Yes We Can !
This Message is To All current and future Teachers.
It is my honor to offer encouraging words of wisdom.
I'll guide the future teachers from all higher learning institutes
to bridge gaps in education whatever that may constitute.
We've reviewed ideas that have worked
we've seen programs that don't.
It's our job to keep researching
because teaching is hard work.
This is a profession fueled by passion and is hard
if you're introvert. Lets connect with all of our students
to keep them on a lighter note. Identify with all
in every way possible. They say don't get too close
to your students but in reality thats impossible.
If we never make connections
How will we be mentioned as honorable?
The youth are our future, there's no doubt about it,
So from present and so forth
we must encourage those who need guidance,
and if there are any on the wrong track
we must learn how to reroute them,
and properly equip ourselves
with extended amounts of knowledge,
in every subject possible
even after we've left college.
Many problems will arise many diversities will come to light.
Many obstacles we must override, that may not be in plain sight.
We must stay optimistic because armed with knowledge we will all fight.
The gaps will be bridged...but of course not overnight
but stand together, stand tall educators from big to small.
United we will stand hoping that we never fall.
We will push students to spring even if its only Fall.
United We Will Stand because we've decided not to fall !
"YES WE CAN!" (chants) with an audience applause !
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Absolutely! As a fledgling teacher myself, I wholeheartedly identify with this poem. It can be very hard to connect with students sometimes, but to be able to do so, and to make a positive difference in their education, truly is one of the best gifts I feel anyone can give. Thank you for writing this poem!