Worthless Religion
You say you’re religious
That you can get to God through your mind.
You say you do good.
And God loves good, right?
So when I ask how you get to heaven
You say it’s through your life
You gave money to Africa
And your dollars built a well in Sudan.
And when a little old lady was crossing a road you helped and gave her a hand.
There was that time you complimented the fat girl
And the day you gave an extra tip to the boy
And once when you were ordering your iced caramel macchiato with soy milk and a shot of espresso, you bought a drink for another guy.
You don’t steal
You don’t cheat
You don’t lie
Well, at least not most of the time
And even if you did, the good outweighs the bad, right?
Because our lives are like a scale
Separating the crap from the cool
Determining Heaven or Hell
How we live after death
But you say there is no Hell
Because God is love
And God is good
And how could a good, loving God create a place of punishment,
Create a place like Hell?
I say I’m not religious
That I don’t believe we can get to God
Because I’ve done bad, I’ve done wrong.
Does it matter what the scale looks like
If my soul is tainted with evil?
If my soul is nearly gone?
And if God is good and God is love
Then God is holy
And how can holiness reside in the presence of this devil?
So if God is justice
Then Hell is not only bloodless
But necessary in punishing our evil lusts
Because a murderer doesn’t deserve Heaven
Even if he’s given to the poor.
And a rapist doesn’t deserve Heaven
Even if he’s volunteered at a day care.
And that woman who was locked in a cage for 57 days
Would tell you that no God would send that man to Heaven
Simply because he failed to create a Hell.
That’s not good.
That’s not love.
But if God is love, then God is relationship.
And relationship seeks healing, even when I have messed up.
So I can’t get to God
But God can get to me
Because despite my stupidity
My failure
My bad
God looked down and said
I love her anyway.
I’m taking her back.
My problem with religion
Is it says I have to follow rules
That God can only love me
If I don’t act like a fool
Here’s a list
Of the things you have to do
For God to say, “I love you.”
Come to church on Easter and Christmas.
Send some money to a third world mission.
Don’t forget about the generals:
Don’t lie, cheat, or steal
Murder is out.
Slander you must repeal.
And make sure you sit behind that curtain
And tell the dude what you’ve done
Because obviously God is too disconnected to know the lives of everyone.
I’m not religious
I’m in a relationship
With a God so big
So loving
So good
That my bad he has overlooked
So when I die
I will go to heaven.
Not because I did the right things
But because I accepted his love
I accepted his gift of eternity.