Written Between the Lines
What’s on your mind?
Written between the lines
I don’t know where to begin.
Take it off- Take it on
Don’t lose me between the desire to hate the world
or to hate yourself.
Let me in. Let me in.
Please, I beg.
I want to rip off my sleeves
Where my heart could never find me.
Take me on a boat, please let me float away.
No matter what I do, It takes me back to that
dreadful day.
Stop, no. Now listen.
I shut the door behind me looking over my skin.
The bruising of your footprints marks me deep within.
Happy, smiling place to be,
all but what's inside of me.
Stop, no. Now see.
Wait while I hide this part.
My life is a game of hide-and-seek inside myself.
Only to find what's left of me.
Oh, what an art!
I look in the mirror, searching for the girl
and dandelions in her hair.
I pull back the curtain, and nobody is there.
Girls are pretty and nice.
They have long blonde hair.
“why do you have bald spots?”
I have them everywhere.
Don’t listen, don’t come near.
My deepest darkest secret is fear.
When he killed himself,
he killed a part of me.
Block the feelings
Smile, Laugh, because i’m alright.
Let me in. Let me in.
The monster inside me is what fills me with fright.
All I ask is acceptance.
I don’t know where to begin.