
United States

Let me tell you what YOLO is.

Let me refresh your memory, because obviously you don't know.

YOLO is taking a bullet for the man beside you,

a brother you knew by the sound of his boot steps.

YOLO is learning to live without,

so that your children never have to.

YOLO is growing up while being pushed down,

and having the balls to turn yourself into the hospital.

Because damn if you'll let them win.

It's not the latest fashion trend.

It's not the make up, caked on like a fake personality that you have to hide behind.

Pants around your knees, hood pulled up, cigarette hanging from your mouth,

as if you have the right to poison the tongue your mother taught you to use.

YOLO is finding the one person on this planet that makes you happy,

and fighting for them because without them, you wouldn't be breathing.

Let me tell you what YOLO is.

YOLO is watching your best friend go through Leukemia,

and having her tell you it's going to be okay.

YOLO is a soldier living with PTSD to protect you,

just so you have the freedom to get an STD.

YOLO is a kid at 15 walking into a school, gun raised high,

and shooting himself after he shot the ones who pushed him down.

YOLO, is not a fucking hashtag moment.

YOLO is the truth.

Stop treating life as if it's an excuse for you bull shit.

Sure you only live once, but will you be remembered for your Facebook, Hashtags,

Twitter, and YouTube?

Or will you make something extraordinary of yourself?



this poem and expression was truly needed to reconstruct the notions our

generation take for granted. this is wisdom and experience talking all at once.

the wrods shared here were brave and ones to remember the next time

we use "yolo" as a luxury or priviledge.


thank you. keep posting.



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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741