Yeah, That's Me
You see that silly girl making faces?
Her tongue out, and crooked smile?
Yeah, that's me.
In all my glory,
With hair that doesn't want to cooperate,
And Acne that's hard to cover up.
The mustard on my brand new shirt,
And the jeans zipper wide open.
I'm at least free from society's barriers,
Not bound by what the community deems is ok.
Yeah, that's me.
At least I'm proud to say I'm
Obsessed with mustaches,
And Ninja Turtles too!
I like the word "orange",
But Despize the Color and fruit.
I'll Scream at a butterfly,
But smile at a snake.
I'm the chocolate maniac,
the cultural freak,
Who talks in her sleep,
And forgets how to speak.
I'll fist pump to a slow song,
And laugh louder than I should.
But I'm a girl with a heart,
Who wants nothing but the best,
For the people around her.
I will stay by your side,
Through thick and thin;
To lend you my ear, my shoulder, my help.
You can call me weird,
Or Immature or insane.
I don't care.
I'm happiest being me,
So why should I hide it?
My serious side is boring.
No expression, no definition.
Just a handful of sighs,
And a stress that piles up.
That's not me.
It's just a poser,
A personality rental.
To give society what it wants.
I've learned that I can't be one or the other.
So I'll just do what I do best.
I'll do Lyssa.
Yeah, That's me