The Wrong Show
They say she's a star,
That she'll go far.
But she's stuck in tar,
She's out of luck.
Because time slips away
And rhyme gets in the way
Of reason.
But saying so is treason.
Hiding behind the haze
of the blaze,
She swings on the trapeze
With ease.
The world watches on
In awe,
But when they applaud
She is hurt.
Her thoughts are outlawed,
No one knows the real her.
She thinks there's something greater,
They say it can wait for later.
If she says it she's a hater,
A traitor, a confiscator
Of their fun.
All they do in run
From the truth,
Always wasting away their youth
With childish games.
And it just seems like such a shame
That she can't feel understood
And that she misses childhood.
Wild and free,
Without a care.
"Why can't we go back there?"
She asks,
But all they do is stare.
She asks what she did wrong,
When all along
She knows.
She's been singing the right song
In the wrong show.