A year is a lifetime
A year is a lifetime
A lifetime of moments
Of minutes
Of memories.
The beginning just like a book
Is never like the end
And even though you try
You may never comprehend
The change you’ve undergone
When the year is up and done
All you can do is hope for the best.
My year was a journey
From the first to the last
My year was a lifetime
That now is in the past
I started out small
And scared
I started out alone
I didn’t care
When my year began
I saw nothing to hope for
But at is continued
That attitude was done for
The middle was different
A season of change
New friends and new people
A total new range
Of emotions within me
Ones that weren’t sad
Ones that weren’t bitter
Or angry
But glad.
I know that sounds seussian
But please do believe
My year has changed me
I promise you’ll see
I got sick
Not just sick I got tired
I got sick and tired
But that didnt stop me
No it started me
Got me going
Made me wonder
Made me think
Maybe I was holding onto a future
That wasn’t meant for me
Now many will say that getting sick isnt good
But getting sick was what got me out of the woods
The woods were a dark place
Full of demons and men
Of tauntings and bullies
Of failures and sins
But my sickness awoke me
And made me realize
There’s no point to be bitter
Use my life to be wise
Each day is a war
Each breath a battle
You’d think I’d give up
But I get on that saddle
Everyday I awaken
A new skip in my step
And I wonder whose life
I can ease an upset
I live my life now
Day in and day out
To bring others joy
To turn that frown upside down
I ended my year with love at my side
Friends in my corner
And tears in my eyes
No the tears werent of sadness
They werent even of pain
The tears were of joy
That I finally lived again
So long I’d been stuck
In a ditch
Going nowhere
Now finally finally
I feel like Im getting somewhere
And that my dear friends
Is what this year was about
Fighting the darkness
And staging a breakout
The sun rises on a new year
A new lifetime for me
And all I can wonder
Is next year
Who will I be?