of tormenting hell; without the inscrutably tantalizing echo of a mesmerizing woman,
Every man's skin is frigidly empty; inconsolably rotting towards the whiplash of strangulating hell; without the fathomlessly unabashed exhilaration of an intrepid woman,
Every man's soul is cursedly empty; inexplicably rotting towards the gallows of murderous hell; without the infallibly consecrating sensitivity of a vivacious woman,
Every man's shoulder is dolorously empty; blasphemously rotting towards the shards of deteriorating hell; without the amazingly unflinching unity of a blissful woman,
Every man's ear is abjectly empty; viciously rotting towards the gutters of malevolent hell; without the enchantingly unfettered voice of a mystical woman,
Every man's nostril is despondently empty; perilously rotting towards the wickedness of baseless hell; without the perennially life-yielding fragrance of an intricate woman,
And every man's heart is haplessly empty; unsparingly rotting towards the evil jinx of cannibalistic hell; without the immortally embracing love of a faithful woman .
What should a husband do; if his wife indefatigably nagged him; tirelessly made him feel like a naked impoverished beggar; right in the center of the boisterously crowded street; and under the broadest of daylight?
What should a husband do; if his wife was more indifferent than the acrimoniously stabbing deserts; aimlessly staring towards the amorphously non-existent winds; whilst he inconsolably trembled in the most inexplicable of pain and disease?
What should a husband do; if his wife was the biggest blackmailer on the trajectory of planet divine; an entity who if once came to know of his weaknesses; would continue to backlash at him like the most venomous scorpion; at the tiniest of opportunity?
What should a husband do; if his wife preferred to talk more passionately than the Sun to every stranger and obliterated stone on the dusty street; remaining an emotionless ghost right infront of his earnest eyes?
What should a husband do; if his wife didn’t ask him even once of what he did and achieved the entire day; even though he’d catapulted to such dizzy heights of philanthropic success; that none could ever perceive in the wildest of their dreams?
What should a husband do; if his wife ghoulishly went of into the realms of unbreakable sleep; whilst he was undergoing the most volatile catharsis of his heart; sharing the most latent ingredients of his soul with her persona?
What should a husband do; if his wife vindictively abused him every unfurling instant of the day and night; when every other entity on the planet loved him for the astounding records that he’d achieved; for all the endless love that he was trying to perennially spread?
What should a husband do; if his wife mischievously flirted and philandered with every other man on the Universe; even though he endeavored his very best to
quench even the most evanescent of her desire?
What should a husband do; if his wife sadistically ridiculed even the most sacred of his beliefs; nonchalantly dismissed every element of his devotion; to bond as one with the spirit of the Omnipotent God?
What should a husband do; if his wife devised an infinite ways to pull his leg and make him lick the most disdainful of dust; instead of inspiring him to unflinching face the world and rise to the most truthfully ultimate of skies?
What should a husband do; if his wife wholeheartedly supported the indiscriminate felling of trees just to impart more free space to their land; whilst he on the other hand shed a billion tears of sorrow at even the tiniest snapping of a leaf?
What should a husband do; if his wife wholesomely dictated her insane idiosyncrasies on their only child; threatening to leave him forever and go publicly to her parents house; if he dared to intervene with her suggestions for his very own heavenly offspring?
What should a husband do; if his wife guffawed like the greatest of marauding demons; at every ardently heart-rendering tear drop that dribbled from his eye;
for treacherously depraved humanity?
What should a husband do; if his wife interminably preferred to read every bit of delirious balderdash written on this earth; whilst countless lines of poetry that he’d immortally dedicated and written for her; lay fretfully rotting and obsolete on his writing shelves?
What should a husband do; if his wife unstoppably sermonized him to go to a flagrantly unceremonious mental asylum; whilst he all he ever attempted to do
in his life; was to help her successfully accomplish every task of hers?
What should a husband do; if his wife was severely prejudiced and his worst critic; salaciously excoriating the most inimitably priceless of his art to feckless totters; in her fits of preposterously manipulative practicality?
What should a husband do; if his wife unsparingly teamed up with her parents; to demonstrate the epitome of cadaverous rudeness towards him; for every kind and humanitarian deed that he did?
What should a husband do; if his wife felt that bearing his child was the greatest sin on the soil of this fathomless Universe; as it would satanically disproportion her body; integrity; identity and unabashed entity?
What should a husband do; if his wife’s only mission was to squabble and thrash him with the mace of abhorrence; right from the first cry of dawn; for ostensibly not the slightest rhyme or reason?
Should he Kill Her? Or Should he Kill Himself? Or Should he kill both? Or Should be Divorce Her? Or Should he remarry? Or should he keep his second wife alongwith Her? Or should he abandon all worldly pleasures and go to the peak of Everest to perpetually meditate?
Well if I for one was in his shoes; then I wouldn’t do any of the above. Instead just accept all what was happening around me; as a part of my inevitably regretful destiny .
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your amazingly bohemian behavior; without the tiniest of slang or ostentation adorning your nakedly rustic demeanor?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your vivaciously uninhibited spontaneity; without the most infinitesimal of shrewdness or malice tarnishing your soul?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your timidly plaintive personality; without the most minuscule of brawn or dominance brilliantly shouldering your personality?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for the scent of your righteously hard earned sweat; without the most inane trace of contemporary
machismo radiating from your countenance?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your unabashedly
mischievous and uncut nails; without the most insipid tinge of suaveness beautifying your shadow?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your vivaciously unpretentious laughter; without the most oblivious insinuation of
restraint engulfing your form?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your state of glaring nothingness; without the most infidel presence of the currency note in entire of your destined existence?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your open-heartedness-your devoting your entire life to humanity instead of praising her; without the most obfuscated tinge of manipulation in your stride?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your wholesome renunciation of desire; without the most evanescent inferno of longing running through your intricate veins?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your everlasting evolution of an infinite poetic forms; without the most ethereal ingredient of profit enshrouding your destiny lines?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your maniacal
faithfulness; without the most transient shades of partying; merry-making
and socializing; circumscribing your existence?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your spirit of tirelessly unflinching patriotism; without the most ephemeral innuendo of homeliness surrounding your silhouette?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your untamed footprints; without the most feckless imagery of pragmatic worldly direction evoking your brain?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for the immortal love throbbing in your heart; without the most orphaned trace of religion; nationality; caste; creed; ever associated with your persona?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your insatiably uncurbed fantasies; without the most fugitive beam of earthly saneness; enveloping your identity?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your honestly unrestricted tears; without the most invisible trace of contemporary sun-glasses stylishly sequestering your eyes?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for the pricelessly insuperable humanity in your blood; without the most disappearing ounce of racially discriminating commercialism fortifying your bones?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your inimitably unique and profound personality; without the most evaporating iota of spell-binding magic descending down your spine?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your pristinely untainted breath; without the most vanishing firmament of state-of-the-art perfume wafting from the pores of your skin?
Find me a girl in today’s world; who loves you solely for your perennially compassionate heartbeats; without the most threadbare whiff of stardom and cynosure revolving round your palms?
And if you did in some impossible way or the other succeed in finding such a
girl; then first and foremost prove it to me that she was actually an ordinary human being like everyone of us on this gigantic planet; and not the Omniscient Lord in disguise?
To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would perpetuate each barren pore of your skin with so much exhilaration; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my ecstasy; even after I died,
To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would tantalize your brain with so many fantasies of majestic creation; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my sensuality; even after I died,
To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would rekindle your emptiness with so many fires of untamed virility; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my ardor; even after I died,
To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would transform every defeat of yours into so many triumphs of infallible optimism; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my courage; even after I died,
To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would enlighten your hapless eyes with so many shades of blazing fearlessness; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my valor; even after I died,
To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would complete each unfinished line of your destiny with so many positive ramifications; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my fragrance; even after I died,
To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would caress each bleeding cranny of your lips with so many befriending kisses; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my compassion; even after I died,
To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would disentangle each miserably hackneyed sense of yours with so many mystical moments; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my bountifulness; even after I died,
To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would impregnate each ingredient of your alien blood with so much royal oneness; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my humanity; even after I died,
To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would permeate each chord of your monotonous eardrum with so many rhapsodic tunes; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my sweetness; even after I died,
To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would heal each of your obsolete wounds with so many panaceas of companionship; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my intimacy; even after I died,
To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would nurse each of your inexplicable wails with so many songs of mother nature; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my freshness; even after I died,
To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would wipe each of your tears with so many flames of my desire; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my exuberance; even after I died,
To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would guide each dwindling path of yours to so many corridors of magical utopia; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my inspiration; even after I died,
To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would befriend your inconsolably amputated palms with so many handshakes; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my conviction; even after I died,
To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would fortify each broken bone of yours with so many threads of redolent humanity; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my humility; even after I died,
To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would ameliorate your shattered soul with so many colors of this vivacious Universe; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my versatility; even after I died,
To die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would reinvigorate your asphyxiated breath with so many winds of divinely creation; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my enchantment; even after I died,
And to die together was perhaps impossible in this birth; but I promise you O! beloved; that till the time we lived; I would consecrate your betrayed heart with so many beats of perpetual faith; that you would immortally exist with nothing else but my love; even after I died .
Does love mean; being extraordinarily possessive about your beloved; not leaving her even for an infinitesimal instant; from the ardently obsessive fixation of your sight?
Does love mean; giving your beloved the freedom to pursue anything and everything she wants; although at times she might transgress the fine line of your poignant emotions and desire?
Does love mean; overtly forgiving your beloved; even if she blatantly and obnoxiously pulverized the principles of existence; intermittently spat directly on the naked space of your face; at the tiniest of exasperation?
Does love mean; inundating every conceivable skin pore of your beloved with so many kisses; that she could hardly feel any other sensation of the Universe on her nimble flesh?
Does love mean; standing like a perpetually unflinching citadel abreast your beloved; knocking the last breaths out of any alien man; who dared to flirt with her?
Does love mean; profusely kissing every footprint made by your amiable beloved; keep slavering upon obdurately cold ground; with your tongue fervently wagging and till the time that she walked?
Does love mean; expecting your beloved to idolize none other than you; every unfurling instant of the day; and perceiving none other than your countenance all throughout the bewitchingly starless night?
Does love mean; unthinkably putting every perceivable part of your body forward; to each vicious arrow that dared come the way of your beloved; sacrifice your life at the slightest innuendo of danger to her smiles?
Does love mean; emaciating yourself to the most extreme levels of gruesome extinction; just in order to witness your beloved replenish even the most evanescent of her shadow; with all the richness of this planet?
Does love mean; deriving fathomless happiness at witnessing your beloved flourish in her career and pursuits; whilst you abandoned everything so that the feeling of competition never arose; and to forever see her smile?
Does love mean; unstoppably embracing your beloved in your invincibly vice like grip; from which there wasn't the tiniest of escape; for an infinite more lifetimes?
Does love mean; penning countless lines of immortal poetry on your majestic beloved; unrelentingly staring into the rustic whites of her eye; all day and in the ravishing stupefaction of the night?
Does love mean; emulating even the most obsolete action of your beloved; going to the most painstakingly ridiculous heights in copying her bit by bit; and at the same time bearing with the laughter from the society outside?
Does love mean; in all totality surrendering even the last droplet of blood in your veins; to the most ethereal command of your beloved; perpetually re-christening yourself as her soul-mate as well as chained slave?
Does love mean; wholesomely obfuscating and shutting your ears to the outside world; romanticize till times immemorial in the voluptuous bosom of your beloved; even as the planet ghastily deteriorated and crumbled outside?
Does love mean; prostrating forever at the feet of your sacrosanct beloved; considering them as the ultimate god; the ultimate heaven and hell on this globe; and for a boundless destinations beyond?
Does love mean; timelessly kissing your beloved on her blissful lips; mollifying every bit of hunger and thirst in your ravenous body; by only savoring the compassionate sweetness of her redolent creation?
Does love mean; letting each sensuous breath of your beloved; be the only oxygen for your penuriously asphyxiated lungs; as you royally embellished each naked arena of her flesh; with the untamed virility of your creation?
Does love mean; forever and ever and ever bonding each beat of your passionate heart with your beloved; letting two bodies exist as an unconquerably fragrant 'one' for as long as the earth lived?
Well. If I for one were to step into a true lover's shoes; then love for me would mean all of the above; impregnably implemented at some stage or the other; in the chapter of my mellifluously destined life .
Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; the general condition of the environment around; and as every source of media proclaimed it to be on the ghastly brink of extinction,
Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; the brand new recipes that she'd voraciously browsed through; in every cook-book that she could lay her effervescent hands upon,
Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; the epidemic that'd taken sinister proportions in the society; the horrendously agonizing anecdotes of several in her invincibly close-knit kin,
Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; the overall weather being one of the most acrimonious in the country; and her plans to liberate at the fastest possible to a cherished utopian land,
Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; the current trends of fashion and opulence in the society; and how miserably divested was she of virtually everything on this vast planet,
Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; how obsolete she perceived me to be-though I was glowing with hard-earned success; just because I'd tread on the path never ever taken before on this planet divine,
Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; every move and decision that her revered parents took; at times going to unfathomable depths to solve any familial misunderstandings; whilst I sulked in raw sunshine,
Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; what an indescribable revolution she would bring in the life of every divested soul alive; by impartially distributing the entire wealth of this planet to all alike,
Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; the gravely unsurpassable amounts of dirt that she'd most tenaciously extricated; from the most obsolete crannies of our already spic-span home,
Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; the inexhaustible myriad of soap operas-game shows-spell binding documentaries; which she'd watched in each spare moment of hers,
Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; the headlines; gossips; spiritual sayings which she'd read in every bookshop; as reading was one of her alltime favorite pastime,
Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; all those established celebrities and luminaries; all those upon whom the media was extravagantly onto; silencing all in vicinity whilst listening to her favorite star interview,
Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; every like and dislike of our kids; wanting them to accomplish only her unfinished dreams; as she considered every of my talents and works as disdainfully imbecile,
Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; me being a complete misanthrope and wretched misfit for the society; wholesomely lost and absorbed in my own poetically fantasizing musings,
Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; my ruining every element of her otherwise victorious life; indescribably denigrating me to lifeless ash whilst comparing me to other husbands in her sight,
Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; fossils; shells; and virtually every mystical and artificial carving on this Universe; going to painstaking depths to study the elaborate etymology of the same,
Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; her father's once upon a time 9 to 9 unsparing life; the innumerable droplets of sweat that he'd shed to raise her; whilst all I knew in comparison was staring at insouciant bits of blue sky,
Nineteen to the dozen and an infinite lines did she talk about; the stories that her friends; followers and well wishers had recounted to her; and how desperately did she want to make an enlightenment into every aspect of their bizarrely hapless and solitary lives,
And whilst I appreciated and respected all her talk; O! how I wished and wished and wished; that atleast a line out of the infinite she spoke to me was asking me as to what I did in the entire day; asking me to recite the fervent lines of my poetry on all creations of the Lord; asking me as to how the rhythm of my tender heart felt?
Anyways; though I knew it was virtually impossible for it to happen this way -naturally and of her own accord in this life; I earnestly pray to you O! Omnipotent Lord; to make it happen in every other impoverished husband's life; so that unlike my sole urge to die this very instant out of sheer indifference; he feels more ardently than ever before; to be reborn again and again and again .
Never ever would I cause you the most inconspicuous of harm; if you preferred to relinquish every ounce of your life for a complete stranger; whilst neglecting me like a heap of fetid rubbish-in the farthest corner of the trash can,
Never ever would I cause you the most invisible of harm; if you indulged in senseless gossip with your friends for hours immemorial; and then blaming time for not asking me how I lead my entire day,
Never ever would I cause you the most deteriorating of harm; if you admired every insignificant achievement of your close kin; whilst treating each world record of mine as some orphaned jinx fallen from the sky,
Never ever would I cause you the most baseless of harm; if you neatly clipped every piece of literature you'd read all day; whilst proclaiming the infinite lines of my poetry as just a disdainful squandering of time,
Never ever would I cause you the most ethereal of harm; if you spuriously supported me for every weakness of mine; only to outrageously reveal the same to the world outside; blackmailing me for the tiniest loss of my temper,
Never ever would I cause you the most floundering of harm; if you viciously abused and slapped me infront of my own blood; just because I'd fearlessly expressed my individualistic point of view in closed doors,
Never ever would I cause you the most oblivious of harm; if you sanctimoniously entwined your arms in mine; and then cavorted for major part of life with the charismatic clinician of your choice-as I turned behind,
Never ever would I cause you the most insipid of harm; if you blatantly declared each ounce of my passion for my favorite things in life; as insane madness of the highest degree,
Never ever would I cause you the most limpid of harm; if you unsparingly ridiculed me for my gluttony when I was hungry; whereas you plucked countless living leaves of the tree time and again—for ostensibly no reason or rhyme,
Never ever would I cause you the most infinitesimal of harm; if you started to snore like a boundless combined monsters; the instant I tried to uninhibitedly pour the past and present of my heart; beside your collapsing stride,
Never ever would I cause you the most forgetful of harm; if you ignominiously slandered the way I solely listened to my heart and got bankrupt; whilst you assimilated coin over perspiring coin—were an ardent fan of every astute brain who went on to built an emotionless empire,
Never ever would I cause you the most languid of harm; if you diabolically retaliated as if to wholesomely behead me; to just a spurt of my anger which only went to show I was human and not God,
Never ever would I cause you the most frigid of harm; if you laughed louder than the planet outside on each of my follies; showing me the sadistic shade of the devil whilst staying close to my breath all my life,
Never ever would I cause you the most obsolete of harm; if you continued to sleep as the thieves came in and made merry; and then rebuked me for being a coward and not confronting them—thought I was at a distant place that time,
Never ever would I cause you the most non-existent of harm; if you inexhaustibly hummed praises of your close kin though they discarded you; whilst I was the one who came running to the faintest of your cries,
Never ever would I cause you the most disappearing of harm; if you clapped for the very politicians who sat on power thrones; whose foundations gorily rested on innocent blood of my pristine brothers, sisters and benign kin,
Never ever would I cause you the most insouciant of harm; if you cursed me from the innermost ingredients of your blood to die each instant of my destined life—only because I opposed you and your conventionally tyrannical society for lighting venomous crackers to greet and appease the Gods,
Never ever would I cause you the most evanescent of harm; if you tied the nuptial knot with me solely to get a handsome roof to live under-and thereby absolve your kin from the excruciating agonies of an added existence,
Nevertheless wife. Though I would never ever harm even the most mercurial hair on your skin in any manner whatsoever—but for every painful beat of my heart that you were responsible- My silence will speak to you .
Redder than the reddest of rose was your ecstatically silken shadow; sensuously engulfed under the unparalleled flaming rays of Sun—as you gleefully scampered up the mystically barren cliff,
Redder than the reddest of rose were your voluptuously scarlet lips; profusely coated with mischievous shades of dancing scarlet; as you painstakingly devoured each ounce of the betel leaf; bit by tantalizing bit,
Redder than the reddest of rose were your bountifully robust palms; as you grazed them uninhibitedly against every strand that spawned from soil; in your unceasing gestures of embracing all exhilaration on the planet,
Redder than the reddest of rose was your dainty forehead; as you passionately knelt it for several hours against plaintive floor; in your invincible obeisance to the Omnipotent Almighty Lord,
Redder than the reddest of rose were your daintily gratifying feet; as you jubilantly dug them in and out of chunks of rustic mud; that was compassionately heavenly after the first thundershowers this season,
Redder than the reddest of rose were your seductively undefeated cheeks; as you blushed more naively than the first rays of dawn; perceiving the prince charming of your blissful life with surreal stars in your eyes,
Redder than the reddest of rose were your nectar laden fingers; as you weaved them more zealously than ever before in oceans of myriad color; suddenly illuminating white canvas with the boundless enigmas of your soul,
Redder than the reddest of rose was your perpetually benign blood; which graciously embraced the religion of humanity at every step you tread; in each of its unflinchingly everlasting ingredient,
Redder than the reddest of rose were your ebulliently shimmering nails; as you inexhaustibly gnawed at them in a child like innocence; whilst pondering over the infinite unsolved mysteries of this fathomless Universe,
Redder than the reddest of rose were your astoundingly curious ears; instantaneously rising to the hilt of heaven to the tiniest of appreciation and then burying themselves under countless feet of soil—at sarcasm as it humanely came,
Redder than the reddest of rose was your affably poignant bosom; heaving and falling like the pristine ebbs and tides of the great majestic sea; as each current of the eclectically fickle wind caressed it with new-found electricity,
Redder than the reddest of rose were your regally titillating eyelashes; as you let them unabashedly absorb the most fervent streaks of lightening as well as nimble sunset; with indescribable stunning panache,
Redder than the reddest of rose were your royally galloping legs; as you ran far beyond the horizons of sunset to shake hands with the utterly unknown; pumping raw exhilaration at every step that you dared tread,
Redder than the reddest of rose was your implacably nubile skin; metamorphosing into a fantastic crimson with each scorching draught of the summer wind and as the freezing breeze of winter bit in with all its fury,
Redder than the reddest of rose was your artistically charmed nose; as you nuzzled it across every gregarious tree stalk in vicinity; exploring your rudiments of a countless inscrutable lifetimes,
Redder than the reddest of rose were your ravishingly swaying hair; cascading till well below your hips in an inimitable glory of their own; resembling a simmering ravine of half-baked emotions as the rainbow appeared in the sky,
Redder than the reddest of rose was your magically mollifying nape; as you rolled on a bed of natural thorns time and again to explore your whacky side; with the moonless night as your sole savior,
Redder than the reddest of rose was your eternally sacrosanct womb; which had the power of to start the process of all blessedly rubicund creation; with the orders of the Omniscient Allmighty Lord,
Therefore who needs an incoherently lifeless rose to celebrate "Valentines Day"-Instead; every beautiful soul out there on the planet-redder than the reddest of rose; will you be my companion for life and beyond-this Valentine .
Not the deadliest sting of the venomously dancing scorpion; perpetually waiting to crawl on naked skin and pierce its hindside deep down into streams of innocuous scarlet blood,
Not even the menacingly insatiable army of ants; ardently dreaming of nothing else but triggering a volcano of unbearable redness; as they stealthily clambered upon the most invisible patches of skin,
Not even the most savagely gleaming knives; who yearned to sadistically chop anything and everything in vicinity; into a trillion pieces of livid meaninglessness,
Not even the most despairingly morose dungeons; who wanted to devour every conceivable source of life in the blooming atmosphere; forever into a graveyard of demonic blackness,
Not even the most ominously parasitic leeches; who started to hideously slither as if starved since a thousand centuries; at sighting the most orphaned droplet of blood splattered on the grave,
Not even the most invidiously smoldering embers of the bonfire; whose sole mission in life was to burn every trespassing soul to an unrecognizable death; a most perfect vindication for their dreadfully miserly state of now,
Not even the most incapacitated of oblivious rusty iron nails; who knew they could cause many an inexplicably traumatizing disease; apart from a corpse of woeful blood; once they pugnaciously stung,
Not even the most perilously sinister sheets of sinking mud; who wretchedly suckled you to the rock bottom of incarcerated darkness; with an ease as inanimate as a ghost passing unscathed through the wall,
Not even the most forlornly thwarting silence; a web of preposterously crucifying loneliness trying its best to trap every life of bustling energy; only to be eaten by the spiders of hell,
Not even the gullibly hissing snakes; whose singleton kiss of the lips on pristine life; led to the most irrevocably silencing mortuaries of death; an agonizing extinction which brutally paralyzed all existence,
Not even the most tyrannical wells of unending sarcasm; which plagued every creatively brilliant spark that rose from the mind and soul; with the devil's altar of jinxed negativity,
Not even the most disdainfully lethal smokescreens of adulteration; which yearned every unveiling instant to usurp everyone on earth; in their murderously cancerous swirl,
Not even the most abysmal gorge of hopeless desperation; which perpetuated every sane entity on the trajectory of the planet; to become a maniac who asymmetrically plundered for raw flesh and blood,
Not even the most dreadfully conniving satans of hell; who devised endless insidious ways and means to torture you after you died; and were sent to their custody in your fecklessly frigid after life,
Not even the most despondently amorphous walls of monotony; which unsparingly marauded every infinitesimal ounce of newness around with carcasses of penalizing routine,
Not even the most heartless cauldrons with meat butchered into a zillion pieces; where the most priceless of emotions were hacked to the most indescribably torturous death; shockingly alive,
Not even the most ominously wailing streams of blistering lava; launching an assault of an unimaginably distorted and instant death; as it fervently prayed for the very first living step to transgress its way,
Not even most ghoulishly jangling skeletons of nothingness; whose sole purpose lay in scaring the daylights of optimism from the innermost realms of your soul; make you one of their own even in the pinnacle of your robust life,
But if there was anything that could indeed bite a Man till beyond an infinite of his lives and deaths-Then it was only the infidelity of the woman whom he'd given his heart; the woman whom he truly loved .
Will you be the luckiest charm of my existence; a wish of supreme fulfillment that only led to humanitarian goodness; philanthropy and selflessness- as I nimbly tread by the grace of the Creator Divine?
Will you be the vivaciously dancing butterfly of love in my garden; illuminating every dreary nerve of mine- with the charm of your poignantly exuberant flight?
Will you be the scent of immortal companionship that drifted close to my nostrils; so that I forever floated in a paradise of goodness; unfettered and bonded in a mist of friendship sublime?
Will you be the rainbow of unflinching camaraderie that I sighted in tufts of blue; that ignited my spirit of symbiotic survival on divine earth; to the very fullest?
Will you be the droplet of tantalizing rain that cascaded down my roof; triggering a perennial yearning in my heart to be kissed in a domain; beyond the definitions of clockwork time?
Will you be the uninhibited stream that sparkled down the virgin slopes; embracing every element of my impoverished existence; with a wand of bountiful endowment?
Will you be those invisible tendrils of excitement that caressed my spine; awakening me from a stupor of inane practicality; towards the effulgently whistling winds of existence?
Will you be the fairy that casts a gorge of happiness wherever you went; a perpetual mist of bliss that I embraced; as I continued my truncated odyssey on soil?
Will you be that line of destiny on my palms that solely leads to truth; a flame that keeps the true passion of my life ignited with unparalleled caring?
Will you be the song that I cherished to sing the most in this Universe; a melody whose tunes drifted from the innermost arenas of my innocuous soul?
Will you be that undaunted living form by my side; in my times of ebullience and inexplicable misfortune alike; even as abuses were intransigently hurled from the planet outside?
Will you be the tinkling laughter that engulfed my ears with new-found hope; everytime I felt the ship of my scraggily penurious existence sink to the rock bottom of hopelessness?
Will you be the nightingale that unabashedly perched upon my shoulder; drowning me into ecstatic spasms of all the sweetness- that ever formed my imperfectly humane atmosphere?
Will you be every Lilly that blossomed on the path not dared taken; but the very path I chose to celebrate every moment of my synergistically intrepid existence?
Will you be the everlasting source of my child-like bewilderment; as the magic of your spontaneity continued to enthuse the informally bohemian footsteps of my life?
Will you be the ultimate seductress that drifted me away from the worst of crisis; far away from the world of greed; manipulation and satanic barbarism—like a prince near your amiably compassionate bosom?
Will you be the reason that I found new-found optimism to survive; not only reaching the zenith myself—but reaching out the balm of unhindered love and humanity to every single of my fellow beings?
Will you be the voice that I could easily differentiate from amongst every other on the planet; as it was my own heart’s cry to forever unite with my soul-mate in this life and every life hence-forth- destined?
I guess its time to propose to you now—and that’s exactly what I am doing from deep within my heart O! Beloved– will you be my Valentine
She irrefutably loved it when you lavishly admired her toes ; adroitly fitted them with the most tantalizingly silver amulets – that lent sensuous charm to her impoverished existence,
She unbelievably loved it when you gently held her palms – eclectically traced her destiny lines on her velvety skin – added unparalleled meaning to her life with your ecstatic charisma,
She wondrously loved it when you snuggled close to her during when the earthquake struck – were her invincible pillar of support and royally replenished her desire with friendship,
She profoundly loved it when you admired the artistry that unfolded as she descended the rustic steps – and more so because you said that infront of several of your other girlfriends – magnanimously deserving ,
She unhesitatingly loved it when you ran your fingers through her ravishing hair just moistened by fresh first thundershowers of the monsoon – and which ignited her to feel the ecstasy in the wind blowing gustily around ,
She truly loved it when you exhorted her to sit down amidst the bountifully green environs – and then sketched the most immaculately bewildering portrait of her - that all your talent could ever muster,
She uninhibitedly loved it when you shared meal with her in the same plate – which though disintegrated and bohemian – enthralled with the variedly ebullient ingredientsof companionship,
She unabashedly loved it when you audaciously shouted at any human who acted deplorably with her – took her far away from the pandemonium of the congested streets - within the fantabulous wilderness of the hills,
She innocuously loved it when you embraced her unassailably close to your chest – humming her most favorite song as your pristine lips grazed her astoundingly gregarious ears,
She compassionately loved it when you mischievously pecked her on the cheek and ran away – soon returned back to dance with her - breaking barriers of caste; creed; color and tribe – to revel in the flames of seductive romance,
She indisputably loved it when you called her amazingly versatile for those
inconspicuous toys of different shapes and sizes ; that she’d crafted of clay –
empowering the lives of disastrously abandoned children with mellifluous triumph ,
She joyously loved it when you penned an impromptu poem on her – emanating like the natural currents of the frostily virgin waterfall – as she placidly perched herself on the meadow of desire and fantasized for goodness,
She effulgently loved it when you wholesomely shrugged off all your stringent societal formalities infront of her ; divulging your true and unrestricted self to her – which was infact her greatest richness to cherish on this beautiful planet,
She brilliantly loved it when you instantaneously tore a part of your expensive shirt to wrap around her fresh wound – informally carried her on your philanthropic shoulders to her dwelling as she amiably wrapped her arms around you ,
She splendidly loved it when you proposed her out for the best date of her life – and then instead of presenting her with spuriously costly and feckless jewelry – gifted her a letter conveying your truest feelings for her – just as the Sun royally set and the magnificently phlegmatic night arrived,
She adorably loved it when you sincerely applauded her inimitably melodious voice - which won over prejudice with its naturally articulate tune of love – mesmerized the fabric of humanity towards an optimistically benevolent tomorrow,
She fabulously loved it when you fearlessly and most gladly traversed with her to the places she wanted – rendering her the most vibrantly faithful company that she could ever perceive of – and your artistic wittiness ensuring that she merrily jostled towards undefeated positivity,
She unquestionably loved it when you kissed her – and the enamoring sweetness of your togetherness – which then propounded a unique proposal infront of the world – that which was of the , Religion of humanity ,
But inspite of all this – she would still hate you if you didn’t say the real thing pretty soon – those majestically unconquerable words to solemnize your sincerity and truthful relationship – those unmatched pearls of joy which were one of the most ultimate mortal gifts in a girl’s existence – those blissfully bonding words that so gloriously resuscitated the various desolate pathways of life – those alphabets which were ofcourse – I Love you .
It definitely wasn't because of the tantalizingly appetizing aroma that graciously wafted through mundane wisps of nothingness - fomenting a new found hunger to greedily gobble till the very last non - existent bit ,
It irrefutably wasn't because of the ravishingly royal appearance that engulfed it with a princely charm to swoon for - the succulent layers of nutrition that made the tongue salivate longingly in anticipation of the tiniest of contact ,
It intransigently wasn't because of the fact that the day had been overwhelmingly exhausted and famished - prompting an ecstatic push for the dining table as soon as the footsteps reached the threshold of gregariously sweet home ,
It dogmatically wasn't because of the sumptuous fillings of delicately dribbling curry that painstakingly cascaded from the main course - suddenly empowering the desire to symbiotically exist with counterpart man on earth ,
It irretrievably wasn't because of the multitude of culinary embellishments that adorned its periphery - making it resemble a platter served in the choicest of castles and to the most magnificently invincible of Kings and Queens on planet earth ,
It certainly wasn't because it triggered an optimistically artistic desire of sketching unparalleled beauty around you - with its lavishly grand helpings sensitively strewn and blended raw with rustic fruit ,
It intractably wasn't because of its astoundingly rich nutritious value highly
recommended by the best in their respective fields - that could wonderfully replenish and gorgeously harness the deteriorating bones of aged existence ,
It truly wasn't because its enamoring recipe had won virtually every conceivable
International award and felicitation - before pompously filling in the barren recesses of the famished plates laid rather nonchalantly on the dinner table ,
It irrevocably wasn't because of hype and mystery enshrouding it that had culminated perseveringly as the day had unveiled - with inconspicuous tid - bits and chatter from family members of what was in store for supper adding exorbitantly to the already charged up atmosphere ,
It earnestly wasn't because it had thrown monotonous strictness out of the window – as the most sonorously disciplined of adults - ravenously indulged into tearing it apart into minuscule pieces of digestion - before eventually swallowing it with unabashed glee ,
It simply wasn't because it profoundly inspired you to become a poet - interweave and embody verse of the highest perceivable imagination in praise of its compassionate aura ;dainty structure ; texture and transiently adorable charm ,
It sagaciously wasn't because of the impromptu occasion that transpired because of it being gloriously laid - as members of the family rejoiced and reveled in each other's company sitting across the table - as the night unfurled in its majestically voluptuous color ,
It obstinately wasn't because of the uninhibited feast that it provided to fantasizing entities around - as they experienced sheer tranquility after having consumed it - pacifying the most ethereal of their apprehensions with the enrichment of taste ,
It solidly wasn't because of the spectacular vitality that it permeated the lividly
exasperated body with - the same physical form which had decayed into a disheveled heap a little while ago - out of sheer agony and hunger triggered by the parasitic meanness of the mortal world ,
It undoubtedly wasn't because of the goodwill and extraordinary hospitality that it successfully generated - even as the uncalled for neighborhood urchins were
fantastically drawn towards it and ate it ; as if there wasn't going to be a meal in near future ,
It incorrigibly wasn't because of the flattery and the untainted adoration that diligently admired my hard work - to be able to earn such a succulent princely spread of eatery at the fag end of the assiduously hard earned day ,
It promisingly wasn't because of that contented handshake that came from the other side as soon as the meal got over - rendering me in indescribable rhapsody as all measly past differences with my friend were now resolved - and this is exactly what a thoroughly reinvigorating meal had the power to do ,
It really wasn't because it was a part of that sporadic celebration that happened in moment of joyous triumph - bringing distant family and outsiders irrespective of caste , creed , color and tribe - to relish the marvelously salubrious chunks of home cooked delicacy ,
But I merrily had it , relished it , romanticized about it , savored it to absolute glory - because she had made my food with love .
The End .