It baffles me
The way you look into a mirror and don't see anything
The way you've brought happiness & light into the dark cloudy days without realizing it
And the way you find no talent nor passion within your unique creations.
It frustrates me
How you've kept yourself closed up from everyone
How you've copied the fake masks of happiness
And how you've kept your mouth shut for the times when your voice was needed.
It confuses me
When you think 'there's nothing good here'
When you yearn for more when you're perfect in every inch
And When you try to hide yourself from what you love
Why is there so much doubt
So much neglect
So much desperation
When the answers are right there in front of you
What if i told you that the answers of the world that can cure diseases, poverty, and wars are
in your hands?
The answers to insecurity, hate, neglect, and miscommunications are in your own two hands?
Well, technically, not just those two hands of yours
Its also your heart
In your eyes
And in that voice of yours
Are you scared yet?
With this huge obligation and responsibility,
Are you ready?
In my reality,
i honestly believe that everyone is ready.
From where you are right now
You can stand up
Change the world
& take on this challenge head first
Pfft yeah right! You say,
I say yes! exactly right.. Its true & it will always be true.
& I know it.
My heart believes in it
My mind has decided on it
My gut agrees with it
& come on now, I'm always right.. Jk
But! What I do have is hope
& more importantly, I believe
I believe i can change the world
I believe I will do something breath taking with my life
I believe I can touch & inspire peoples hearts
& more importantly
I believe in you
everyone is good & kind
Like The person your sitting next to
Or the person you'll be sitting next to tomorrow
Or the person you'll be sitting next to tomorrow's tomorrow.
Seriously, for example,
that kid you might think is a jerk
He's got a heart.
He does..
That girl who mocks and bullies every person
Probably made others doubt and hate themselves
She's got a heart
Really, it's true.
The guy who wanted power & became a dictator
Probably killed others to get where he is
He's got a heart
Believe it or not
You probably think I'm going crazy
Maybe that's a side effect...
But what we really don't know is that even those people who seem horrifying & terrible on the outside
I believe there's still good
Things just... Got in the way for them
If we stop
If we listen
& see
We've all got a story
Some didnt have anybody to lean on
Some didnt know the happiness of others' love
Some didnt know anything else
Some just didn't believe hard enough
I believe, when everyone decides that the world around us is much bigger than our own little selves,
That's when we'll find true happiness
That's it.
That's the answer.
Understanding each other is the key.
Appreciation for each other is the key
Genuine care for each other is the key
& as corny as this sounds,
Love is truely the key
Because love is the only entity in this world
Where we'll find understanding
& patience
With this life changing answer,
What will you do?
Will you go out those doors and think this was a nice poem
Or will you go out there
with an open heart?
With A Brighter set of eyes?
with a drive to change something?
Well whatever you decide.. Here's something to remind yourself:
You are awesome.
You are different.
You have power.
But what you decide to do will make a difference.
It can be good or bad, or nothing
But you've only got one,
only one life to prove something
One chance to experience the fullest potential of the lives around you
& only one decision to make, for you to belive in others, but more importantly, in yourself.
This poem is about:
My country
Our world
Poetry Terms Demonstrated: