You Are Missed On Friday

You Are Missed

On Friday we heard of one lonely tale;
A boy from school slipped into a dark veil.
His family must be very upset too.
My there are many things I would tell you.

Didn’t you realize what it would cause now?
Your friends do blame themselves for your last bow.
They wonder why they were never around,
When you were depressed and so very down.

Your friends now consider killing themselves,
Because now what do we do with ourselves.
I bet now you wish you had thought it out.
Now we are filled with several murky doubts.

To those who wish it, careful should you be.
Do think it through beforehand I do plea.
Will you be missed? Will it work out without?
You are loved, beyond any single doubt.

Let his story inspire you today,
As it will the world some future far day.
Inform another that they too are loved,
Before in a grave their body is gloved.


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