You are a monster.
And sometimes I feel like
there is no part of you
that is the same as it used
to be.
You are a liar. You never stop with
telling your stupid lies.
You are a cheater. You can't even win
so I don't know why I mind.
Why do I even bother with you?
It's not like you care about me.
If I had died the other night,
you wouldn't have found out until
we were in school. And I doubt you
would even take a day or two
to just remember before
you moved on.
Oh wait- you have already moved on
to people much cooler than
I am. I guess you can
relate to them or something.
Your entire mind is consumed by them.
When I talk, you don't feel the need to listen.
And that makes me want to scream at you,
So I try to keep my mouth shut.
But, honestly,
where the fuck did this come from??
You're doing 180's and I am praying for
a 360, so you'll spin back around
to where you started. And I am
sorry for what I did.
So, so, unbelievably sorry.
So sorry, that if I ever get a
time machine, I'd go back to that
moment first and I would keep
my disgusting mouth shut.
Now when I am hungry, and my stomach
twists and turns, I think about you
and I just can't bring myself to
eat at all anymore.
I feel like I am losing track of reality.
But I don't want to end up there.
I am seeing things, driving along,
the telephone poles morph with the
shadows and the cloaked demons
chase me down the street. And when I sleep
he sits there on the floor, waiting,
and I don't know what for.
I'm scared. I'm scared of everything.
I would trade anything to be less cautious,
less afraid of pain, less afraid of